Talking about Tang Hao's fear back then!

In the fantasy world of singing birds and fragrant flowers, everything seems real.

  Seeing Tang Hao again, Ah Yin felt a little complicated.

  I haven't seen her for many years, and her feelings for Tang Hao have not changed, but the baptism of time has made her a little scared. Is Tang Hao's feelings for her the same?

  If so, in his heart, is she more important, or his father Tang Zhen, Haotianzong or the blasphemer who occupied his son's body is more important?

  If in the past, Ah Yin would have had full confidence in Tang Hao, she would definitely be more important!

  But now, she dare not think so.

  What Su Mo had said to her all this time had subtly affected her.

  Even if she didn't want to believe it, her heart was still affected.

  But I don't know whether what Ah Yin is afraid of is simply Su Mo's words, or the human heart that she has vaguely felt.

  Compared with soul beasts with pure hearts, human hearts are still complex and ever-changing...

  "Brother Hao, I'm so sorry, are you... okay?"

  Standing under a lush tree, a breeze gently Blowing over, the skirt of the silver-blue dress on Ah Yin's body was blown up.

  Looking at Tang Hao, Ah Yin's eyes couldn't help being complicated.

  "Of course I remember! Ah Yin, do you know that I miss you all the time!"

  "Every day when I fall asleep, I will have nightmares, and I will always remember that when we fled with Xiaosan, you chose to sacrifice to protect us. "

  I will never forget the scene of you disappearing in front of me back then, and every time this happens, I will wake up with a start..."

  Looking at the lover who was already a stranger in front of him, Tang Hao wanted to get closer, but his body trembled, especially his lips, even his voice trembled a little, and he couldn't help sobbing, with tears streaming down his eyes.

  "Brother Hao..."

  Hearing Tang Hao's trembling words, Ah Yin was also very moved at the moment, and she couldn't help covering her cherry lips with a pair of jade hands, and a pair of beautiful silver-blue eyes were also covered with a layer of mist .

  "It turns out that Brother Hao has never forgotten me..."

  Thinking that Tang Hao has always remembered himself like this, Ah Yin was moved, and suddenly felt a little confident in his heart.

  I just want Brother Hao to agree to let Tang Zhen kneel in front of his child's grave to atone for his dead child's sins and admit his mistakes. I didn't mean to kill him on purpose. Brother Hao should agree, right?

  "By the way, Ah Yin, I forgot to say that our child has grown up, but he looks like me instead of you. I named him Tang San, and San represents you.

  " When you and I sworn brothers, you said you were the youngest, so we ranked third, and we all called you the third sister. Back then, you were so gentle, kind, lively and lovely.

  " To pursue you, I originally thought you would like a more mature and stable elder brother, but I didn't expect you to choose me in the end..."

  After expressing his love for Ah Yin, Tang Hao wiped away his tears and calmed down a little After finishing, he couldn't help talking about Tang San and the past.

  Regarding the reunion with Ah Yin, Tang Hao still regards this as a dream.

  But when Tang Hao actually mentioned Tang San, compared to Tang Hao's complex and lamented emotions, Ah Yin only felt disgust in his heart.

  Because in his opinion, this Tang San was not her son, but the extraterrestrial demon who occupied his son's body, a hateful blasphemer!

  So Ah Yin, who was still very moved and happy, couldn't help but suddenly became indifferent, and boundless hatred and anger surged in his heart again.

  No! My son, the son I wanted to protect even if I sacrificed myself, was killed by that hateful Tang Zhen!

  Now that the child's body is still occupied by an extraterrestrial demon, I must give the child an explanation!

  "Brother Hao, stop talking!"

  Ah Yin interrupted Tang Hao indifferently, she hated hearing anything about Tang San!


  Tang Hao couldn't help being stunned when he found that Ayin was suddenly angry, and suddenly felt that Ayin was a little strange.

  But the next moment, Tang Hao couldn't help laughing in his heart.

  How could I think so?

  This is just a dream, everything in the dream is ever-changing, everything is chaotic, it is normal for Ah Yin's personality to change.

  After all, this is just Ah Yin in his dream, not his real gentle and virtuous wife!

  "Brother Hao, actually I came to see you this time because I want to tell you, and I beg you for one thing!"

  After interrupting Tang Hao's words, Ah Yin looked at Tang Hao again, his eyes were already a little complicated .

  "Ayin, if you want to tell me something, just say it directly, I'll listen!"

  "As for asking me for one thing, we are husband and wife, as long as I can do anything, I will definitely do it if you say it." Help you, there is no need to ask for words between us!"

  Tang Hao laughed a little, and said directly.

  "Okay! Then I'll say it straight!"

  Ah Yin took a deep breath, suppressed the sadness and grief in his heart, and said directly.

  "Brother Hao, actually... What I want to tell you is, do you remember when we were hunted down by the Wuhun Temple? At the beginning, I was holding the child, because we were hunted down, the child was always in my arms." Crying, but in the middle of a period of time, the child suddenly stopped crying..."

  "Actually... Actually, Brother Hao!! Actually, our child was already dead at that time!!"

  Speaking of the latter, Ah Yin finally couldn't help crying with sobs.

  On the gentle and charming pretty face, drops of crystal tears kept sliding down from the beautiful silver-blue eyes.


  Tang Hao was startled suddenly.

  He couldn't believe it at all, Ah Yin would say such a thing, this must be a dream!

  But even though I thought so in my heart, I was trying my best to hypnotize myself like this.

  But Tang Hao couldn't help but think of what happened when he was hunted down.

  At the time... it seemed like the baby was crying all the time when it did start.

  But at some point in the middle, the child suddenly stopped crying.

  If he didn't think about it, he would definitely think that the child was tired from crying.

  But if you think about it carefully, he was chased and killed by Wuhundian at that time.

  All kinds of powerful soul skills continued to attack from behind.

  With the commotion, it was impossible for the child to fall asleep, even if he was tired from crying.

  So... so...

  Tang Hao didn't dare to think about it anymore, he suddenly felt terrified in his heart.

  He realized that when he was hunted down by Wuhundian, the child's behavior was somewhat unreasonable.

  But his children are still with him now, it is impossible to die at that time!

  This must be a dream!

  This must be a dream! !

  Tang Hao couldn't help persuading himself in his heart, as if he was hypnotizing himself.

  "A Yin, you must have remembered wrongly. Our child is still alive. How could he have died when we were hunted down by the Wuhun Palace!

  " Only then did you save me and my child, our child lives because of you, Ah Yin!"

  Although he felt abnormal in his heart, Tang Hao still didn't want to believe what A Yin said, but believed more in the reality he was experiencing, so he couldn't help but said loudly to A Yin.

  It seemed that he wanted to convince Ah Yin, or he wanted to convince himself.

  "Oh? Really?"

  But at this moment, Ah Yin's face was only filled with grief and anger, and he couldn't help but said in a cold voice.

  "But brother Hao, have you ever thought that our child may still be our child physically, but in soul, he has already changed?"