014: Ancient City; Shangri-La

Although they had been riding their horses until the day was nearly dark, Arthur felt that he had not been far at all ever since.

The green meadow stretched in all directions as far as the eyes could see. Thousands strong herds of two legged beasts grazed the weeds peacefully at the distances.

Arthur began to feel bored with the very monotonous scenery.

Although he knew the answer himself about how vast the area was from the knowledge that was given to him by Minerva, he started a chatter to get rid of his boredom.

"This area seems endless, huh?" Arthur complained.

"Not completely endless, these meadows covered about five hundred square Li of this land. Hence, it supports a large number of big herbivores like those Spear Legs and many beasts alikes."  Yin replied immediately, her prowess at geography made her couldn't help but to teach him about the area.

"Oh… you are really knowledgeable, Miss Yin."

"Of course! I am the most beautiful scholar that Eastaros ever had after all. You mere peasant won't be able to fathom this vast knowledge!"

"This bitch!" Arthur was agitated by her cheekiness and cursed inwardly.

However, he held his rage to obtain more information from her.

Arthur always knew that a cheeky, and entitled person often blurted out unnecessary things that lead them into their own demise.

"The day is about to go dark so how are we able to reach our destination or at least reach a nearby village to get some rest? Camping in the wild would be an unwise decision since we have two ladies."

Ming, who was always in front of them, turned his head and said; "Sorry to not mention this priorly, but we are going to the magic portal that is situated at the ancient ruin. And we are almost there, look!"

Everybody looked at where Ming's index finger pointed to. Slowly, a tall and humongous spire was visible at the edge of the horizon, illuminated by the warmness of the twilight.

"This one does not exist within the knowledge that she gave to me." Arthur numbled to himself as he admired the scenery.

On the other hand, Hui Ying caught a glimpse of Arthur's expression. "Is this perhaps your first time travelling with a magic portal?"

"Er… Yes, I think so. Truth to be told, I don't really remember how I arrived on this land either."

A glance of suspicion was so visible from Ming and Yin, albeit he really tells the truth or maybe some of it.

A young man who dressed like a beggar the other day had changed his appearance into a fine young master alikes in just one night.

Yin couldn't help her curiosity about Arthur's true identity and started to poke his nerve to see his reaction.

"Ahem… from how you speak and mannerism. You ought to be very well educated for the very least, Arthur… or should I address you with… Young Master?"

Arthur's face became so stiff as he gripped the rein firmly as he forced a fake smile to Yin.

A moment later, he glanced at Hui Ying as if his eyes said something like; "Can you kill that bitch when everything is over?"

It didn't take too long for Hui Ying to understand what he tried to imply, she smiled and nodded cheerfully.

Ming became somewhat irritated upon hearing their conversation at his back. "Enough with the dilly dally. Let's hurry before the queue is too long."

As the last light of the day dimmed at western horizon, they finally arrived at the front gate of the ancient ruin.

Arthur's expectation about the old and rustic stone walls that were draped with overgrown plants of the ancient ruin was totally wrong.

That place was a heaven for those the unfortunates who couldn't afford living in the big city that was built atop the Dragon's Spine Wall.

As the four entered the vicinity, they were welcomed with the bustling main streets, food vendors and goods merchants erected their makeshift tents to begin their business.

Although the buildings and the streets were less maintained and somewhat seedy, everyone seemed to be so happy albeit they were very vulnerable from the beasts' attack that might come at any given moment.

"I am back! Shangri-La!" Yin was so joyful once she stepped on the ground.

"I will buy some supplies, food and potions." Ming says as he slid down from his horse. "Just take your time and buy your needs for the upcoming journey. Yin, can you help me with the horses?"

"Sigh… Alright…" She obliged his order and tugged the horses to the nearby stable.

While the couple went into various merchants to buy their supplies, Arthur and Hui Ying decided to take a stroll to find something that took a fancy to their eyes.

The aroma of grilled meats and other food lingered inside his nose and led their steps into a small tavern on the corner of the main street.

"Come to think of it, we have been riding the entire day, a mug of mead and some food won't harm our journey, right Hui Ying?"

There was no response from Hui Ying and made him worried about her.

She blankly gazed at the top of the spire as her tears were visible. Without asking her, Arthur was aware that Hui Ying had some kind of trauma regarding that place.

"I don't really know about your ties with this place nor your past life. However, I'll lend my ears and my heart if you need them, Hui Ying."

"My kin and other demon races lived happily in this city for hundreds of years, a sanctuary for travellers and adventurers alikes. The Holy Church and the Demon races were in a treaty for once. But everything has changed since the Holy Church deemed the demon races as heresy and subjugates my people one by one. Everything is still fresh as if it happened yesterday morning."

Arthur didn't expect that deep dive into the sea of her anguish. He knows those feelings really well. Being betrayed and trampled beyond measure.

"We still have plenty of time to prepare ourselves and get stronger. For now… let us eat and fill our belly with food and booze!"