013: Moving Onwards

Arthur opened his eyes before the sun was at the eastern horizon.

He yawned wide and glanced at his left side, Hui Ying was still asleep soundly after a passionate night they had spent together.

Her sleeping face was so serene and endearing, Arthur couldn't help his urge to give a peck on her tender lips.

"Who would have ever thought that there is such beauty in this wicked world." Arthur mumbled to himself while caresses her face.

Hui Ying wrapped her arm around him as well as pressed her voluptuous bosoms onto his chest.

Arthur moved gently as he tried to not wake her up but she immediately when he got out of the bed.

"Mhh, Master, where are you going? It's still early, please stay a bit longer."

Arthur replied after he puts his clothes on, "I am sorry, Ying'er, but I already have an appointment for few days onwards."

Hui Ying started to shed tears when he replied with a cold shoulder. Decades of loneliness began to overwhelm her feelings, while the past sorrowful memories ran amuck in her mind.

"I will come with you wherever you go, Master!" She hugged him from behind.

"You do realize that your request might get you in trouble with the Holy Church, right?"

"I do… But I won't be able to begin my vengeance if I keep myself locked from the outside world."

Arthur really understands her feelings since he also had a rough time during his younger days when he was so powerless against those who bullied him.

He grabbed her hands as he stood face to face with her.

"First thing first, can you do something with those tails and ears? I mean… people will freak out when they see you in this form."

"Very well…"

Hui Ying stepped back and chanted a spell to change her form.

Stream of lights soon wrapped her body in various colors.

After a while, the shining light subsided, revealing a fair lady donned in a beautiful white and red robe.

Her ears and tails were concealed so she wouldn't attract any unwanted recognition from the crowds.

"You are so beautiful, Hui Ying." Arthur compliments her look.

"Thank you, Master. But we also need to do something with your robe. I am sorry to say this but your handsome face does not befit the clothes that you wear."

"What's wrong with it? And who cares about my look anyway."

Hui Ying snapped her fingers to change his clothes instantaneously.

Within a second, he had already changed to a fancy Hanfu attire. Not too flashy but really emphasized his overall look.

A notification popped up suddenly as the transformation was completed.

[Hui Ying's Hanfu acquired]

[All Defense: +2]

"Woah! This is such a nice attire, how much should I pay for this?"

"No need, Master. It's made from my Qi which strengthens your body even further. Better yet, it will also help you gather Qi from your surroundings."

"Well, but I will pay you back for you benevolence, Hui Ying."

"Fufu, Then... shall we?" She replied shyly.

Thus, the two went out to meet the couple that he met at mercenaries guild, Ming and Yan-er.

Before that, Arthur went to the stable to pick up his horses first while Hui Ying prepared her needs for the journey.

Before long, he arrived at the stable and was greeted by the stable boy once again.

"Ah, venerable master! You are back at last."

"Hello again, kid. How are my horses doing?"

"They are ready, master! I have a hunch that you will be back this morning so I have prepared them early. Wait here, I'll fetch them for you right now."

The stable boy dashed quickly with his short legs and returned with two well-built war horses not so long after.

Arthur was satisfied with the boy's work. Guan Ning and Guan Yu were well brushed from the head to their tails. Their mane and coat was shiny as the morning sun bathed their body.

"Good job, kid. Thank you for keeping them safe while I was away." A proud face was really visible on the boy's face upon hearing Arthur's compliment.

"Hehe, of course! Who do you think I am? The greatest stable hand in Sparrow City, at your service, master!"

Arthur mounted Guan Ning's back with a smile and tossed a gold coin to the boy.

The latter was surprised when he saw the shiny precious gold coin. "Master, pardon my impudence. Have you perhaps tossed a wrong coin to me?"

"No… It's for you, You well deserve it."

"But this is too much for me. I don't want any trouble by receiving this gold coin."

"Then… let's exchange it with your name."

"I am Kangxi!"

"Very well… Kangxi, I will remember your name."

"How about yours, master? I don't know your name yet."

"It's too early for now. Use the money wisely, roll yourself in the army or whichever sect you want to. Find me when you get bigger and stronger. I know you can do that much, right?"

Kangxi fell into a deep admiration to the man whom he doesn't know his name yet. Words of thanks wouldn't be enough to show his gratitudes.

"If this is the fate from the heavens above that bestowed to me, then I shall be at your side when the time comes."

"I'm looking forward to it. Goodbye for now."

Kangxi kowtowed at Arthur as the latter rode his horse into the mainstreet, he stayed in that position until Arthur was nowhere to be seen.


Few moments later, Arthur came back with them to the inn.

"Let me introduce them, this one is Guan Ning and the other one is Guan Yu." Arthur says as he passes the rein to Hui Ying.

"Dare I ask, Where are we going exactly, Master?" Hui Ying asked.

"To the hunt."

Hui Ying tilted her head one sidedly. "Hunting?"


As they rode their horses on the main street towards the city gate, the road was bustling with merchants and their patrons.

They pause for a moment when the two strode their way amidst the crowds. They couldn't avert their gaze especially towards the beautiful lady that accompanied a handsome young man in front of her.

"Is he a lord from another city?"

"Wow, she is so beautiful, he is so lucky having such beautiful consorts at his side."

Few groups of people couldn't stop admiring the sight before them as the two walked past them.

At the end of the road, Ming and Yin were already waiting at the city gate.

Arthur casually waved at them even though he was a bit late.

"Sorry for the wait, there was something that I had to do."

"We've been waiting for you since the dawn break! How dare makes us wait you little sh-"

An irritated expression appeared on Ming's face as Arthur approached.  However, before he rambled on, Ming was completely stunned when he saw a beautiful woman riding a horse beside Arthur.

His lover, Yin, was jealous when Ming kept gazing at Arthur's companion with such lustful eyes.

She deliberately pulled on Ming's ears and made the latter grimace in pain.

"Ow! ow! It's hurt Yin'er!"

"Hmph! How dare you look at that bitch with those eyes!"

"Er… let me introduce you, her name is Hui Ying, er… she is my-"

Before Arthur finished his words, Hui Ying interrupted. "I am just his humble servant, please to meet you all."

Both of them were flabbergasted by how in the world Arthur could get a top tier servant like her. Not to mention her beauty was very befitting to a princess from far away land.

"No need to be that surprised. Now… where should we head to? Do you have any leads regarding those timberwolves?"

Ming came back to his senses once Yin pinched his waist.

"Yes! We are going to the Northern Wilderness!"

Arthur pondered for a moment to clarify Ming's statement. "Hmm… according to the regional season, the northern wilderness has colder temperatures. It will be very suitable for them to hunt their prey during the winter season in that region."

"Interesting! Very well then! Let us go!"

With that said, the four embarked on their journey to a place that was filled with ferocious beasts that they had never heard of.

Arthur was very thrilled by what kind of beast that he might encounter along the way.

However, Hui Ying was a bit sceptical due to her nature as a fox demoness who always put a suspicion towards others.

"Master, are you certain to trust them and follow their leads?" She whispered.

"Not in one bit. In fact, If anything goes south, we just ditch them and save ourselves.There is no need for nonsensical sacrifice for the sake of humanity."