The Prince of the Sun.

When Ashell shared her plan with Kin, Kin knew exactly what to say to get the people's attention. He had everything he needed, well, except for the mystic get-up he stole from a store nearby. The crystal was made by Ashell. She only needed a few breaths to create the light display inside the crystals. Kin needed to draw attention, and what better way was there than for him to show something worth stopping by to see? Kin had spent over five months in Bintan, and he had made various trips to the mines. Each time, he didn't return empty-handed. Ashell needed various tools to make various weapons, and Kin, being a diverse wielder of various weapons (or at least was taught how to use them), had to send the crystals to Ashell. She had told Kin about how her power worked. She could create different tools from anything that had a powerful energy signature. She used the energy within equipment and her forge to create said tools. Although there was more to the process, as she also needed various metals like silver, gold, brass, bronze, copper, or iron, she could still make do without any of these metals, even though having them would make her work better. Kin had little to no access to real good metals, but iron. And even his iron supply was limited to cooking utensils. He couldn't steal swords without drawing suspicion to himself. So, it was safe to say the weapons in Ashell's Domain were powerful, but not nearly as powerful as they could be. Not even Kin's favorite, Ken. In Ashell's Domain, Kin had four weapons in total. One was Ken, his sword; another was, the Ashell's bow he used in his fight against Daisy and Rafa, and the arrowheads made from crystals; another was a long spear, Maki; while the last was a war axe he named Kasir. With everything he had and Ashell's skills, Kin had everything he needed to create a great show. It would have been better if he had more time to plan, but he would make do with what he had. After Kin made the introduction to his story, everyone stared at the crystal emitting light from it. Although holographic displays were not exactly rare, it was still shocking to see it coming from such a small crystal. The crystal emitted a sparkling light, the shape of a small sun, as Kin began the story. 

"Are you sure this light show would do?" Kin asked Ashell. "It's not really that great," Kin said as he stared at the sun display as it faded away. 

"Are you questioning my work?" Ashell asked in anger.

"Oh, I dare not," Kin replied immediately.

"Um, it will suffice. This was the best I could do in short notice. If you can make it work, then you shouldn't use it," Ashell retorted. Kin could only sigh as he continued his story.

"The Sun Prince was the only cub of the great King of the forest. The King of the forest loved his cub, as it was his only child. He gave his cub everything he wanted, and just like every parent, the King gave his cub every ounce of love he could muster." As Kin explained, a light would shine from the crystal depicting an image that explained his story.

"But the Ekun, the King's step-brother, was furious and jealous of everything his brother owned. He wanted to take everything from him. He wished his brother would disappear along with his cub, so he could proclaim himself King. So, he started hatching a plan, a plan that would give him everything he wanted. He hoped to take everything from his brother forcefully. His greed had taken total control of him. The King, unsuspecting of his step-brother, kept on ruling his kingdom. He had brought the forest to the height of prosperity, and everyone loved their king. They often brought him gifts and prayed to the gods to bless the king and the royal family. The King's cub loved his father's benevolence towards his people and one day wished to succeed his father and do even more for his people."Don't worry, son," his father said to him. "I know you would make a great King," his father said. The Sun Prince was his father's pride and joy. His birth had marked the start of a new dawn for his people, and when the boy was about to be ten years of age, his father decided to crown him prince of his kingdom". "In light of this, he ordered a celebration throughout the Kingdom. And so, it was. The Prince of the Sun was being celebrated by all throughout the Kingdom, all but the treacherous Ekun". 

At this point, enough people had gathered to watch the display from Kin, but not enough to draw the attention of his target. Kin pressed on with his narrative, determined to make an impact.

"The treacherous Ekun," Kin continued, his voice rising with the drama of the story, "looked around the Kingdom and found like-minded people like himself. People who hated the peace the forest King had brought and people who loathed peace but thrived in chaos. When the Ekun found them, he took them under his wing, and so incited them against the King and the Kingdom."The crystal came to life, displaying a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes, whispering to a group of menacing-looking creatures."He made promises to them," Kin hissed, "that he would fulfill all their desires if he were King and he would make the Kingdom greater by conquest of every kingdom around. So their nation would truly be the only great nation.

"The crystal displayed an image of a map, sprawling outwards with arrows pointing towards neighboring kingdoms. The crowd murmured amongst themselves, some captivated, others wary.

"Hearing his promises of wealth, power, and fame," Kin narrated, his voice dropping to a whisper, "his followers swore allegiance to the Ekun and they all plotted to take the Kingdom.

"The crystal darkened, showing a gathering of the Ekun's forces, a mixture of monstrous creatures and disgruntled citizens, all armed and cloaked in shadows.

"And so it was," Kin continued, his voice rising again, "on the next full moon, the night of his tenth birthday, as songs were being sung, gifts were being given in his honor, and joy filled the entire Kingdom, the Ekun and his henchmen struck.

"The crystal exploded with light, transforming into a scene of chaos. The palace gates were breached, flames engulfed the forest, and figures clashed in a deadly struggle.

"Their target," Kin emphasized, his voice grim, "was the entire royal family and anyone who stood in their way. The night that was meant to be a new night of joy, turned into sorrow. Blood filled the Kingdom's capital as bodies littered the ground." A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, some clutching their fist. Kin paused for effect, letting the weight of his words sink in.

"The night that was meant to be a new night of Joy, turned into sorrow. Blood filled the Kingdoms Capital as bodies littered the ground. The Ekun and his henchmen made their way to the heart of the celebrations to Kill the King and his Family. The King and his men fought well and Valiantly, they saved the lives they could, and did their best to fight back. But, all was for naught since the treacherous Ekun had caught the completely off guard." Kin said with a solemn and sad voice. He paused for a while, his eyes showed evidence of pain and sorrow, it was as if he had experienced the event. This made more people drawn to his story, and the crowd had Began to grow large enough for his target to notice.