136: A Godly Master

"This monster must be at least, a Mythical Rank Beast!"

Fear soon creeping in his mind, however, losing is not an option!

He drew his sword, feeling its weight in his hand, but he knew it would be useless against the beast, but at least he would find his way out and flee the battlefield.

The Dreadnaught took a step forward, causing the ground to quake once more. Arthur gritted his teeth and steadied himself, ready to face the worst.

But just as the monster was about to strike, a loud whistling sound filled the air.

The Dreadnaught turned its head, and Arthur saw an enormous Dark Dragon coiled down from the sky.

Its shape was long, like a snake, stretching over thousands of kilometers. Even the tail was nowhere to be seen.

As if the dragon itself had appeared from another dimension above.

"What now!"