Chapter 39, Cheche is so fast, Cheche

Bai Ye, Ning Guang and the others discussed many things, and then this meeting was considered to be over.

In terms of traffic law, Yan Fei is in charge.

Then regarding the construction of the driving school, Uncle Tian will handle it.

Ningguang will invite Captain Qin to come over here to discuss road construction.

And what the emperor Zhongli has to do is to directly authorize Yan Fei to make legislation.

After discussing the matter, Bai Ye used his ability to create some cars out of thin air on the side of Liyue Port.

Then Keqing taught Ningguang how to drive.

Keqing temporarily became an instructor.

The cars created by Bai Ye out of thin air are completely different from those made by Gui Liyuan.

The car created by Bai Ye is more atmospheric.

For more details, please refer to a certain A6 directly.

After all, it's an official car, so it's enough to make them domineering.

After dealing with this, Bai Ye didn't rush to leave.

Instead, he started playing with Keli in Liyue Port.

It was the first time for Keli to come to Liyue Port, and now she is completely attracted by the bustling scene of Liyue Port.

Bai Ye took Keli to Wanmin Hall for a delicious meal.

Then he took her to Bu Bu Lu.

It's just a pity that Qiqi is not here.

That's why Bai Ye and Ke Li were left blank.

Qi Qi seems to have gone out to collect herbs.

Even Bai Shu is not here.

After the two came out of Bubulu, Keli asked in a daze:

"Brother Bai Ye, what are we doing here?"

Hearing her words, Bai Ye was a little helpless.

"I originally planned to let you meet a little friend."

"But she doesn't seem to be here."

"He is a very cute person."

"Well, as cute as Keli."

When Keli heard this, her eyes lit up immediately.


But soon, Keli was disappointed.

"She doesn't seem to be here."

She also knows that it seems that the other party is not around now.

"Yes, not here."


"Let's go back to where we left off."

After saying that, Bai Ye took Keli and left Bubulu.

Go to the General Affairs Department and drive the car.

Then the two of them directly started to return to Guiliyuan.

There needs to be a white night to watch over there, and Ke Qing's words are to stay in Liyue Port for the time being.

She needs to teach others how to drive.

Then I will return to Guiliyuan when the time comes.

Looking at the scenery outside the window.

Ke Li suddenly asked Bai Ye:

"Brother Bai Ye, is Captain Qin coming to Liyue?"

Hearing her words, Bai Ye looked at her with some doubts.

"I really want to come."

"What's wrong?"

"Don't tell me Keli doesn't want Captain Qin to come over?"

Why do you say that?

Is this little girl afraid that Captain Qin will come over to deal with her?

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Keli blinked.

"Not at all."

"Ke Li is just thinking, if the road is repaired, can Ke Li come to Li Yue to play with Brother Bai Ye more often."

What she thought was this.

I'm not afraid that Captain Qin will make trouble for her.

At most, he would be locked up in confinement.

Besides, she's here at Bai Ye now, next time, she's not afraid of confinement.

Ke Li believes that Brother Bai Ye will definitely protect her.

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

"This, it's no problem."

"If the two sides are opened at that time, it must be to make buses, right?"

"With a car, it will be convenient to go back and forth."

"At most, it will take more than ten hours to arrive at Liyue."

The feeling is that this little guy misses him.

Already starting to think about whether I can come and play with Bai Ye in the future.

I have to say that Bai Ye was quite moved.

Little Keli has me in her heart.


Hearing Bai Ye's words, Keli immediately beamed with joy.

Bai Ye drove the car, and soon brought Ke Li back to Gui Liyuan's side.

Then Bai Ye continued to get busy.

And things about the car gradually began to spread on Liyue's side.

Many people have paid attention to this matter.

Especially some businessmen.

They all know the importance of those cars.

If they have a car, it will be much more convenient for them to trade in the future.

It can also greatly save costs.

Especially when everyone saw the road that Liyue was building.

At this moment, many people can see it.

Liyue is playing a big game of chess here.

At the same time, some foreign people are also very amazed at Liyue's development.

How long has it been since so many things have been produced?

Especially the fools in the Winter Kingdom.

Zhidong Kingdom also develops technology, but it is more inclined to develop weapons.

Most of their technology comes from Kanria.

As for Kanria, there is no technology related to people's livelihood.

More weapons.

Gundam and the like.

But Liyue didn't.

Most of the alchemy technologies that Bai Ye has obtained now are only used in daily life.

Well, the only weapon to talk about is Keli's rockets.

It's not a big problem, it's for fighting monsters, not for war.

So don't panic.


Just when Bai Ye was busy at Gui Li Yuan's side.

Liyue quickly announced the matter of the car.

It took Yanfei a few days to figure out some simple traffic laws.

At the same time, there are things like driving rules.

After writing these things, she and Ke Qing came directly to Gui Liyuan's side to discuss with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye looked at the traffic rules made by Yan Fei.

The most basic ones have already come out.

Looking at what was written on it, Bai Ye nodded.

"Generally there is no problem."

"However, we need to add some."

"You can't drive while drinking."

"I'm too tired to drive."

"Underage cannot drive."

"Those who are seriously ill cannot drive."

"All of these must be added."

"During the exam, I'll ask Bubulu to do a physical examination."

"If there is no medical examination, it is forbidden to test for a driver's license."

"These small details should also be added."

Bai Ye returned the traffic law to Yan Fei.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Yan Fei nodded.

"I see."

"I'll add it in."

After saying that, she picked up the pen and started to write.

And at this time, Ke Qing also said to Bai Ye:

"Ningguang is going to put the traffic control office that manages traffic on Guiliyuan's side."

"Including the driver's license is also tested here."

"She asked me to ask you, is that okay?"

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye raised her eyebrows.

"That's no problem."

"There is no place to practice driving in Liyue Port, so there is no problem if you come here for the test."

"Well, then just let the craftsmen get out the test site."

Having said that, Bai Ye's backhand immediately manifested a model of an examination room.

Looking at this that Bai Ye made.

Ke Qing froze for a moment.


She was a little confused.

This looks a little bit wrong?

And Bai Ye grinned.

It's time for people to know what the cruelty of the exam is.

Backing into the garage, parking on the side, and making an S turn, do you know all about it?

Getting a driver's license is not that easy.

Bai Ye decided to bring over all the set from her previous life.