137: Training With The Dragon (1)

Arthur sweated profusely in front of the Dark Dragon, Kuryu, who had turned into his human form.

Without exaggeration, Kuryu's power level was unfathomable and boundless.

Even with just his sheer gaze, Arthur could feel the weight of the entire universe was on his shoulder.

"Take it easy, old dragon." Arthur says calmly. "I don't want him to die, just yet."

As Arthur said this, Kuryu lowered his Qi Fluctuation. Soon enough, the weight on Arthur's shoulder was lifted.

Arthur's chest heaved irregularly, all of his Qi was depleted just to withstand the sheer pressure.

"Pardon for my impudence, o great dragon." Arthur says, cupping his fists and bows down before Kuryu.

"Hmm." Kuryu nodded, looked down at Arthur with both hands crossed on his chest. "I suppose to train this brat who knows nothing other than swinging his sword like a club?"

"Uh-huh… Do you have a problem with that?" said Arthur.