Tales by sunrise.

Seeing his imminent defeat, the King entrusted his son to his most trusted servant. He ordered the servant to flee with the Prince. He knew as long as his cub was alive, they had hope for a new dawn. The Servant, reluctantly, took the Sun prince and ran as fast as he could. He blended into the chaos and took the prince out of the Palace. By the time the Ekun and his men had finally defeated the King, the prince had escaped.

Immediately, upon seeing this, The Ekun screamed on top of his lungs, "FIND HIM!! DON'T LET HIS ESCAPE!!" A burning rage filled his entire being. He would not rest until his brother's bloodline was completely wiped out.

The Ekun's henchmen scattered themselves in different directions to search for the sun Prince. They moved around the whole Kingdom, turning everything upside down trying to find the King's cub.

The Prince, who was with the King's trusted servant, was sad and sorrowful. He could not help but worry about his Parents. He wondered what had become of them.

"Don't worry, my prince," the King's servant said, sensing his worry. "I'm sure they are fine." They both kept on moving and running. Their goal was to reach the neighboring countries and find allies of the King to take back the country. But as they went on, their pursuers finally caught up with them. They were chased by a relentless mob of the Ekun's henchmen. The chase was daunting and exhausting. They ran as fast as their legs could carry them, and when the King's servant saw how persistent his pursuers were, he decided to hide the sun prince while he drew them away.

"Stay hidden, my prince," the servant said as he left, and the pursuers followed unsuspectingly. A few minutes passed, and then hours, and then days, but the servant never returned.

Tired and hungry, the sun prince came out of hiding and began to search for food. He wandered about the forest for a whole day until he finally collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. when the Sun Prince woke up from his slumber and found himself in a room. He stood from the bed and walked out of the room and saw that he was in a village.

"You're awake," a voice said to the Cub. "You shouldn't move," the woman said and guided the prince back to the tent. The woman, who was also the Village elder, showed kindness to the sun Prince, fed him, and treated his wounds. The prince was happy, and he stayed in the village until his wounds were all healed and his strength returned. He wanted to leave after he recovered since he knew his pursuers were probably still on his trail, but the Village elder convinced him to stay longer. The prince, being drawn to their kindness decided to stay longer with the villagers, he was happy here and was far away from the Ekun's reach, or so he thought. It didn't occur to him that the village elder had recognized him for who he was since the first day she saw him. And had sent word to the Ekun, the Ekun had ordered them to keep the Sun prince there until he arrived to take his price.

The unsuspecting cub stayed in the village for a few more days, and on the night before his departure, the Ekun finally arrived. The cub had been thrown a party to celebrate his departure. He had been part of the village from for only a short while but they claimed he was family so they threw a huge feast in his honor. The unsuspecting prince was happy and participated joyously in the celebrations, that was, until the Ekun finally came to claim his prize.

The Sun prince was shocked at the village elder recognized him and was even more shocked at the manner at which he was betrayed. The prince, who was said to be the symbol of a new dawn, was finally captured and at the Mercy of the Ekun.

The Ekun and his henchmen wasted no time and took the young Cub, they built a burning stake and tied the Prince on it.

"Where is your new dawn now, prince?" the Ekun mocked. "Your father was a fool for thinking I would just sit back and watch him put you on the throne. You are weak. Just like your father."

"Light it up," the Ekun said, and his men did as he ordered. Before anyone knew what was going on, the screams of the young cub reached the ears of every living thing in its surrounding. The burning prince burned and burned and his ashes rose to the sky and as they did something mysterious happened.

At this point, Kin had finally gotten the attention of his target, as some of the guard had come to see what the fuss was all about. Kin smirked as he saw this and finally decided to up his game.

The flames roared around the prince, consuming him whole. His screams turned into agonizing cries before fading into a chilling silence. The Ekun and his men cheered, their victory seemingly complete.

The prince in his in and anguish cursed everything and everyone. His uncle, the villagers and even the gods for condemning him to such a gruesome state. It was unforgivable. What exactly was his crime, what exactly was his shortcoming? Why do I have to suffer like this he thought? Seeing no response, a burning rage grew in his heart and despite his mouth being nothing but ash now, he spoke from within the flames.

"Curse you all!" his souls screamed in pure fiery rage

"Damn you all!"

"I'll make sure you all burn with me"

As the last embers of the pyre flickered out, a bizarre thing happened. A single spark rose from the ashes, burning with an unnatural light. It soared higher and higher until it merged with the night sky, leaving behind an unsettling silence.

The Ekun, his moment of triumph short-lived, felt a shiver crawl down his spine. Fear settled all over the village, a sense of something ominous brewing. The night, once clear, began to cloud over with an unnatural brightness...

Suddenly, a crack of thunder split the sky, and a great comet descended from the heavens, covering the entire distance with its size. The Ekun, his men and every member of the village stumbled back in terror, shielding their eyes from the intense light. The comet grew closer and closer and it flames burned hotter each passing second.

The night became brighter and brighter, it was as if the sun forcing itself into the very fabric of the night, even though it was not yet it's time to shine. As the night grew brighter, the comet drew closer and closer, approaching the Village. Before anyone could react it was too late. As they scrambled to escape, the comet finally came down and burned everything in its surrounding. Everything turned to ash, and nothing living in the area was spared. Kin said in conclusion.

Everyone felt captivated by his performance and had begun to clap but he suddenly raised his hand, and everyone stopped.

Yes, that's what we think we know about the night of the fallen sun, but, there is something else. Something else happened that night, in fact two things happened. One, the treacherous Ekun had miraculously survived the incident and had become the new ruler of the Forest, ruling in tyranny and fear. But, he was not the only one that Rose from the Ashes, The sun prince had also survived the night. He rose from the Ashes, but no one knew. Everyone thought the new dawn was dead, everyone thought their prince had died, everyone thought their hope was gone and they were all right

For the prince they all knew and loved he had died, the hope they all had was crushed by the fierce sun and what rose from the ashes was not the prince they hoped. It wasn't the hope they wanted. It was, the spawn of the Curse of fire. The prince had risen. But at the cost of his very soul.