Stunning beautiful wife, sow discord! (2)

There are white clouds floating in the blue sky.

  And below, there is a green grassy hillside, a big green tree grows on the hillside, and there are patches of colorful flowers on both sides, which together form a lush sea of ​​flowers, and there is a piece of birdsong and fragrance of flowers everywhere.

  This is the fantasy space created by Su Mo!

  Su Mo's death sickle martial soul, the fourth soul ability obtained by it: Abi Hell, is of course a soul ability that can kill enemies through illusions.

  But the shaping of the illusion only depends on Su Mo's ideas.

  In fact, Su Mo can not only create a hell-like illusion, but also create a beautiful illusion like now.

  The reason why Su Mo deliberately created such a beautiful illusion now is naturally to have a dialogue with Ah Yin.

  In the illusion.

  After pulling Ah Yin's consciousness into this illusion through the fourth soul skill: Abi Hell, in front of Su Mo, a graceful figure slowly emerged out of thin air, and then landed on the grass.

  Looking at the delicate and beautiful woman with azure blue hair in front of her.

  Because she was only a conscious body, the beautiful woman's body had no blemishes at all. A beautiful blue and silver long dress was quietly spread out, revealing a section of white plump thighs and slender calves.

  The silver-blue waistband around the waist outlines a seductive curve, especially the proud and choppy peaks on the chest, which are even more plump and proud because they are in the breastfeeding period.

  This made Su Mo stunned for a moment.

  Because of the anime in the previous life, Su Mo has always found Ah Yin ugly in the anime, so even after timetraveling, Su Mo is not very interested in Ah Yin.

  But now, looking at the enchanting and beautiful wife who has fully matured in front of her.

  Because she has given birth to a child, Ah Yin's body is now extremely mature, and her identity as a plant soul beast endows her with a unique purity and beauty.

  Two very different temperaments are intertwined together, which makes people unable to take their eyes off it.

  This made Su Mo sigh.

  Such a beautiful wife, paired with a decadent older man like Tang Hao, is nothing short of reckless!

  Now that he has seen this beauty, Ah Yin should belong to him. Although Ah Yin has become a wife, it doesn't matter, this identity is actually more exciting to think about!

  After all, Cao thief, who doesn't want to be a thief?

  Besides, Ah Yin is already a wife.

  But now that Ah Yin has nirvana and become a seed, when he re-cultivates it to a 100,000-year-old form in the future, Ah Yin's body should be completely new.

  At that time, he can still enjoy Ah Yin's purity, and because of Tang Hao's help, Ah Yin also has the glamorous and mature temperament of a wife, which is not perfect!


  While Su Mo was amazed by A Yin's beauty at this time, A Yin's consciousness finally woke up again after being dragged into the illusion for a moment.

  "Where is this place?"

  Seeing that he had regained his human form and appeared in an extremely beautiful place, Ayin's mature, quiet, beautiful face suddenly flashed with shock, and he sat up from the ground. .

  And at this time, Ah Yin also saw Su Mo.

  "Are you the one who communicated with me just now?"

  When he saw the young man who was wearing a black gold silk black robe, tall and straight, with a handsome face and a slightly cold demeanor, Ah Yin couldn't help being stunned, feeling a little incredulous.

  She did not expect that Su Mo would be so young, it seems that he is not yet an adult, right?

  "Hello! Sister Ayin, my name is Su Mo. This is the first time we met. Sister Ayin, you are more beautiful than I imagined. We should be together forever in the future. Please take care of me in the future!"

  Looking at the mature beauty in front of her Su Mo smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to take A Yin's jade hand, kissed it lightly, and said.

  "You... what are you doing? We've only met for the first time. How could you do this!"

  Feeling a sudden coolness on the back of her white hand, Ah Yin came back to her senses and found Su Mo's behavior, so she couldn't help pulling back Hand, feeling very ashamed and annoyed, couldn't help but say.

  Since becoming a mother, Ah Yin thinks her personality has become very gentle and demure, and she seldom gets angry, but she didn't expect her mood to fluctuate so easily today.

  "Although we are indeed meeting for the first time today, in the future, I believe that you will only belong to me, Sister Ayin, so it doesn't matter if we get close, right?"

  Su Mo smiled faintly.

  "What nonsense are you talking about? I am Brother Hao's wife and the mother of our child. Even if you saved me and treated me well, I will never stay with you just to repay you. What does it mean that in the future I will only belong to You!"

  Regarding Su Mo's domineering declaration, A Yin, the beautiful wife who has always been gentle and quiet, couldn't help feeling a little angry at this moment.   "I know you definitely don't want to accept it now, let's go back to our previous question, have you ever thought about why Tang Hao would suddenly take you to Lanxia City, and you just happened to meet someone from the

  Spirit Hall there?"

Yin was still thinking about Tang Hao, Su Mo was not angry, but just smiled lightly, brought the topic back to the previous question, and said.

  "Why? Are you saying that brother Hao took me there on purpose? I don't believe it. Brother Hao has no reason to do this at all!"

  Ayin smiled coldly and said firmly.

  "Of course he didn't do it on purpose. In fact, he was also deceived. This is actually his father's conspiracy."

  Su Mo said slowly with a playful smile on his lips.

  "Brother Hao's father..."

  Hearing this, Ah Yin couldn't help but fell silent.

  She knew that Tang Zhen had always been unwilling to accept her, but she never thought that even though she was pregnant with the Tang family's child, Tang Zhen would still plan to kill her.

  This made Ah Yin feel a little sad for a while.

  "Since Brother Hao was also cheated, then what are you talking about? Brother Hao has been protecting me with all his might. It is my pride to have such a husband."

  A Yin took a deep breath and pretended not to care. .

  "Hehe, Tang Hao has been trying to protect you."

  "But you are pregnant with their Tang family's child, and Tang Hao's father wants to kill you. Aren't you angry? You don't want to let Can Tang Hao seek justice for you?"

  Although A Yin didn't seem to care about being set up by Tang Zhen, but only cared about Tang Hao's attitude, Su Mo didn't believe that there was such a generous wife. There is probably no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the world.

  So Su Mo couldn't help but twitched a bit of playfulness at the corner of his mouth, and began to sow discord.

  But hearing Su Mo's words, Ah Yin became even more silent.

  Although she acted like she didn't care about being framed by Tang Zhen just now, how could it be possible that she didn't want her husband to seek justice for her!

  It's just that things have come to this, what can she do?

  For the sake of the child, she could only endure it!

  After all, it was impossible for her to let her husband Tang Hao kill his father Tang Zhen to avenge herself.