The crisis of old Leo, the opportunity of righteous Xiao Wu and Su Mo! (2)

A path meanders through a mountain forest.

  And on the small road, an old man was carrying a rucksack and leaning on a cane, walking panting while wiping the sweat from his forehead, preparing to pass here.

  But at this moment, a few bandits dressed in rags and turbans rushed out of the woods on one side, holding weapons such as swords in their hands, and stopped in front of the old man.

  At the same time, one of them, who should be the leader of the robber, directly raised the big knife in his hand, and fiercely shouted that classic robbery line.

  "Hey! I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, hand over all the money to me!"

  ' this a robber? '

  Looking at the robbers of different heights, holding weapons and wearing turbans in front of him, the old man couldn't help but froze suddenly, feeling a little panicked in his heart.

  'This... since when have there been robbers here? '

  The old man's name is Lao Leo, and he is the head of Daoxiang Village.

  Because his son was working in Notting City, so he was free these few days, so he rushed to Notting City to meet his son.

  Because he hadn't seen his son for a long time, he accidentally stayed at the place where his son worked for a long time.

  So that when it was time to go home, it was already afternoon.

  And because we have to go back before night, there is not enough time to walk the road, I am afraid that we may not be able to go back to the village at night.

  So old Leo could only choose to take a shortcut from a small road that few people knew to save some time.

  This should be just enough to make it back to the village before evening.

  Unexpectedly, there would be robbers blocking the path and cutting the path on this path.

  This made him panic and distressed in his heart.

  At his age, it was not the first time he had encountered robbers.

  If it was in the past, he would have obediently paid the money and let it go.

  Anyway, he was also a poor man, and he had no money at all, and at most he only had a few copper coins, so there was no problem in handing them over.

  It's worth it to buy a life!

  But not this time!

  Because this time when he went to see his son, his son gave him all the wages he had accumulated for several years, and asked him to go home and propose marriage to Cuihua in the village.

  This is the money for my son's marriage. If these robbers take it away, it will be over!

  "Boss, you're wrong. You didn't hand over all the money to me, but you kept it to buy roads."

  When old Leo was in a hurry and was sweating profusely, as the bandit boss shouted fiercely, Lines, behind a tall, but somewhat silly robber, said while touching his head.

  "Go, go! It's not that I don't know, anyway, as long as you can get the money, everything else is the same!"

  Regarding the reminder from the silly robber, the robber boss couldn't help but blush, very annoyed and authentic.

  "Boss is right!" On the

  side, a tall and thin robber like a monkey echoed what the boss said.

  However, noticing Old Leo's retreat, the tall and thin bandit couldn't help raising the dagger in his hand, threatening Old Leo.

  "I said old man, what's the matter, do you still want to run away? Seeing how old you are, obediently hand over the money to us. I ca n't stand it!"


  Old Leo was very anxious, and he also knew that his old arms and legs would definitely not be able to run away from these robbers.

  But what he carried in his backpack was his son's future!

  Even if he died, he definitely couldn't hand it over casually!

  "Heroes, this...these are all the money I have on me. I beg you heroes to let me pass by. I have to hurry back to the village. It will be too late!

  " rucksack, but old Leo also knew that the more nervous he was, the more he couldn't be seen, so he could only smile at the robber in front of him, pretending to be distressed, and took out his money bag from his waist, reluctantly Shirdi handed it to the bandit boss.

  "Bah! Why only this little money!"

  After taking Old Leo's wallet, he opened it only to find that there were only a dozen copper soul coins in it, which were not enough for a meal with meat. The robber boss was furious.

  "Hero! Why is it hard for a poor man to be a poor man? Do you think I am a rich man?"

  "Old man, I went to Notting City this time just to buy a new set of clothes for my little grandson. After all, School will start in a few months, but I have no money, old man!"

  Facing the anger of the bandit boss, Old Leo also pretended to smile wryly.

  Hearing what old Leo said, the bandit boss sized up old Leo, and found that old Leo was wearing very simple and coarse cloth with patches on it. waved.

  "Forget it! Forget it! Let's go! Let's go!"

  Finding that he had finally fooled around, Old Leo couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and prepared to hurry over.

  But when old Leo passed by, the thin and tall robber looked at the backpack on the back of old Leo, and found that there was something wrong with the things wrapped inside, not like clothes.

  "Wait! What are you carrying on your back, take it out for me to see!"

  'Not good! was found! Hearing the tall and thin robber 's

  words, old Leo felt a chill all over, and a burst of panic in his heart.

  Under the panic in his heart, old Leo's old arms and legs gained strength for a moment, and he directly carried his crutches and ran in panic, wanting to escape.

  "Want to run!"

  But when he found that old Leo wanted to run away, a group of robbers immediately knew that old Leo had a ghost in his heart, and there must be something in his backpack.

  But just when old Leo was running away, Xiao Wu happened to go the wrong way before, and saw everything that happened on the road as soon as he walked out of the mountain forest.

  Xiao Wu still has a sense of justice.

  Discovering that a group of strong humans were actually chasing a white-haired old man, Xiao Wu couldn't help puffing up her face, and shouted coquettishly.

  "Let go of that grandpa!"

  After saying that, Xiao Wu started to run immediately, a black scorpion tail braid kept swinging behind her head, and rushed up amidst a burst of coquettish shouts.

  After rushing to the road, Xiao Wu jumped up immediately, and with a flying kick in an instant, he kicked away a robber who was closest to Old Leo.

  "Damn it! You little girl!" When

  he found out that there was a little girl who dared to ruin his good deed, the bandit boss was immediately enraged. He swung the big knife in his hand and slashed at Xiao Wu.

  "Child, be careful!"

  Seeing this, Old Leo couldn't help shouting hastily.

  But obviously, it is impossible for the bandit boss who is just an ordinary person to hurt Xiao Wu.

  And just after Xiao Wu dodged the bandit boss's slashing with a knife and started fighting with a group of bandits.

  Su Mo, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help feeling that he had finally found an opportunity.

  Now, as long as I come out and defeat this group of robbers together with Xiao Wu, I can get acquainted with Xiao Wu.

  And because this is already the surrounding area of ​​Notting City, he can pretend to go the same way with Xiao Wu in the future.

  Xiao Wu went to Notting College as a student, so he applied to be a teacher.

  On the way, relying on his means, is he afraid that he won't be able to take Xiao Wu down?

  Thinking of this, Su Mo immediately stopped hiding.

  After dispelling the hidden effect of the death aura released by the death sickle spirit, Su Mo immediately activated the tree of life stick spirit in his body to the extreme, allowing the natural breath emitted by the tree of life spirit to instantly Covered the whole body.

  After he stopped hiding, Su Mo immediately flew up, and within a few flies, he landed on a big tree not far from the road.

  And when he "saw" what happened on the road, Su Mo couldn't help but pretended to be angry and shouted loudly.

  "Where did the robbers come from, they dare to block the road and rob in broad daylight!"

  After speaking, Su Mo immediately rushed to the battlefield where Xiao Wu was fighting with a group of robbers.

  no way! No hurry up.

  These ordinary robbers are no match for Xiao Wu at all.

  If he was slower, he might only see a group of robbers lying on the ground after passing by.