Tang Hao's Choice, Son and Father and Wife, Man and Soul Beast Are Different! (1)

In the illusion.

  As Ah Yin told Tang Hao that he already knew all the truth, and angrily asked Tang Hao to make a choice.

  The entire illusion has also changed suddenly!

  I saw that the original blue sky suddenly became cloudy, and the original illusion of singing birds and flowers became extremely depressing.

  At the same time, the stern wind howled, as if someone was crying and howling.

  For a moment, the entire illusion seemed to become as heavy as the end of the day.

  And the changes in the illusion environment are not the most important.

  The most important thing is that the green grass where Ah Yin and Tang Hao were standing suddenly turned into mud.

  The surrounding lush forest has turned into a dead wood forest with branches like ghost claws.

  And beside the two of them, a raised solitary tomb quietly emerged at some point.

  Although there is no tombstone on the grave, both Ah Yin and Tang Hao know it.

  This is the grave of their dead child!

  However, the appearance of this tomb does not mean that the changes in the illusion are over.

  When this solitary tomb appeared, it was not far from the two of them.

  An old man wearing a white robe, white hair and beard, and a majestic face suddenly appeared in this world.

  Tang Hao couldn't help but screamed when he saw this old man.

  "Father, you... why are you here? Didn't you pass out because of my anger, did you already die when the Spirit Hall attacked our Clear Sky School?!"

  That's right! Although Tang Hao lived in seclusion in the Holy Soul Village, he also knew about the almost destruction of the Wuhun Palace general Haotianzong, and also knew that his father Tang Zhen died in that battle.

  When Ah Yin saw the old man, he couldn't help but clenched his jade hands tightly, and the hatred and anger in his heart also spewed out immediately.

  Has the murderer who killed her child finally appeared in front of her now?

  However, although after seeing Tang Zhen, the hatred and anger in his heart almost turned into substance, Ah Yin knew that this Tang Zhen was just the projection of Tang Zhen's soul consciousness in Su Mo's hands in this illusion.

  Even if he is killed here, his soul will not die, and his child's revenge will not be avenged.

  The only way is for Tang Hao to agree to her request, let this Tang Zhen kneel in front of his child's grave, atone for his child's sin and admit his mistakes.

  Only then can she get Tang Zhen's soul from Su Mo's hand, and avenge her dead child!

  So Ah Yin couldn't help but forcibly endured the crazy hatred and anger in his heart, turned his head and sneered at Tang Hao.

  "Tang Hao, tell me, your choice!!"


  Listening to Ah Yin's words, Tang Hao's face and body were stiff, his mouth was extremely dry, and drops of sweat kept dripping from his forehead. pop up, and flow down.

  But Tang Hao opened his mouth, but he was still unable to give an answer. His choice...

  "Why am I here?" On the

  other side, the old man named Tang Zhen couldn't help but frowned after appearing in this illusion. Brows, as if feeling inexplicable to appear here.

  "Didn't my soul be imprisoned in the boundless darkness after I was killed? This is... where?"

  Tang Zhen murmured to himself. When he looked around, he finally found Tang Hao and A Yin. The presence.

  Tang Zhen naturally didn't know A Yin.

  Although he knew about Ah Yin's existence, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

  But for his son Tang Hao, Tang Zhen could recognize him even if he turned into ashes!

  "Hao'er, why are you here? Who is she?"

  Seeing Tang Hao and A Yin, Tang Zhen asked in a deep voice.

  "Father, she...she is my wife, and also your daughter-in-law...A Yin!"

  Facing Tang Zhen's gaze, Tang Hao's mouth felt extremely dry, and his heart was beating violently.

  Although he knew that the father Tang Zhen in front of him was just a phantom in a dream.

  But for some reason, the father Tang Zhen in front of him felt like a real father to him, making him a little speechless.

  "No! Tang Hao! I'm not your wife, at least until you make a choice, the choice I want, you are you, I am me, that's all!"

  Ah Yin yelled angrily, denying After Tang Hao's words.

  Before Tang Hao gave her a satisfactory answer, she didn't want to have anything to do with this person who disappointed her!

  "Hmph! Ah Yin? Is that the one hundred thousand year soul beast, the one hundred thousand year soul beast with which you would rather betray your family and sect than be with it?"

  Hearing A Yin's name, Tang Zhen suddenly He snorted coldly.

  "A hundred thousand year soul beast... so what about a hundred thousand year soul beast? Since I was born, I have never harmed any human beings, and since I reached the 100,000 year transformation state, I have never done any harm. I'm sorry for brother Hao."   "

  Why...why do you insist on killing me and my...children just because I am a soul beast! How did I offend you!"

His tone was not kind, and the hatred and anger in Ah Yin's heart became more violent, and he couldn't help but roar at Tang Zhen.

  "You didn't offend me in any way, but you, as a soul beast, are all original sins. Soul beasts are just the necessary resources for our soul masters to practice. Let people combine with resources? This is simply ridiculous!"

  Tang Zhen shook Shaking his head, his tone was indifferent and calm, as if he had no regrets for what he had done, not even the slightest mood swing.

  After all, do humans feel remorse and regret for harming food?

  "Resources? In the minds of you humans, are our soul beasts just a resource?"

  "What an arrogant idea, what an arrogant human, you damn human, you will regret it, you will regret it, I will not let you go!!"

  Tang Zhen's attitude made Ah Yin even more hateful and angry, and he couldn't help shouting angrily,

  "Tang Hao, tell me your choice, do you choose me or choose me?" He!!"

  Ah Yin turned her head to look at Tang Hao, the originally gentle and quiet silver blue eyes were filled with raging hatred and anger, which almost turned into substance, as if everything was going to be burned.

  "Ayin, I...I..."

  Listening to Ayin's persecution, Tang Hao only felt extremely painful, and couldn't help but put his arms around his head. His heart could be said to be in pain, but he was also extremely at a loss.

  He didn't know how to choose.

  Although asking his father Tang Zhen to kneel in front of the dead child's grave to repent seems to be a very simple matter, his father would not agree.

  And can I still force my father and force him to betray his dignity?

  As a son, Tang Hao knew that he couldn't do it!

  But if he can't make his father Tang Zhen kneel and tremble in front of his dead son's grave, his wife will leave him, and even turn against him from now on.

  God...what the hell is he going to do! !

  "Tang Hao, tell me quickly, tell me...your choice!!!"

  Ah Yin's angry shout was still echoing in his ears.

  But at this moment, Tang Hao couldn't hear anything, only in his painful mind, he was still making difficult choices.

  The balance of choice is constantly swaying back and forth in front of his father Tang Zhen who loved, encouraged and educated him since he was a child, and his wife A Yin who walked with him, married and had children with him, and sacrificed for him.

  In the end, despite his heartbroken, Tang Hao still made a choice, and let go of his tightly clenched hands in despair, saying bitterly.

  "Sorry! Ah Yin, I can't promise you and agree with your choice. After all, he is my father. He is dead, but our child is still alive."

  "Even if it's just a dream, I still can't let him sacrifice My own dignity, to kneel before the grave of our living child..."

  "I'm sorry, Ah Yin, I'm really... very sorry!"