Soldier’s Pride

Farid used his superior strength to try to win the advantage, but his opponent was not naive enough not to notice this advantage. General Zai rarely blocked his attacks, since blocking them would mean risking her hands going numb. Captain Farid used the full essence of his muscular build to his advantage well.

"She's like a damn bug," Captain Farid thought as another swipe with his sword hit nothing but air.

He decided to change his approach and took the third sword stance. "Third sword, howling wind."

There are basically twelve known sword stances that were well known amongst swordsmen. While most sword users could use the first four, it took a sword master to use the next four and only legends had managed the last four, since they required more finesse and skill.

The more a swordsman got accustomed to the weapon, the more he understood the art of swordsmanship and the better they were able to use the twelve sword stances. The first four were great slash, mountain rend, howling wind, and heavenly drill.

Farid used the third sword, a large-range attack that covered a lot of areas, and his attack was successful. The attack hit General Zai but did little to no damage. Still, that wasn't his intention.

Seeing that his plan to slow the elusive General Zai down had worked, Farid went on to deliver the final blow. His opponent, however, was no pushover, and she saw through his plan. Immediately, Farid got close; she perceived his intention and dodged his attack. She managed to get in an attack of her own and ended up cutting his arm.

Farid could no longer hold onto his sword properly.

"Tch, I wanted to cut off his entire arm," Zai thought in disappointment.

"You're a cunning brute, Farid," Zai said in amusement.

"Well, you can also call me the perfect warrior," Zai said in amusement.

"You shouldn't let a minor cut get in your head, young lady. I've been fighting battles since you were in diapers," Farid said.

Farid took a quick step back before taking a deep breath. In the next second, his whole essence became sharper and stronger. Immediately, he took the fourth sword stance. His movement was quick and precise and had almost caught General Zai off guard.

"Shit," the general cursed and immediately used a shield on the ground to block the powerful attack.

She had sensed the spike in Farid's spirit and reckoned he was going to use a spirit attack to make the attack more powerful. The attack pushed the general off the ground until she hit a wall behind her. The attack was obviously very powerful, and if not for her quick thinking, she would not have survived the attack. But, she was still badly hurt.

Farid approached the wounded general in triumph. It was quite the battle, but he had come out victorious, although not without a scratch.

As he raised his sword to deliver the final blow, he said, "You shouldn't underestimate your enemies, Zai. One small move could prove fatal if you're not very careful," Farid said as he stared at Zai.

Immediately, he lowered his sword for the kill. A voice whispered in his ears, "As expected from a true veteran. Truer words have yet been spoken," Jai said.

Farid tried to attack Jai, but he had to make a quick tactical retreat. Not because he was caught off guard, but because his arm was torn off his body by the god sword as soon as he got hostile.

"Damn, How did he, what did he…, when did he…" Farid's thoughts suddenly became a mess as blood poured from his wound like a fountain.

Jai faced the wounded General Zai. "You nearly got yourself killed, Zai. Are you losing your touch? He's just an old man. Sure, he's a veteran soldier, but he's still just another old dog, and an even weaker one than the one we're hunting."

"I feared what would have happened if Farouk was the one you faced."

"Maybe I'll have been mopping your corpse off the floor, general," Jai said with a snarl.

He held on to the arm he tore off Farid and stretched it to Zai. "Get up…" he said.

Zai stared back at the arm, and Jai immediately saw his blunder and threw the arm away.

"Up, General," Jai said, stretching out his bloodied hand.

Zai took his arm and stood up with Jai's help.

"Can you still move?" He asked.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good. Go and help your men. I'll deal with him," Jai ordered.

After General Zai left, Jai faced Farid. "Hello there, Captain Farid… I ...believe I'm correct," Jai finished, his voice filled with false sincerity. "Do you know where the old dog went? Jai asked without wasting time. I have some questions for him."

Farid, breathed heavily through gritted teeth, blood dripped from his torn arm like a fountain.. "I'm not saying anything to a traitor," he rasped.

A spark of annoyance crossed Jai's face, but it was quickly replaced by a chilling amusement. "Really? Traitor? I think there's no one who is as loyal as I am. Just because I refuse to stay loyal to a man like Ken, doesn't make me a traitor," Jai said, his voice taking on a dangerous tune.

"You will not have your way, Jai," Farid choked out, defiance burning in his eyes despite the pain he was going through.

"Oh, that's not for you to decide," Jai scoffed. "If I'm to have my way or not is not for someone as insignificant as you to decide. You just tell me where the old dog is, and I'll be on my way."

"That's not going to happen," Farid replied, his voice weak but firm.

"We had him at Jubai, but someone warned him before I arrived. I just want to know who it was. Is that too much to ask? I want to weed out the traitors so I won't end up like that fool Ken."

"King Ken was a great and generous ruler, you'll never be half the man he was," Farid said, it was obvious where his loyalty lie..

Jai heard what Farid said, and in a heartbeat, he appeared in front of Farid and grabbed his neck, lifting him off the ground. The veins in his neck bulged as he squeezed with inhuman strength.

"I may not be a lovely saint, but Ken is a scum of the earth, and I won't be compared to a scum," Jai snarled. "He may have fooled you all with his benevolence and nonsense, but I know exactly who he is. He's a greedy, bloody murderer. Just like me."

"You can take him, Abaddon."

Suddenly his roommate came to play. Jai's eyes suddenly turned silver and his skin became pale. His touch was colder and his hair turned white. His appearance became more fearsome, more imposing and much darker.

He released his grip on Farid, who crumpled to the floor in a heap, coughing and wheezing.

Abaddon ignored him, his gaze fixed on the broken and bloodied Captain Farid. He stalked closer, and as he did, the temperature in the room seemed to plummet.

Farid looked up at the demonic figure with a mixture of fear and defiance. Jai had suddenly turned into a monster right in front of his eyes. This was a huge shock to him.

The son of hearts pierced deep into Farid's soul. He raised a hand, and a dark energy crackled around it, forcefully drawing out whatever information that Farouk harbored in his head for the last two days.

The process was brutal. Farid screamed in agony, his body convulsing as Abaddon ripped through his memories.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Abaddon stopped. He lowered his hand, and Farid's lifeless body slumped to the floor.

It seems the old dog found out my nephew is in Bintan, Abaddon and Jai's voice resonated in harmony..

"So, are you going there,?" Abaddon questioned

"Not yet"

"I've wasted too much time, I have to deal with Sworis first. The old dog will have to wait. Once the battle in Sworis is over, I'll raze Bintan to the ground."