The massacre: The dance of Death and Wrath

Gor, or whatever it was he was currently transformed to, Held his sword. The boy looked at the mercenaries the helmet of his amour highlighting two red lights that were supposed to be his eyes.

He took one step forward and all the mercenaries took two steps backward, the next step he took, three heads separated from their bodies, Gor began killing every one of the mercenaries that stood before him.

Of course, they fought back, but the boy's new strength was just too much for them to handle, the mercenaries kept trying to stop him but his movements were flawless, each one had a purpose, each one complemented the other, and each strike of his sword was not wasted. It was almost like they were fighting a completely different opponent, and in truth, they were because Ares was currently at the wheel.

Henry could not believe his eyes, "two of them were cursed, how, how is that possible?"

"What kind of thing would happen to children that would curse them with such a horrible curse" Henry thought.

"Henry," The princess called out to her knight.

Henry snapped back to reality, his gaze fell on the battle, or rather, Massacre. Gor had given them a chance, it was time for them to leave. He ran into the forest with the princess leaving everyone else behind.

Thena stayed behind, killing everyone that went past Gor, How? No one knew. The secret behind the silver-haired girl's strength was still a mystery to everyone, everyone but Gor.

"Kill him!!" one of the mercenaries said to the others but most of them could only stare at him, in just a few seconds their numbers had dwindled greatly.

"Give him some distance archers kill him," another Mercenary said.

Gor didn't mind whatever it was they were planning, he planned to kill as many as possible to buy Henry and the princess time.

Arrows flew in his direction but his movement was so swift and inhumane. It was as if he was made for battle and knew where each of the arrows would go. He avoided all of the arrows gracefully. The mercenaries watched as Gor dodged the arrows that flew towards him. Not even one had hit the target

"What a bunch of worms" Are's said.

He gripped the hilt of his sword and dark flames erupted from the blade.

"Let me show you, how to use this properly," Ares said.

He ran towards the mercenaries head-on, His sword was now of fire, everything was about to go from bad to worse from his opponent.

Swords clashed and the sound of flesh tearing and burning filled the air, Ares' attacks were more powerful and fearsome after igniting his sword with the dark flames. Each of his attacks ended a life in the most gruel some was anyone could imagine.

"Stay away!!"


"Please don't!!"


Screams of fear and pain filled the air, the tables started to turn. No one was safe.

Ashlark who was now looking pale and disoriented, stood motionless as Gor and Thia killed his men in the most gruesome way possible.

Fear and pain gripped his heart, not for the men he lost, but for his failure. A failure that could very well mean his death.

"If Lord Argos here's of this, he'll have my head," Ashlark thought.

But what can he do to stop their advance? As he was thinking this an idea formed in his head.

"Capture the princess, anyone that can take her alive will receive double the usual payment," Ashlark said

Some of the men around him quickly went after the princess,

He faced his other men who were still left,

"Keep both of them busy",

Ashlark looked at the two monsters and Gor finally stood beside Thia, two curses, two monsters, two apocalypses.

"It's nice to see you join the party," Ares said to Iku

Although Thia was in control, Iku still replied in Ares's head,

"Are you sure you should be outside, your vessel's body might collapse from overuse."

"I thought so too, but the brat is sturdier than I thought," Ares said.

"No wonder the strings of fate pulled me to him," Ares said.

"Ahh Fate, what a devious bitch that goddess was," Ares said

"Language fiend, there are kids here". Iku said.

"Well I don't know about you, but I feel these two have lost the right to be called kids" Ares responded.

"Let's get this over with, unlike you, I'm on the clock."

The Mercenaries all attacked the two kids at once, the final dance had begun.

Gor and Thia responded in a blur, their speeds matching.

Thia brandished her scythe, which seems to never tire from reaping lives, and started cutting down everyone that stood in her way, her goal hasn't changed. She was going to end the life of the one who killed Ija.

"Out of my way!!" she screamed as she threw her scythe, forward, a perfect slash and a perfect kill.

Gor was not relaxing either.

The flames of his sword grew more intense everything surrounding him began to burn, the flames caught a lot of people, killing them before Gor or Thia could.

Smoke arose from their location, exactly what Ares wanted, they might be having the upper hand now but once Gor is unable to take anymore. The curse will cease and Gor would be unable to move. But until then, they'll all burn...

Deep in the forest, Thena kept on doing what Gor had asked her to do. Anyone that slipped past them she killed skillfully. The assassin was very nimble, evasive, and strong. But her greatest weapon was her curse. Something she had succeeded in hiding for a long time and would continue to do.

"Search for the princess quickly!!" some men shouted, there were about thirty of them,

Thena knew she couldn't take them all on in a confrontation. She's no Thia after all, but that doesn't mean she can't kill some of them.

As the men all ran through the forest chasing their prey, they had no idea, a predator was in the forest.

One by one Thia picked them off and killed them. They were all scattered across the forest, trying to search for the princess. So it was easy for her to pick them off one by one.

Thirteen Thena said as she killed another.

She kept on with her kills, her movement was swift, the night was the perfect camouflage, and her prey did not see her coming until it was too late. 13,..,14,..15

After killing fifteen of them she heard a scream

"it seems the others had found the princess".

Without wasting time, she hurried towards the direction of the scream.

Sure enough, when she got there, she saw Henry battling ten men, and defending the princess. He was tired, battered, and injured but he was still fighting with all his might.

"What is it about her that makes them want to protect her" Thena thought.

She saw one of the men close to the princess and was about to drag her away as the others were keeping Henry busy.

Thia sneaked up on them, killing the two men before they could even notice her.

"Thena, you're here," The Princess said happy to see the girl was still alive

"You need to leave, more men will be coming," Thena said

"I'm trying, but I think we're lost," the Princess said

Henry returned after dealing with some of the other men.

"Do you know how to navigate this forest?" Henry asked.

"I do," Thena said.

"I'll lead the way, follow closely."

As Thena took a step forward, an arrow landed right in front of her stopping her in her tracks.