Chapter 16, the Qiuqiu people have demonstrated it to you

Bai Ye and Ke Qing came to Wangshu Inn and stopped.

At this moment, the entire Wangshu Inn has ceased operations.

It was used by Ningguang as a rest area for Bai Ye and the others here.

The entire Wangshu Inn will serve Bai Ye and the others in an all-round way.

The Wangshu Inn itself is Ningguang's property.

Now that it is used, there is no problem at all.

On this way, Bai Ye also saw that there were no more Qiuqiu people in Guiliyuan.

Basically everything has been cleaned up.

The preliminary work has been fully prepared.

Some places have even started to be bulldozed.

The bulldozing work in Tivat naturally did not have any large-scale equipment, but a group of people with the eyes of the rock-type gods were recruited to do it.

It's not too comfortable to use the God's Eye of the Rock Department for infrastructure construction.


Bai Ye and Keqing settled down in Wangshu Inn.

At the same time, Bai Ye reorganized the model.

The one at the gate of the General Affairs Department has not moved over.

So I have to make a new one.

And Ah Qing started writing letters to Mond.

Start asking that little angel to come over and help with the work.

After getting the mold out, Bai Ye called the people who had been arranged to help and held a meeting.

It didn't take long for those people to gather together.

Bai Ye pointed to the mold in front of him.

Then he said:

"The next step is to start work."

"Today I will spend a day explaining to you what to do."

"Start building from the bridge outside."

"Then head all the way to Liyue Port."

"Don't destroy those relics."

"It can be used as a tourist attraction if it is repaired in the future."

"The area we need to use now is only the distance between the teleportation point of Wangshu Inn and the teleportation point of Guiliyuan."

"The model is here, you can take a look."

"Next, I will get out some blueprints of the house."

"Then you decide who will build those houses."

"We'll repair the road after the house is built."

Bai Ye pointed at the mold in front of him that was exactly the same as that of the General Affairs Department and said to everyone.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, everyone nodded.

They have no objection to this arrangement.

Bai Ye immediately began to draw some house designs.

At the same time, write down the serial number on the mold.

Design drawings appeared out of thin air.

Bai Ye directly used his ability to create.

Seeing this scene, these people were stunned.

Is this the power of the person in charge?

They picked up the blueprints of those houses and looked at them, and they were quite surprised.

easy to understand.

How to dig the foundation is clearly written.

After the design drawings were completed, Bai Ye continued to speak:

"The next step is to start dividing the area."

"The mold is placed here, you can divide it according to the terrain below."

"Although there are some differences between the mold and the map."

"But there is no problem in building a house."

"After you plan the ground, I'm sure there will be no problems."

"And then the construction started."

"Today and tomorrow, you need to get this matter right."

"One more thing is to set up some tents first."

"Workers' rest areas, places to eat, etc. must be prepared in advance."

"If you don't have enough manpower, tell Yu Hengxing directly."

"Liyue is still recruiting workers, and there are definitely enough people."

"Anyway, there is only one requirement, and that is to quickly build the city."

"If there are no workers in Liyue Port, then go to Mengde next door to recruit them."

"The cement factories and brick factories in Liyue Port are already operating at full capacity."

"All the materials will be shipped to us by then."

"There are enough materials."

"Don't wait for the material to be delivered, but our speed slows down. Then it will be a shame."


Bai Ye arranged many things.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, all the contractors present nodded.

After discussing these things, everyone started to act.

When they leave here, they will arrange for those who were brought here to go.

Survey the terrain and set up tents.

Everything began to proceed in an orderly manner.

Ah Qing also came to Bai Ye after she finished writing the letter and had someone send it out.

"Have you arranged everything?"

"Trust me and someone sent it out."

"It is expected to arrive tomorrow afternoon."

"If someone comes over, it will probably take three days."

Hearing Ke Qing's words, Bai Ye nodded and said:

"no problem."

"It's impossible for us to repair the pier so quickly."

"It's not a problem at all for people to decide on time."

"The next step is to break ground."

"Go and talk to the people from the Adventurer's Union."

"Let them find some people to patrol nearby. If there are Qiuqiu people, let them clean them up."

"Also, let someone capture some fire-type slimes and ice-type slimes and bring them back."

"Fire-type slimes can be handed over to the chefs on the construction site so that they can use them instead of firewood for cooking."

"By the way, if you use those guys, you need to get a special stove."

Speaking of which, Bai Ye thought for a while before mobilizing his own abilities.

began to manifest a finished product.

Looking at the sealed iron box, Ke Qing was a little confused.

"that's it?"

She was a little surprised.

Just a sealed iron box?

Bai Ye nodded.

"that's it."

"Put the fire-type slime inside, and the high temperature it emits will heat the furnace."

"It's almost like burning a fire."

"Also, if you want to increase the firepower, just stimulate the slime directly."

"This way the firepower can be stronger."

To put it bluntly, it is to lock the slime in.

Then just prevent tampering with the fryer.

Speaking of which, Xiangling is quite experienced in this matter.

After all, she often did this when she was in the wild.

It's just that Keqing and the others don't understand these things.

After Keqing thought about it for a while, she felt that there seemed to be no problem with this.

But soon she thought of a new problem.

"Then what if we want to lower the temperature?"

"You can't let it keep burning, can you?"

"Also, slimes will explode when they reach a certain high temperature."

Fire slime?

She has killed quite a few, and they often end up exploding.

This will cause a safety accident.

"You haven't seen the holder of the water-type God's Eye go to fight the fire-type slime, have you?"


"Just put a basin of water in it and everything will be fine."

"Just cool it down."


Ke Qing was speechless for a moment.

was speechless.

It seems that this is really the case.

After Bai Ye opened her mind, she also reacted.

Slimes have always been regarded as monsters.

It's also very troublesome, and ordinary people can't afford it, so no one has paid attention to this aspect of the function.

From the looks of it now, this thing is simply a perfect substitute for firewood.