Chapter 40, the voltage controller is out

Bai Ye got out the examination room, and then briefly explained the functions of these levels to Keqing.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ke Qing immediately understood.

It seems that it is indeed possible.

This is already enough to deal with most situations.

"Well, after the examination room is built, you should practice it too."

"You can't press the wire."

"Take out the mold and let the workers build it."

He directly handed this thing over to Keqing.

As Liyue's chief land steward.

It's OK to leave these things to Keqing.

Keqing nodded.

"I see."

"I'll arrange for some people to make it first."

"Just find a remote place to build it."

After saying that, Keqing took the model away.

Seeing this, Yan Fei couldn't help getting up and saying:

"Then I will leave first."

"I'll come to you after I finish writing the next thing."

"Let's go."

Yan Fei also got up and left here directly.

Walk out of Wangshu Inn.

Yan Fei got into the car directly, and then put her God's Eye on the energy absorbing device.

Immediately after starting the car, he backed up cautiously.

Then they drove out.

Seeing the situation outside through the window, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth slightly raised.

Now these guys have already started driving.

It looks really good.

Everything is on track.

Bai Ye looked around.

It was discovered that Keli was no longer here.

He immediately got up and walked out.

I'm going to go to the alchemy studio to see how those guys are doing.

Have you made the excavators and bulldozers you want?

When Bai Ye left Wangshu Inn and came to Guiliyuan's huge alchemy studio.

As soon as he walked in, Bai Ye saw a huge monster over here.

This is exactly the excavator Bai Ye requested.

It's just that this excavator is not the crawler type from the previous life.

It's the kind with four huge wheels.

At this moment, True Monarch Liuyun is directing many alchemy techniques to finish.

Seeing Bai Ye coming, Zhenjun Liuyun directly waved his wings to say hello.

"Bai Ye, you're here."

"That's right, I've done this."

"Just wait a minute and try."

Hearing her words, Bai Ye nodded.

From the looks of it, there should be no problem.

As expected, it came out easily.

It's true that I can't help this very talkative woman in front of me at all.

Wait until the alchemists are all installed.

Immediately, the alchemist also started the excavator directly, and began to drive the excavator out.

Then, I found a place where no one was around and started trying.

Bai Ye watched quietly.

Watching the alchemist dig out the dirt with ease.

Bai Ye understood.

This is a success.

"Check it out. If there's nothing wrong, send it to the construction site."

"It just so happens that the pier needs to use it."

"By the way, Zhenjun, you should study the assembly line for automatic production of cars."

"It will come in handy in the future."

Looking at the excavator in front of him, Bai Ye directly talked about it to Master Liuyun.

The automatic production line also needs to be prepared.

After all, you can't knock them out one by one manually.

It is also impossible for him to use his own power to continuously manifest.

So an automatic production line is needed.

Upon hearing this, Zhenjun Liuyun nodded thoughtfully.

Next, Bai Ye went to look at the bulldozer again.

Still no problem.

To do this, just add some organs to it.

This can't help Zhenjun Liuyun at all.

Bai Ye also had to admire Zhenjun Liuyun's power.

To be honest, what these people lack is just an idea.

Bai Ye gave them the idea.

They can actually create many things.

After confirming that there is no big problem here, Bai Ye asked them to start mass production.

He came directly to Abedo's workshop.

As soon as he entered the door, Bai Ye saw the flickering lightning.

Then, Abedo is constantly making the Thunder Slimes generate electricity.

Ke Li looked at it with bright eyes.

And the electricity from the slime passed through a device, then connected to the wire and passed to the light bulb.

However, the electricity at this time is not stable.

So Abedo is constantly debugging.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye knew that Abedo was going to make it out.

Immediately, Bai Ye hurried forward.

"You came just in time."

"I can prepare it right away."

"And according to what you said, how much electricity each household consumes will be recorded here."

"Now I'm dealing with units of measurement."

"I've already made the one you need for calculating water."

"In units of tonnage."

"Then this electricity... I don't know what unit it is."

"So let's take the electricity released by a slime in a day as the standard."

"We are doing final debugging now."

Hear what Abedo said.

Bai Ye was stunned.

"The power released by a slime in a day..."


Bai Ye was speechless for a moment.

Let it be whatever you want.

There is a calculation method.

After muttering something in his heart, Bai Ye didn't think too much about it.

After all, if the calculation of electricity is calculated in the way of Tiwatt, it cannot be unified at all.

In other words, the standards are completely formulated by them.

This is very comfortable.

One slime is one slime.

Well, the electricity released by a slime in a day is enough.

A single slime can't usually release too much electricity, only when there are a lot of them together can they release more electricity.

Large-scale power stations can continuously absorb more electricity.

As long as slime is enough.

Of course, relying on slime's words alone is definitely not enough.

If other industries are developed in the future, more electricity will definitely be used.

At that time, power stations will be necessary.

But Bai Ye didn't panic at all.

Liyue's power generation resources are very rich.

In some deep mountains, it is also possible to build power stations.

The wind is very strong.

At the same time, there is also hydroelectric power generation.

If it needs to be done, Bai Ye can still easily find a place to build it.

Bai Ye was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, she quietly waited here.

Watching Abedo get out what he wanted.

Abedo also began to explain the principle of this thing to Bai Ye.

Because he also knew Bai Ye's ability.

As long as you understand, you can copy and create.

It's a terrible ability.

After Abedo finished the test, Bai Ye basically figured it out.

The transformer was successfully produced.

Moreover, if you want to use it in a power plant, you only need to directly enlarge it.

Through high-voltage wires, the electricity can be delivered to every household.

You also need to install a small one at home.

Otherwise, the power will be unstable.

After Abedo finished it, Bai Ye also started to test it.

Make sure there is no big problem.

Bai Ye said to Abedo:

"That's all right."

"The next step is to build the power plant."

"Mr. Abedo, do you want to join us?"

Hearing Bai Ye's invitation, Abedo nodded.

"Of course we want to be together."

"Power generation...well, I will also go back to Mond to build a power station when the time comes."

He thinks this thing is pretty good.

At that time, I will make one in my own laboratory.

As for whether to popularize Mond, that's not something he should worry about.