Bibi Dong's Plan

When Su Mo followed the script given to Bibidong and started wandering around the Douluo Continent.

  On the other side, in Wuhun City.

  After several days of thinking, Bibi Dong finally thought of several places where Su Mo might be now.

  But now, as the saintess of Wuhun Temple, Bibi Dong can't just leave Wuhun City casually.

  And different from her silly, sweet self before, Bibi Dong's mind has become extraordinarily meticulous now.

  Originally, because of her rebirth, her personality has changed a bit, which may attract the attention of people around her. Now she doesn't want her to show any abnormality, so as to attract attention.

  After some thinking, Bibi Dong quickly thought of a perfect reason to leave Wuhun City and find Su Mo in a logical manner.

  That is, after quickly cultivating to level 50, leaving Wuhun City with the excuse of going to the Star Dou Forest to hunt spirit beasts, and then using an excuse to relax when returning, go to a few places where Su Mo might be now, and see if he can find Su Mo. ink.

  After making this plan, Bibi Dong has been practicing in closed doors for a period of time.

  During this period, Yu Xiaogang had been paying attention to Bibi Dong.

  When he found out that Bibi Dong hadn't gone out, but devoted himself to practicing at home, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

  It seems that Bibi Dong should have received the task of Wuhun Temple and devoted herself to cultivation, not because she found out that there is something wrong with him.

  His plan to use Bibi Dong to explore the hidden books in the Wuhun Palace should still be possible.

  And time passed by like this for several months.

  After several months of painstaking cultivation, Bibi Dong was already extremely gifted. After being reborn, she worked even harder. Naturally, she quickly cultivated from level 49 to level 50.


  "Finally broke through!"

  In a practice room, Bibi Dong, who was wearing a long lavender dress and meditating cross-legged as her cultivation broke through level fifty, suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes as beautiful as amber were full of excitement and joy.

  "Now you can apply to go out to hunt soul beasts!"

  After her cultivation breakthrough, Bibi Dong immediately stood up, and even with her current cold temper, she couldn't hide her joy and turned to leave the quiet room, ready to apply to go out to hunt souls beast.

  On the Douluo Continent, in order to obtain the soul ring with the best age, it is often necessary to hunt and kill soul beasts whose strength is far superior to that of the soul master. This undoubtedly requires the help of the master.

  Therefore, in the Wuhun Temple, if you want to hunt and kill spirit beasts, you will basically apply for help.

  And after Bibi Dong applied to hunt soul beasts.

  The next day, someone notified Bibi Dong to see Qian Xun Ji.

  "Your Highness, His Majesty the Pope asked you to meet him."

  Old... Does Chihiro Ji really want to see me?

  After hearing the news from the maid, Bibi Dong couldn't help but have complicated eyes.

  In the previous life, if you want to say who Bibi Dong hated the most, it would be Chihiro Ji without a doubt!

  As Bibidong's most trusted teacher, Chihiro Ji not only destroyed Bibidong's love, but also severely tortured Bibidong's mind and body, making Bibidong experience the darkest moment in her life.

  It can be said that the kind-hearted Bibi Dong in the previous life was completely killed by Qian Xun Ji, and after that, the blackened Bibi Dong wanted to eat Qian Xun Ji alive!

  And after seeing Yu Xiaogang's true face, the reborn Bibi Dong couldn't help thinking.

  Was it my fault in the previous life? I was too stupid to elope with Yu Xiaogang, which made the teacher Chihiro Ji furious, which led to all the tragedies.

  But soon, Bibi Dong denied this idea.

  No! It's definitely not my fault!

  Of course, I made mistakes in my previous life. I was deceived by Yu Xiaogang, a scumbag. In the end, I was so ungrateful that I wanted to abandon the Wuhun Temple that cultivated me and run away with him.

  But even if I made mistakes in my previous life, my teacher Chihiro Ji has a better way to stop me from making mistakes.

  For example, imprison himself first, then drive Yu Xiaogang away, and then use Yu Xiaogang to threaten himself not to continue contact with him, that's all.

  But how did the beast Chihiro Ji do it! !

  Thinking of the tragedies that happened in her previous life, Bibi Dong was so mad with hatred that she made up her mind.

  In this life, she will never let Chihiro Ji go! !

  But of course, she is not yet capable of revenge, she still has to go dormant first!

  After receiving the news that her teacher Chihiro Ji wanted to see her, Bibi Dong calmed down, and after adjusting her mood, she rushed to the Pope's spot where the Pope was.

  And all the way to the Pope's Palace located on the peak in the center of Wuhun City.

  After entering the resplendent and resplendent hall, I saw sitting on the throne at the end of the hall, wearing a golden robe, with long golden hair, a handsome face, and a warm smile on the corner of the mouth, the appearance is very good Chihiro disease.

  A surge of anger instantly rose in Bibi Dong's heart.

  This beast really knows how to pretend!

  In my previous life, I always regarded him as my closest relative, and I always thought of him as a gentle and kind teacher, but I didn't expect that his heart was extremely dirty!

  In this life, I will never be deceived again!

  But even though she was extremely angry in her heart, Bibi Dong still tried her best to be the same as before, bowed slightly to Qian Xun Ji, pretending to be innocent, said.

  "Bibi Dong met the teacher!"

  "Hehe, Dong'er doesn't need to be polite, I heard that you have broken through level 50, congratulations, you are now the youngest reserve soul king in our Spirit Hall!"

  Regarding Bibi Dong's inner thoughts, Qian Xun Ji naturally didn't know, looking at the innocent and lovely disciple in front of him, Qian Xun Ji was still the same as before, and said with a smile.

  "It's all well-cultivated by the teacher."

  Regarding Qian Xun Ji's compliment, Bibi Dong naturally showed a look of not daring to take credit, and said modestly.

  "Haha! This is all the result of your own hard work."

  "Since you have broken through level 50, then you should hunt down spirit beasts and absorb spirit rings. Tell me, who do you want to lead you?" Go to the Star Dou Great Forest to hunt soul beasts?"

  Qian Xunji didn't care about Bibi Dong's modesty, but smiled directly, and asked who Bibi Dong wanted to take her to hunt soul beasts.

  As a saint, Bibi Dong is naturally different from ordinary Spirit Hall members.

  Ordinary Wuhundian members break through and want to go out to hunt spirit beasts. Not only do they need to apply for help, but they also have to wait for several days until Wuhundian arranges a spirit master who has time and has the right strength to take them to hunt spirit beasts.

  But Bibi Dong can choose who to take her to hunt soul beasts.

  In fact, if it weren't for Chihiro Ji, it would be busy.

  Chihiro Ji himself would take Bibi Dong to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts.

  "I want Elder Ju and Elder Gui to take me to hunt soul beasts!"

  Because Bibi Dong knows the most powerful soul masters in Wuhun Temple are Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guigui, so when she heard Qianxun If it was urgent, Bibi Dong, who had already made plans, immediately said respectfully.

  "Yueguan and Guigui? Haha, okay, I'll send someone to call them over."

  "Their two strengths are Contras, because they can use the martial soul fusion technique and the static domain of Liangyi to protect the east. You must be more than enough, let them take you to hunt soul beasts, I am very relieved!"

  Knowing that Bibi Dong wanted Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guigui to take her to hunt soul beasts, Qian Xun thought quickly Think, suddenly said with a smile.