Chapter 15, Ah Qing, hurry up and invite Mond's Demolition Master over here

Bai Ye has been playing for nearly a month, every day except playing tricks with Zhongli.

That's the person who knows Liyuegang.

It's like a Xiangling that can't be flushed.

Hanging water, the little prince walks in autumn.

Chongyun, who has a very beautiful aunt, and Yun Jin, the head of the Yunhan Club, and others.

These are people that Bai Ye met on Liyue's side.

After playing enough, Bai Ye will start to get busy here.

Because, the road has already been repaired.

All the way to Guiliyuan's side.

A lot of materials are also prepared.

In the next Bai Ye, he will run over there to stare.

During this month, the masons in Liyue Harbor also figured out how to mix cement and steel bars to build a house.

On the day he started working, Bai Ye hadn't woken up yet.

As soon as it was dawn, Keqing, the purple cat, ran over to wake him up from his sleep.

"Bai Ye, it's time to get up."

"The sun is going to dry my ass."

"Today is the day when Guiliyuan starts working. You can't continue to be lazy."

Ke Qing rushed into Bai Ye's room.

Judging from her skilled movements, this shouldn't be the first time.

It is indeed not the first time.

For more than a month, Keqing would run over to Bai Ye to ask some questions from time to time.

Over time, she became proficient.

The awakened Bai Ye opened his eyes and looked at Keqing speechlessly.

"Ah Qing, you are going too far!"

"Break in again suddenly."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ke Qing stared at him dissatisfied.

"You should be working."

"After playing for a month, have you had enough?"

"Dijun expects a lot from you, I hope you don't know what's good or bad!"

Standing at the door, Ke Qing yelled directly at Bai Ye inside.

She didn't come in.

The main reason is that the previous lessons made her dare to push Bai Ye's door, but she did not dare to lift Bai Ye's quilt.

The specific reason has been omitted by thousands of words.

The huge tent rising into the sky is no joke.


Bai Ye reluctantly stood up, brushed her teeth and washed her face.

Then they followed Keqing to the General Affairs Department one by one.

When passing by the breakfast shop, Bai Ye bought two portions of Mora meat, and then he and Ah Qing ate one each and walked over.

At this moment, the General Affairs Department is full of people.

Many people know that today is the day when Guiliyuan starts work.

When Bai Ye followed Ke Qing over, many people were full of doubts.

What's going on with this liar who is the same as Zhongli?

That's right, Bai Ye and Zhongli have been strolling around Liyue Port for more than a month.

This also caused many people in Liyue Port to know Bai Ye.

He eats, drinks and plays every day. He is a rich man.

So Bai Ye still left a deep impression on people.

The most important thing was his unrestrained thoughts that day.

After entering the General Affairs Department, Ning Guang and Gan Yu were already waiting.

"Good morning, Bai Ye."

Gan Yu immediately greeted Bai Ye.

Seeing this, Bai Ye responded with a smile.

"Morning Gan Yu."

"And Miss Ningguang, good morning."

Ning Guang nodded.

When even aloud to get to the point:

"Mr. Bai Ye, I will trouble you next time."

"All the materials are ready."

"The newly built city requires you to keep an eye on it."

How to build the whole city is Bai Ye's responsibility.

And she is only responsible for preparing the materials.

Bai Ye is responsible for the rest of the matter.

At the same time, Keqing will cooperate with Bai Ye's work.

That is to say, all matters concerning Guiliyuan will be handed over to Bai Ye to handle.

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye nodded.

"I know."

"Of course I will keep an eye on these things."

"Since there is no big problem."

"Then let's go."

Saying so, Bai Ye looked at Ke Qing.

Keqing nodded.

"Go straight away."

"Let's stay at the Wangshu Inn first."

"Then come and discuss with the people of each team how to build it."

After saying that, Ke Qing turned around and walked out.

Bai Ye followed directly.

Ning Guang and Gan Yu also followed.

When they came outside, Ning Guang, Ke Qing, and Gan Yu announced the next thing directly.

At the same time, he also introduced Bai Ye to the surrounding people.

Let people know that Bai Ye is next in charge of the construction of Guiliyuan.

After hearing Ning Guang's words, many people were suspicious.

Does this person who has been wandering around Liyue Port really have that ability?

Ning Guang naturally saw the skeptical attitude of those people below.

She just added a sentence.

"This is the emperor's will."

As soon as these words came out, the people present no longer suspected anything else.

For now, I believe in Bai Ye.

The emperor's will?

It seems that there are many things in it that they have never understood.

After saying this, Bai Ye and Ke Qing started to set off with the Qianyan Army.

Bai Ye and Ke Qing boarded the carriage and headed towards Gui Li Yuan.

When leaving the bridge on the side of Liyue Port, you will see a spacious four-lane concrete road.

This is also what Bai Ye requested.

The road is also divided by yellow paint.

Which one to take when coming, and which one to go when going, these are all clearly planned.

Even, if it's appropriate, Bai Ye probably wants to discuss the traffic law with Yan Fei.

The carriage traveled very fast even on a flat concrete road.

In order to build this road, Liyue has spent a lot of thought.

Everyone also understands the reason why the road was built so wide.

In a month's time, the road has now been built to the side of Dihua Prefecture.

Moreover, the road repairers also temporarily stopped.

The remaining cement will be fully supplied to Gui Liyuan's side to build a new city.

The road from Dihuazhou to Shimen will not continue to be built until the cement on Baiye's side is not needed so much for the time being.

At the same time, a certain blasting master must be invited over.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye suddenly had a thought.

"That's right, Keqing."

"Write a letter to Mond."

"Invite their spark knights to help us blow up the pier."

"The deep-water wharf also needs to be built."

"Now we can start working."

"And there are many places in Guiliyuan that are full of stones."

"You can invite her over to sit in charge."

When Keqing heard Bai Ye's words, she nodded and agreed.

"I see."

"I'll write a letter and send it to Mond later."

"I really need her."

The construction method of Guiliyuan is in full swing.

After a while, the ground will be paved according to Bai Ye's design and then the foundation will be dug.

Then all kinds of cement will start to be put down.

Many houses will be built together.

You know, this time, Ning Guang also spent a lot of money.

In order to strive to build a new city as soon as possible.

She invited many masons in Liyue Port.

Those masons who don't have any jobs are naturally very happy.

After more than a month of training, they now know how to build.

Just like that, Guiliyuan will fully bloom in the future.

A series of buildings will continue to rise from the ground.