
General Zai followed the men into the valley, with no intention of stopping. She followed relentlessly and without hesitation.

Maybe of she wasn't so hot headed, she wouldn't have fallen for the trap up ahead.

As she kept on with the chase, he eyes suddenly picked up something approaching her and she grabbed the object in a knick of time. Although she was saved by her quick reflexes and instincts, she still couldn't keep her balance and feel off her stead. Unlike the General, many of her men were not lucky enough or skillful enough to see the incoming arrows, so, some of them were killed. 

"Ambush!!" One of Zai's men screamed as they finally got to their senses.

"Shields" he ordered and the men scrambled together to form a wall of Shields. 

"Keep your heads down" General Zai Ordered, Picking up one of her dead men's shields.

"That Damn Do"g she said as she stared at her dead men.

After defending from the arrows.

The Men they were in pursuit of had turned on their pursuers and were currently running towards them with full speed and more men. Just by looking at their numbers, General Zai recorded Forty men.

Above them, were still men using them as target practice, a simple but effective trap she thought.

"Shin, she called out to one of her men, help some men and focus on the archers".

"I'll deal with the others, hurry." She ordered.

Shin took a shield wall and some archers to help deal with the assault from above, while General Zai dealt with the incoming threat.

She Quickly Climbed the nearby stead and took charge towards the coming men. Few seconds later, both armies met at the Malee began.

General Zai is one of Wize strongest generals in the military. A strong and powerful General most dubbed as a crazed battle junkie. She drew one of her twin blades and was ready for battle.

"She charged into the coming hostiles without fear and the clash of swords began, accompanied by the tearing of flesh and splashing of blood.

The General didn't waste any time and started cutting down anyone who stood in her way. Her blood was pumping and the adrenaline rush kept her pushing through the battle. Even when she was dragged down from her stead, she kept on fighting, after killing the unfortunate man that fell her from her drasnel. 

General Zai was picking off her opponents one after the other and although they had fallen the enemy's trap, they still had the numbers, and their equipment was better than their attacks, but that was not enough. As the battle raged in, she tried her best to locate the one person who could cause them to lose the battle.

"Where the hell is that old dog" General Zai thought.

Her eye scanned swiftly across the battlefield until she laid her eyes on a large figure, whose face was wrapped with a cloth, taking on five of her men at once.

The man stood unshaken and strong even though he was surrounded on all sides.

The first soldier tried to cut the man down but the man was faster breaking through the attack with an attack of his own. Another soldier tried to bring him down but the large man swiftly dodged the attack and killed the soldier in a single strike. One after the other the other men tried to stop him only to meet their ends at the edge of his blade. His fighting style was precise, strong, and deadly. Exactly what General Zai was looking for. "That might be the old dog," she thought and she quickly made her way towards the man.

General Zai waited until the large man was distracted and opened before she attacked. When she did the large man was still able to block her attack in a knick of time, but not without a scratch. Her blade left a cut on his arm, but it was nothing lethal.

"Tch, I missed," General Zai said regrettably.

"Ohh, if it isn't Zai Zai" the large man said.

"You, you're not the old dog," General Zai said as she heard the voice.

The man smiled and removed the cloth covering his face.

"Captain Farid," Zai said as she recognized the man. I thought you were retired.

"Where is the old dog?" General Zai questioned.

"He's quite far away from here at the moment. Don't worry, he sent me to keep you company."

"You mean he sent you all to die." General Zai said.

"Aren't you full of yourself Zai Zai".

"You don't know if you can defeat me."

"Oh, I know I can Captain." General Zai said with confidence

"You should have stayed retired". She added

General Zai drew her second blade, now she was holding both swords and ready for battle. A quick blink from both of them left the very ground they were standing on to break apart. Their first clash was loud and powerful, announcing to everyone to stay clear of those two. 

The swift and unpredictable General Zai, met her match in the Calculating and strong Captain Farid. Their styles were different but their skills were nothing to laugh about. The clanging sounds their swords made were both rhythmic and lethal, leaving everyone who stared at their battle open their mouths in awe.

The two warriors kept on fighting, they didn't have time to slow down or even take their eyes off their opponents. It was obvious, any form of distraction would be fatal. It was a simple matter of focus or die.