Departure and Goodbye

After meeting Chihiro Ji.

  On the second day, Yueguan and Guigui, who are still ordinary elders of the Wuhun Temple, whose cultivation level is only at the level of Contra, came to pay a visit, and prepared to take Bibidong to the Star Dou Forest.

  "I have seen Your Highness the Holy Maiden! We are ordered by the Pope to take His Highness to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts. This trip will take at least half a month. I wonder if His Highness is ready?"

  Waiting in front of the gate of Bibi Dong's mansion.

  When they saw Bibi Dong coming out, Yue Guan and Ghost immediately gave a slight salute to Bibi Dong, and then Yue Guan asked politely in a soft voice.

  "Two elders, please don't worry, I have already prepared everything that needs to be prepared. I will trouble the two elders for this trip!"

  Looking at the two "acquaintances" who were still ordinary elders and had not yet become enshrined, Bibi Dong felt in her heart There was a trace of complexity, but there was still a smile on the beautiful pretty face, first she saluted, and then replied very politely.

  "Then let's go!"

  After receiving Bibi Dong, Yue Guan and Ghost immediately brought Bibi Dong to the street.

  And on the street, the carriage to take Bibi Dong to the Star Dou Forest is ready.

  Star Dou Great Forest is not close to Wuhun City, although with Bibidong, Yueguan and Ghost's cultivation base, traveling is undoubtedly faster than taking a carriage.

  But Bibi Dong, as a saint, is undoubtedly more in line with her status in a carriage.

  And after sending Bibi Dong to the carriage.

  Yueguan and Ghost also rode a half-soul beast called Unicorn specially bred by the Wuhun Palace, and led Bibi Dong's carriage to the Star Forest.

  three days later.

  In the inner circle of the Star Dou Great Forest, in the dense forest, three figures were rapidly shuttling through the forest, two in front and one behind.

  And in front of the three figures, a dark crypt spider with dark purple patterns all over its body, many scars on its body, and green blood was running away at an extremely fast speed.

  And while escaping, the crypt demon spider continued to drill towards various rough terrains, trying to get rid of the pursuers behind it.

  But it's a pity... Looking at the fleeing crypt spider in front of him, Guimei continued to drink coldly, raised his right hand, and launched the fourth soul skill: Ghost Shadow one after another.

  A black vortex of soul power was condensed in the right hand, continuously releasing ghost images, roaring and attacking the crypt spider fleeing forward.

  However, in the face of ghostly attacks continuously released by Ghost's fourth soul ability, it was a wrong decision for the Crypt Demon Spider to flee to places with rough terrain, and the space to escape became smaller and smaller.

  "Fifth soul skill, Ghost Shadow Ditan Hand!"

  Finally, after catching a flaw in the Pit Demon Spider, Gui Mei yelled again, and instantly activated the fifth soul skill: Ghost Shadow Ditan Hand.

  For a moment, the shadow under the ghost spread out instantly, covering the body of the Crypt Demon Spider, and then countless pitch-black ghost hands stretched out continuously, firmly controlling the Crypt Demon Spider in place.

  good chance!

  Seeing that the ghost used the ghost shadow hand to control the crypt spider, Yue Guan's eyes lit up, and he activated his soul skills in an instant, ready to control the crypt spider.

  "Fifth Soul Skill: Gathering of Hanying!"

  Suddenly, as Yueguan raised his right hand, the Qirong Tongtianju Martial Soul floating on his right hand suddenly burst into golden light, and countless petals fell off instantly, as if turning into one after another With a cold light shining like a sharp blade, it roared in the air, turning into a tornado and sweeping towards the Crypt Demon Spider.


  After being shrouded in a tornado transformed by the petals of the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum, facing the cutting of countless sharp petals, the Crypt Demon Spider was severely injured and fell powerlessly to the ground amidst the shrill hissing sound. on the ground.

  "Your Highness, it's your turn. This 10,000-year-old crypt spider meets His Highness' requirements. If His Highness thinks it's good, go and kill it!

  " Behind the crypt demon spider in front of her, Yue Guan couldn't help but look at Bibi Dong who was rushing behind her, and said.

  "I see."

  Regarding Yue Guan's suggestion, Bibi Dong did not refuse. Before and after walking up, she took out a sharp dagger and killed the Pit Demon Spider, absorbing the Soul Ring of the Pit Demon Spider on the spot.

  And after spending several hours, Bibi Dong finally absorbed the soul ring of this crypt demon spider.

  This time, the mission to hunt down the soul beast can be declared complete.

  But when leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, Bibi Dong asked Yueguan and Ghost on the way.

  "Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, this time we hunted the soul beasts very smoothly. It would be a waste of the opportunity to go back this time. I think it's okay to take a stroll around the city?"


  Hearing Bibi Dong's request, both Yueguan and Ghost could not help but hesitate.

  As elders, they were tasked with taking Bibi Dong out to hunt and kill soul beasts. After completing the task, for safety's sake, they definitely wanted to bring Bibi Dong back as soon as possible.

  But they couldn't ignore Bibi Dong's request.

  After all, the girl in front of her is the saint of their Spirit Hall. Even if she can't be the pope of the Spirit Hall in the future, with her twin martial souls and innate talent of full soul power, her status in the Hall of Spirits is absolutely incomparable.

  If possible, of course they also want to curry favor with Bibi Dong.

  In the end, Yueguan and Guimei agreed to Bibidong.

  Because in their view, with their strength, they are completely able to protect Bibi Dong's safety, and it shouldn't be a problem just to take a stroll around the surrounding cities.

  Afterwards, after leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, Bibi Dong got the chance to visit other cities before returning to Wuhun City as she wished.

  According to the cities that Su Mo might be in now, Bibidong rushed to them in order according to the distance.

  But unfortunately, from the nearest Molan City, to Dunding City, and then to Black Rock City, Bibi Dong didn't see any trace of Su Mo, which made Bibi Dong extremely anxious.

  What's going on, why didn't Xiaomo be seen in three cities in a row.

  Could it be that I remembered wrongly?

  Or, am I looking for the wrong time?

  But probably not!

  I stayed in every city for at least three days.

  I clearly remember that Xiao Mo said that although he would go out of the city to find food when he had something to do, he would return to the city before night because it was too dangerous in the wild.

  Now we can only see if Xiaomo can be found in Lanto City at the end... Bibidong

  clenched her hand tightly.

  And riding in a carriage, after rushing to Lanto City.

  "Your Highness, should we take a stroll around this city first?"

  After entering Lanto City, according to Bibi Dong's request of entering several cities before, the driver of the carriage turned back to Bibi Dong in the carriage and asked. road.

  "Well, let's take a stroll first."

  Bibi Dong felt a little nervous, but still took a deep breath, opened the curtains, pretended to appreciate the city, and replied without any abnormality.

  "Okay, Your Highness the Holy Maiden."

  After receiving Bibi Dong's order, the coachman driving the carriage responded immediately, and at the same time shook the reins in his hand, and began to drive the carriage along the streets of Lanto City.

  Behind him, Yueguan and Guimei rode on unicorns and followed closely behind.




  "Still not..."

  Sitting behind the carriage, I kept looking at the streets around me. On the main street, there were basically no beggars. To beggars, but they are not Su Mo, Bibi Dong can't help but become more and more disappointed.

  But just when Bibi Dong thought that this time he might return without success.

  In an alley not far away, there was a sudden burst of crazy dog ​​barking.

  "Go and have a look."

  Hearing the voice, Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel moved, and immediately asked the driver to rush over.

  And when it came to the alley.

  When I saw a dark alley, next to a trash can.

  A little boy with ragged clothes and disheveled hair was leaning against the trash can, holding a stick in one hand and a bag of bread that had been thrown away in the other. With his mouth pursed, he nervously confronted two stray dogs while standing.

  In the carriage, Bibi Dong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes turned red, and a soreness surged out of her heart.'s Xiaomo, I finally found you!