Dialogue with Ah Yin, the first step in sleeping (1)

Beside the eyes of the Ice and Fire Liangyi, a thick white mist permeates everywhere.

  And under the fiery red and ice blue rays of light from the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eyes, the plants have different colors and look extraordinarily strange. The rare medicinal herbs and immortal spirit grasses that are rarely seen in the outside world are faintly visible in the mist.

  After planting the seeds of Ah Yin.

  Through the soul power refined by devouring the soul in the death sickle martial soul, Su Mo recovered A Yin's soul damaged by the sacrifice, and at the same time endured the excitement and agitation, and began to awaken A Yin who was sleeping in the seed. soul.

  "Ayin, wake up..."

  Under the nourishment of Su Mo's continuous input of soul power, as the soul damaged by the sacrifice gradually recovered, Ayin finally woke up deeply.

  "Where is this place, haven't I already sacrificed..."

  After waking up, he found that the surrounding area was completely dark, and he could faintly feel that his body seemed to be in the mud, which made Ah Yin feel a little unbelievable .

  She clearly remembered that under the pursuit of Wuhundian, in order to keep her husband Tang Hao and her newborn son alive, she had already chosen to sacrifice.

  Logically speaking, she should have died by now, but she did not expect that she would survive.

  Could it be that because of the powerful vitality of the Blue Silver Emperor, she couldn't die even if she sacrificed, but the soul and the remaining vitality merged and turned into a seed?

  "It seems that after the sacrifice, he didn't die, but turned into a seed. Even Ah Yin didn't expect..."

  Because he was inputting soul power to restore Ah Yin's soul, Su Mo also sensed Ah Yin's thoughts , his eyes couldn't help flickering slightly, thinking in his heart.

  But that's right, sacrifices, even for hundred thousand year soul beasts, are just legends.

  As for the 100,000-year Blue Silver Emperor, Ah Yin is probably the only 100,000-year-old soul beast transformed by the Blue Silver Grass in the Douluo Continent.

  According to the legend, almost all sacrifices are mortal. As the only one hundred thousand year old blue silver grass, Ah Yin must have never imagined that she was so unique that she could survive.

  "Who are you?"

  After being shocked that she survived, and soon discovering Su Mo's existence, Ah Yin couldn't help releasing a mental wave, and asked Su Mo's whereabouts vigilantly. identity.

  "Who am I? Is this how you treat your savior? If it weren't for me, I'm afraid you don't know how long it would take you to regain consciousness!"

  Su Mo couldn't help smiling when he realized that Ah Yin's attitude towards him was vigilant. Yin replied with mental fluctuations.

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Ah Yin also felt that she was a little too unfriendly, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed in her heart, but she was still a little surprised and uncertain.

  Because even if she survived the sacrifice, the seed she transformed after surviving should be in the hands of her husband Tang Hao, how could it appear in the hands of such a strange boy.

  "Sorry, thank you for saving me, but why am I here?"

  "You can use this pure soul power to restore my consciousness, it seems that you should know my identity, why am I in your hands , where is my husband Tang Hao?"

  After being silent for a while, Ah Yin couldn't help sighing, in a somewhat apologetic tone, but still asked herself why she was here.

  "Actually, I stole you from your husband Tang Hao!"

  Facing Ah Yin's question, Su Mo's slightly stern handsome face suddenly flashed a playful look, and he replied directly without concealing it.

  "What! You stole me from Brother Hao, why...why did you do this!!" At first

  I thought Su Mo would reply that I picked it up or something, but I didn't expect Su Mo's answer to be so unexpected. It would be stolen, which made Ah Yin feel both surprised and angry

  "Why should I do this? Hehe, of course it's because I've taken a fancy to you. Don't forget, you are a hundred thousand year soul beast!"

  "Even if you have lost all your cultivation and become a seed, but You still have the aptitude to be restored to a soul beast with a cultivation level of 100,000 years, so is it strange that I stole you from him?"

  Although Ah Yin was angry and angry, Su Mo was still very indifferent.

  "But...but I am Brother Hao's wife. Even if you stole my body, my heart still belongs to Brother Hao."

  "In the future I can repay your kindness, but once I recover, I I'll still go to my husband and son, what's the use of stealing me here!"

  Seeing that Su Mo didn't feel ashamed at all, Ah Yin felt a little headache and helpless.

  "Sister Ah Yin, Tang Hao is indeed your husband, but you are so loyal to him, but do you think he really loves you so much?

  " Soul beast, even after transforming into form, you are only cultivating in our human world, and you have never had much contact with humans."

  "So once you meet Tang Hao, who is not bad, you fall in love with him."

  "But You regard Tang Hao as everything to you, and in the end you would rather sacrifice yourself in order to let him live, but if you treat him wholeheartedly, does he really regard you as everything to him?" I

  found out that A Yin has been keeping his words inseparable Tang Hao, although Su Mo felt a little upset, a sense of challenge also rose in his heart, thinking about how good it would be if he could pry the loyal Ah Yin away from Tang Hao, and let her love him so wholeheartedly in the future .

  So, Su Mo couldn't help a sneer from the corner of his mouth, and said lightly.

  "Don't slander Brother Hao."

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Ah Yin couldn't help but feel a little funny.

  "Brother Hao must love me, there is no doubt about it, otherwise when we were discovered by the Wuhun Palace and the Wuhun Palace asked Brother Hao to hand me over, he would have handed me over to the Wuhun Palace."

  Speaking of the latter, Ah Yin couldn't help becoming more determined towards Tang Hao in his heart.

  "Oh? Really?"

  But Su Mo's mouth twitched into a sneer and playfulness.

  "I also know about your affairs. When you were discovered by Wuhundian, Tang Hao did not give up on you, but sacrificed his life to kill you, but didn't you think about it? Why did everything happen so coincidentally? Tang Hao just took you to Lanxia City, have you been discovered?"

  "What do you mean by that?"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Ah Yin couldn't help being stunned, feeling inexplicably unnatural.

  But why her husband Tang Hao suddenly insisted on taking him to the city at that time, and he met someone from the Wuhun Palace so coincidentally in the city, which led to his discovery.

  He didn't think about it before, but now that he heard Su Mo's words, Ah Yin had to think about these things, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with it.

  But even so, Ah Yin was unwilling to doubt Tang Hao.

  She didn't believe that her husband did all of this.

  But unfortunately, what Su Mo wants is to use this incident as an entry point, so that Ah Yin's feelings for Tang Hao will gradually change from loyalty and love to anger and hatred.

  So, after saying this, Su Mo immediately activated the fourth soul skill: Abi Hell, which created a fantasy space and pulled Ah Yin's consciousness into it instantly.