The Massacre 24

Gor and the others were watching Thia's fury as she massacred the mercenaries, mercilessly.

All of them couldn't believe the little girl they knew was burdened by such an ominous curse. They all heard when the foul creature that appeared called Thia, master.

How can Thia be its master?

How can a child like that, be the master of something so... dangerous?

Thena could not believe what she was seeing, "she has a curse too." Thena thought

"Just like this boy, just like me, Thia has a curse too," she thought.

She watched as Thia used her curse with madness and anger written all over her face.

"I wonder which is stronger".

"Her curse or mine," Thena thought.

Gor also was watching Thia closely as she was busy killing everyone that stood in her way, although everyone thought he was just as surprised as they were, but Gor was just having an inner dialogue with his curse.

"ha ha, Ares let out a loud laugh. I can't believe this, that fiend finally showed himself" He said to Gor.

"What do you mean?" Gor asked. "Are you familiar with the curse?" Gor asked.

"Of course. I'm very familiar with that curse Ares replied, he even asked me to tamper with your memories a while ago" Ares replied.

"What? Why?" Gor asked

"Relax, it was just a short memory, here you go Ares said and returned Gor's memory from the time he encountered" Thia in the palace.

"I can't believe I met her there, why did you do that?" Gor asked

"I didn't do nothing kid, Iku did, he's such a troublesome customer."

Gor could only sigh in defeat, the tendency of his curse being able to manipulate him like that, was something he didn't like.

As if sensing his worries, Ares spoke again.

Relax kid, I could only do that because you don't have full control of my powers yet, but the more you learn to control it the less power I have over you Ares said.

"And you are already getting better," Ares said.

Although Ares's words were reassuring, Gor still didn't feel like he had enough control to prevent Ares from doing what he liked to him.

Ares ignored his concerns seeing there was no convincing the boy and changed the Topic.

"Hey, kid. How about I help you?" Ares asked

"How will you help?" Gor asked.

"I'll give you control of my powers for two minutes," Ares said.

"Why two minutes, why not give me full control every time like her and her curse?" Gor asked.

Ares laughed again, it was as if Gor had asked a foolish question.

"Who do you think I am, death?"

"Kid, her curse is different". Ares said.

"What you are looking at is the curse of death, and death has no weakness. Once you die that's the end. People think life is death's weakness, but it's the opposite, everything alive is doomed to die. The curse of death cannot be weakened and that's why she can use iku's strength in such a manner, although not without a price". Ares said.

"And what Price would that be," Gor asked.

"There are quite a bunch, but the most glaring one is, the Girl is already dead," iku said.

Gor could not believe his ears, "Thia was dead?"

"How can she still be moving in such a manner if she was dead."?

"I know you I'm not making any sense but it's the truth," Ares said.

Gor did not understand what was going on, but he decided to save that for later.

"Ok then, what do I need to do to fully control you?"

"It's a simple thing actually," Ares said,

"But you will have to figure it out on your own. For now, I'm willing to help you. Give you a taste of my power."

"But why?" Gor asked

"Just imagine, during an already desperate situation, you also rise with your curse and vanquished the enemy. Won't that be an epic one?" Ares said, ignoring the real question.

Gor looked at Ares as the Fiend spoke with its voice filled with excitement.

"What a sadistic curse," Gor thought

"So what do you say", Ares asked.

"I agree" Gor replied.

That's great. I have one little request though.

"What Gor asked?"

"The princess and the guard, they have to leave."

"Why?" Ares asked.

"Because they would die if they stayed". Ares said.

"What about the other girl, Thena".

"She can stay, her curse will protect her."

"She has a curse?" Gor asked.

"Oh, yes. She does. I can recognize that prideful curse anywhere, but it seems she's trying to keep it a secret so, shush" Ares said.

"Oh…, this generation of curses is quite something. I can't believe I've met two of the sins in this world already" Ares said in an excited tone.

"Now, let's get to work," Ares said

Back in the real world, Gor observed Henry was still fighting some men can approached him, he assisted him in dealing with them, and once they could talk, Gor finally spoke.

"You have to leave, take the princess, and run," Gor said.

"Well I'd love to, but these guys are persistent," Henry said as he cut down another two.

An arrow flew his way hitting him in the shoulder.

"You see persistent," he said as he went after the archer and killed him before he could fire another one.

"I'll create a path for you," Gor said.

I don't know what your deal is boy, but you need to stop talking like you're better than me. If anyone should run away with the princess it should be you while I clear a path for you." Henry said.

Gor looked at him angrily, he could feel something burning up in him.

He grabbed the knight by the arm and spoke angrily.

"We don't have time you fool, take the princess and run and I'm not asking," Gor said and let go of him

"Princess.., Gor called out. It's time to leave Gor" said.

"Where do you think you guys are going one of the mercenaries said

Gor stood in front of Harry and the princess and said.

"Immediately I clear a path run, and you he said to Thena. Make sure no one follows them" Gor said.

"Why should I do that?" Thena asked.

"Because I can't do it alone," Gor said

Thena looked at him and scoffed, "then you should say things more politely next time" Thena said.

Gor Aura began to rise tremendously, darkness suddenly surrounded him causing everyone to take multiple steps back.

His Dark blade was already summoned, the blade sharper than a thousand swords.

His hair became longer and his height increased a bit, a dark amour suddenly began to cover him as each of his parts of his clothes was replaced by the ominous amour, and a helmet covered his head completing his transformation.

A scream erupted from his mouth and his suffocating aura dissipated, now more focused on his body.

Henry looked at Gor's transformation and was short of words.

"What the hell is going on?" he said.

"Why does he have a curse" Henry thought