028: The Wolves

Chapter 28 - Two Legendary Wolf Beasts.

"Well fought, Master. And you too… Xiaoqing, was it?" Says Hui Ying, as she approaches the beast serpent.

Xiaoqing's red eyes shone brightly as if scrutinizing the fox demoness as she closed her head in front of Hui Ying. "You sly fox, if you are not my master's confidant, I would have snatched your head and devoured your soul."

"Do you perhaps still angry because I am barged into master's spritual domain previously?" Hui Ying says, calmly. 

"Not angry! I just don't want another person inside master other than me!"

"Fufu… A jealousy? How cute." Hui Ying caresses Xiaoqing's snout gently.

"Stop! Don't touch me!"

Watching the 'friendly' quarrel between his most trusted individuals in the bewildered world was a pleasant sight to behold for Arthur.

"Come on now… Can you two get along please? We still have work to do."

"But Master! This sly fox still need a lesson from me!" The beast serpent was akin to a persistently stubborn kid who needs attention at any given moment.

Arthur let out a heavy sigh, he decided to put her inside the [Spiritual Domain] against her will. "Get inside, Xiaoqing."

"No!! Master, please let me out!"

"No outing until you promise me that you will behave yourself. Of course, I will allow you to hunt more prey if you do so."

"Really!? Alright then! I promise I will be a good girl!"

'I am glad that she is quite easy to convince.' Arthur muttered inwardly.

Arthur never had the chance to experience a marriage life, not to mention a child. However, he started to feel like a parent by having a familiar like Xiaoqing.

"Quite a handful beast, is she not?" Hui Ying tapped his shoulder.

"Well, as you can see." Arthur shrugged.

"Master… About the last time at the ship, I just want to make sure that you were okay. You've been fighting for days and having less sleep than me. I am honestly quite worried about you."

"Yeah I know, but I am perfectly fine. At least for now… And yet, our arduous war against the Holy Church has yet started."

"And I shall be on your side, until death do us apart."

The two took a brief solace after that fight. Enjoying a serene night where there were no single insects dared to make a noise.

"Put that aside. How's the wolves doing?"

"I apologize, master. They were wounded heavily during the fight. I have administered a healing spell to ease their pain, temporarily. However, they are having a severe Qi Deviation thus shrunken their size in half."

Arthur was puzzled upon seeing the two wolves that were now way smaller than the previous.

However, compared to normal wolves and alikes, their size was still way bigger and intimidating at that. 

The wolves growled low when Arthur neared them. The black wolf—Skoll—bared its big teeth, its eyes fixated upon the Heavenly Artifact that Arthur carried on his hand.

"Give us that artifact." The black wolf said directly to Arthur's mind through telepathy.

The white wolf—Hati—stood up, a cold gaze pierced Arthur along with a very cold Yin Qi energy that emanates from its body.

As expected from a legendary class beast, it still manages to do that much.

However, Athur was undaunted, "Sorry, but I can't."

"You shall not possess such power. We need to put it back at it's righteous place." Skoll let out a fierce growl.

"Only our Master befit the power of that Heavenly Artifact. Give it to us at once, or else!" Hati wagged it's tail, a strong hail of snow and ice stormed the desolated battlefield.

Thwack! Thwack!

Suddenly, Hui Ying joined the fray, slapped each wolf with her hand. She was very agitated seeing the wolves' impudence towards her master.

Although she couldn't exactly hear their conversations, she felt the rudeness tone from their growls.

"Is that how you talk to your savior?! You ungrateful dogs! Prostrate yourselves before my master!"

The wolves were taken aback by the women that looked so fragile and endearing could possess such power.

"Calm down Hui Ying. It's okay." Arthur gave her a head pat before she unleashed her demoness power.

"Skoll and Hati, am I correct?"

Skoll and Hati almost jumped when Arthur mentioned their name. "Those names were given to us by our master. How could you know?"

Arthur was so happy knowing that they were his best companions, according to the distant memories of his other self.

"It doesn't matter how I know your name. More importantly, are you perhaps trying to get back to your original timeline by using this heavenly artifact? Did any godly beings tell you to do so?

"Yes, the God of Wolves, Tenshoro, indeed gave us a second chance… But how-"

"That's enough… I'm not quite capable of explaining this yet. But… I believe that I am the one whom you are looking for."

Arthur was convinced that he was indeed in a different timeline, that's all he needed to know since time, space, prophecies and fate were quite confusing to think about.

"Impossible!" Skoll lashed out, thumping his foreleg to the ground, ready to attack Arthur.

"Wait!" Hati halted her twin sibling. Then, she sniffed every corner of Arthur's body. "It's impossible indeed, but he has the same smell as our master!"

Alas, the two wolves end up sniffing on Arthur's body for quite a while as well as licking him to see his reaction.

"Oyy! Stop it! Off with your stinking breath!"

Their eyes widened, it was the same reaction that their master would gave them if they licked him.

"Master!" Skoll and Hati pounced onwards, pinned Arthur under their paws as to lick his face.

"I said stop it," The two wolves doesn't want to listen to him and keep licking his face and hair till everything was all wet by their saliva.

"Hui Ying, please help me!" Arthur was helpless, although their size was shrunken quite a bit, their formidable strength still remained.

"Fufufu… They're so cute." Hui Ying chuckled joyously watching the reunion of those three.