Xiao Wu Transforms into Form, Creates a Chance to Get Acquainted? (1)

On the other side, the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

  After finally obeying his mother's advice, he fled from the battlefield with tears in his eyes.

  Xiao Wu headed straight to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, like a pink lightning bolt, not even caring about the bamboo basket full of wild vegetables, flowers and mushrooms that landed in the woods not far away.

  Because she couldn't be sure whether the people behind Wuhundian had spotted her and caught up with her.

  For the sake of safety, she must hurry back to the vicinity of the Lake of Life in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

  Only when she sees Da Ming and Er Ming can she be considered safe.

  While running away with all his strength, he didn't know how long he ran.

  Xiao Wu finally rushed back to the core area of ​​the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

  In the distance, a blue lake like a mirror is already clearly visible.

  In the lake, a giant python with a body length of more than 30 meters and its whole body covered with green scales is resting with its eyes closed. It twists and turns in the center of the lake. His hideous head.

  But what is shocking is that this huge head protruding from the lake is not the head of a snake.

  It was a cyan bull head with a pair of curved horns and eyes like lanterns.

  This soul beast is naturally the Azure Bull Python Daming!

  And at the edge of the lake, a giant ape with a height of more than ten meters, covered with gray-brown hair, covered with patterns flowing like magma, was leaning against a big tree, and fell asleep. .

  This giant ape is the titan giant ape Erming!

  Following Xiao Wu, like a flash of pink lightning, she hurriedly fled back from a distance in a panic.

  The resulting movement naturally awakened the Azure Bull Python, who was resting in the lake, and the Titan Giant Ape, who was sleeping soundly by the lake.

  "Xiao Wu, what's the matter?"

  When he sensed the movement not far away, the Azure Bull Python couldn't help opening a pair of huge blue eyes like lanterns, and found that it was Xiao Wu's empress. While twisting her huge and slender body, Waves rolled up, and then a deep voice couldn't help but sounded suddenly.

  "Xiao Wu, where's Sister Rou?"

  At this moment, Titan Giant Ape also stood up with its huge body. When it found that Xiao Wu was the only one rushing back without seeing A Rou, Titan Giant Ape couldn't help feeling uneasy, and hurriedly asked.

  "Mom...Mom, woooooo...Mom, she is being besieged by a group of humans!"

  Hearing the inquiry from the giant ape Titan, Xiao Wu couldn't help but burst into tears.


  For a moment, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape couldn't help but turn pale with shock, followed by boundless anger.

  "Damn it! Someone dares to break into the core area of ​​our Star Dou Great Forest, and even dare to hurt sister Rou. Where are they? If they want to hurt sister Rou, they want to ask Erming if I agree!!"

  In the anger, the Titan Giant Ape couldn't help Roaring angrily, he raised a pair of arms that were like gray-brown giant pillars with knotted muscles, and beat violently on his chest, making "dongdong..." sounds.   "Xiao Wu, how is Sister Rou

  now? Where is she? Take us there quickly, or I'm afraid it will be too late!"

After swimming out, he couldn't help asking Xiao Wu immediately.

  And hearing the words of Sky Blue Niu Mang, Xiao Wu also had a surge of hope in her heart.

  She alone would definitely not be able to save the mother, but adding Da Ming and Er Ming, maybe it would be enough?

  "There, you follow me!"

  Under the leadership of Xiao Wu, the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Niuban immediately rushed towards the battlefield where Arou Bibidong led the spirit masters of the Spirit Hall to fight.

  But unfortunately, when Xiao Wu arrived with the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python, there was already nothing on the battlefield.

  Obviously, Ah Rou has been killed or taken away!

  "Woo! Mom!!"

  When she found that there was no one in sight on the battlefield, only the fragments of her mother's pink dress were scattered on the ground, Xiao Wu couldn't help squatting on the ground, crying loudly, feeling extremely sad in her heart. and sad.

  "Roar! Damn human!!" On the

  side, when he found out that Ah Rou, who raised him and was also his mother and sister, had probably been killed, the Titan Giant Ape was also very angry, and couldn't help roaring violently.

  Also feeling angry was the Azure Bull Python.

  But the Tianqing Niuban's personality was more stable, but he didn't show his anger too much.

  And because Ah Rou was not saved.

  In the end, Xiao Wu, Titan Giant Ape, and Azure Bull Python were still angry and sad, and had no choice but to retreat to the Lake of Life in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

  But with the departure of Xiao Wu, Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python.

  On the side, Su Mo, who had been hiding in the dark and waiting for a long time, quickly followed.

  At the same time, Su Mo also controlled a very common soul beast bird, which followed closely beside the three soul beasts, monitoring the situation of the three soul beasts at all times.

  And under Su Mo's surveillance.

  I saw that Xiao Wu who had returned to the lake of life was very lost and sad for a few days.

  But soon, she cheered up again and insisted on going to the human world to find her enemies!

  For Xiao Wu's decision to go to the human world, Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python naturally did not agree, it was too dangerous!

  But Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python couldn't control Xiao Wu.

  After Xiao Wu dodged the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python once, and forcibly transformed into a human.

  Facing Xiao Wu, who had already been killed before playing, Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python could only reluctantly agree to Xiao Wu's request to go to the human world.

  no way! Xiao Wu, who has transformed into a human, has lost the lifespan of a soul beast, and is unable to cultivate by herself.

  You must go to the human world to use the popularity of human beings to practice.

  And all of this was seen by Su Mo "with his own eyes".

  It turns out that Xiao Wu is still the same as in the original book, choosing to become a human being and go to the human world to find the enemy who killed her mother.

  Su Mo couldn't help feeling his heart skip a beat, feeling that his chance had come!

  With Xiao Wu's current transformed strength, even if a titan giant ape sends her out of the Star Dou Great Forest.

  But if he wanted to rush from Star Dou Great Forest to Notting City, which is located at the junction of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, it would take at least ten days and half a month.

  During this period, he can find or create opportunities by himself, meet Xiao Wu by chance, and get acquainted!

  At that time, the breath of life exuded by the tree of life stick martial soul he possessed would naturally arouse the favor of the soul beast.

  With the help of the countless routines he knows, as well as the ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel's martial soul to sense and influence human desires and emotions, it shouldn't be difficult to win Xiao Wu!


  Under Su Mo's secret surveillance.

  After Xiao Wu transformed into a human, the Titan Giant Ape finally sent Xiao Wu out of the Star Dou Great Forest.

  And after leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, Xiao Wu didn't know where to go, so she could only walk along the main road to see if she could find a city.

  Because from her mother, Xiao Wu also knew some things about the human world, knowing that if she wants to find an enemy, she must fully understand the human world.

  And at her current age, she must first enter the Junior Soul Master Academy to study.

  But I don't know if it was a coincidence.

  Because the Titan Giant Ape sent Xiao Wu out of the Star Dou Great Forest, which happened to be near the junction of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

  Therefore, Xiao Wu walked around along the main road, and unexpectedly walked all the way to the direction of Notting City.

  However, although the Douluo Continent is generally a peaceful world, there are also bandits occupying mountains and robbing roads in the wild.

  Su Mo originally wanted to see if he could wait until Xiao Wu was in danger, and then come to the rescue and come to a hero to save the beauty.

  Only in this way can we get to know Xiao Wu deeply.

  But unfortunately, along the way, I don't know if Xiao Wu was lucky, and she didn't encounter any danger.

  But just as Su Mo was thinking.

  Do you want to deliberately create danger yourself, and create opportunities for the hero to save the beauty, so that you can get to know Xiao Wu.

  Xiao Wu finally encountered danger.

  But to be precise, it wasn't that Xiao Wu was in danger.

  It was an old man who was in danger and was robbed by a group of robbers, and Xiao Wu chose to help.