Ah Yin's Showdown, Tang Hao's Choice

"It's impossible!!"

  A sudden chill subconsciously shuddered in his heart, Tang Hao couldn't help but clenched his fists, and said angrily.

  Ah Yin's words made him suddenly feel extremely frightened for no reason.

  He didn't want to believe these words!

  The child's behavior at the beginning was indeed abnormal, but it was definitely not that their child was dead, it was just that something happened that they didn't understand!

  Their child is still alive and well by his side!

  This must be just a dream, how could Ah Yin say such a thing!

  "Impossible? Brother Hao, do you believe these words?"

  A Yin couldn't help laughing angrily after realizing that Tang Hao was angry at him.

  She and Tang Hao have always been extremely affectionate, and this is the first time Tang Hao got angry at him.

  Just because of this extraterrestrial demon who is clearly not his child, he actually got angry at me? !

  For a moment, Ah Yin suddenly felt resentful.

  Resenting Tang Hao, he should have seen something wrong with Tang San, but he would rather believe Tang San than himself!

  Of course, the more important thing is that Ah Yin also felt afraid and confused.

  Originally, she thought that just now Tang Hao showed so much love for her, he would definitely believe what she said, and would be willing to let Tang Zhen kneel in front of her dead child's grave, atone for his sins and confess to his dead child.

  But looking at Tang Hao's current performance, maybe everything she thought was possible was just her wishful thinking!

  But... But she obviously asked for so little!

  "Why don't I believe it, Ah Yin, I've already said it, now that the child is by my side and behaves very well, you should believe me!"

  Facing Ah Yin's questioning, Tang Hao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

  "Haha! Believe you? Brother Hao, do you think I don't know anything about the child when I'm not by your side?"

  "The child is two years old now, and with your current attitude towards life, if our child is ordinary My child, I'm afraid I've starved to death long ago, so you're still cute?"

  "Who do you think a two-year-old child can be so cute?!"

  Finding that Tang Hao still refused to admit it, Ah Yin was finally a little angry, and couldn't help being full of sarcasm.

  Hearing these words, Tang Hao's body and expression froze immediately.

  Indeed, because of various things, the current Tang Hao has become even more decadent than in the original book, he is drunk every day, almost treats his own son as a pig to raise, it can be said that he has no sense of responsibility at all.

  Before, Ah Yin was still able to use Tang Hao because he was in great pain after losing himself, so he drank his sorrows with wine every day.

  But now, because of Tang Hao's attitude, Ah Yin finally developed resentment towards Tang Hao.

  Without the blessing of the love filter that has always been there, Ah Yin would of course feel resentful and dissatisfied with Tang Hao's daily life attitude.

  After all, Tang Hao didn't know that his son was a fake!

  While thinking that his son was real, Tang Hao was still so decadent, completely disregarding the child's education and life and death.

  Such a father is simply unqualified! !

  Is this really just a dream?

  But after hearing Ah Yin's angry words, Tang Hao's heart suddenly calmed down.

  Before, he was unwilling to regard Ah Yin as a figure in a dream, as a reflection of his inner emotions in the dream.

  But now, after hearing that Ah Yin expressed his dissatisfaction with his current decadent attitude towards life, and pointed out something wrong with his child.

  Tang Hao was finally willing to believe that this was just a dream.

  Because now I have lost the seeds left by my wife A Yin when she sacrificed, it is impossible for my wife A Yin to know these things.

  And if it's just a dream, it doesn't matter!

  There are indeed some problems with your own children, but so what?

  In any case, I took care of the child for two years. Even if I didn't fulfill my responsibilities as a father, I still watched the child grow up.

  Raising a cat, cat and dog will have feelings when they grow up, let alone a person, who he thinks is his son!

  So now Tang Hao has already figured it out.

  Even if there is indeed a problem with my child, even if the child around me now has a different soul.

  But as long as the child regards him as his father, then he is his own son!

  Let this person who has occupied his son's soul live on his behalf, isn't it good?

  "Ayin, I will take what you said is true, but our child is dead. I have watched this child grow up with my own eyes. He is a good boy. Let him replace our child. Isn't it good for his body to survive?"

  After calming down in his heart, he looked at A Yin again, and Tang Hao couldn't help sighing.

  "Not good! Of course it's not good!!"

  Finding that Tang Hao didn't want to avenge his son, but instead spoke for the extraterrestrial demon who occupied his son's body, Ah Yin's heart suddenly surged with anger, and he couldn't help but shouted full of resentment and anger.

  "You think he is your son, that's your own business, but in my heart, he is an extraterrestrial demon who has occupied my son's body, a hateful blasphemer who desecrated my son's body, only to kill him again Only then can my son's soul rest in peace!"


  Under the anger in his heart and the extreme disappointment with Tang Hao, A Yin's once gentle and beautiful face couldn't help but arouse ridicule and ridicule. laugh.

  "Besides, the reason why you insist on recognizing this extraterrestrial demon as your son, do you think I don't know what you think?"

  "Don't you just think that as long as you recognize him as your son, you can ignore our relationship? " The fact that the child has already died on the road that was chased and killed by the Wuhun Palace."

  "You don't have to go to the murderer who killed our child, who is also the chief culprit that caused us to face the current situation. Your father Tang Zhen took revenge. ——Is——?"

  At the end, Ah Yin's words were already speechless, and his eyes were full of disappointment, resentment, anger, and indifference.


  When he heard that Ah Yin actually said that the murderer was his father Tang Zhen, Tang Hao couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and his whole body tensed up instantly.

  What is going on in this damned dream, how could Ah Yin say such things to me!

  Could it be that I am still worried in my heart, still afraid that Ah Yin will know the truth back then?

  Tang Hao gritted his teeth in his heart, thinking in shock and anger.

  But when Tang Hao was furious, Ah Yin hadn't finished speaking.

  Because the feelings for Tang Hao had changed from being touched and happy at the beginning to full of disappointment, hatred and anger, so Ah Yin couldn't help but continued to shout angrily.

  "Tang Hao! Let me tell you, I already know the truth of everything!"

  "I already know that the reason why we went to Lanxia City to be discovered by the Wuhun Temple was all because of your father's conspiracy, and I also know that our children have long since been discovered." He died on the way when we were hunted down by Wuhundian."

  "So, Tang Hao, your father is the murderer who killed our son!"

  "Now, I will give you a choice, if you are willing to make your father kneel In front of our child's grave, kowtow to our child for atonement and confess our mistakes, then we can continue to be husband and wife."

  "If you don't agree, then we will break up our relationship and part ways. I will do it myself to avenge my son. From now on, we will be strangers, even... enemies!!"