Met Xiao Wu, "just happened" to go the same way!

Around Notting City, in a remote mountain forest.

  After finally finding a chance to get acquainted with Xiao Wu, Su Mo immediately stopped hiding, but pretended to be full of sense of justice, shouted angrily, and flew out of the forest directly.

  After rushing to the road, Su Mo immediately blasted a robber away with his fist, and then he and Xiao Wu violently beat up the gang of robbers in a flash.

  "Ah! It hurts, help me!"

  "Don't hit me anymore, I don't dare anymore!"

  "Whoa, stop, I was wrong! I was so wrong!"


  Facing the extraordinary Su Mo He and Xiao Wu, a group of bandits who were just ordinary people going up the hills and falling grass to become bandits, obviously couldn't be their opponents.

  In fact, for these robbers, if Su Mo encountered them alone, he must follow the principle of eradicating evil for good, and wipe out all these robbers!

  From Su Mo's point of view, it doesn't matter what the reason is for these bandits to go up the mountain and fall into the grass.

  But judging from the vicious way the gang of robbers treated the old man just now, it is obvious that they have already become robbers in the true sense.

  Killing them might save countless lives in the future.

  But it's a pity, because the purpose of Su Mo's action this time is to get acquainted with Xiao Wu and gain Xiao Wu's favor.

  And Xiao Wu has a kinder personality.

  Su Mo felt that if the attack was too ruthless and killed all these robbers, it might arouse Xiao Wu's resentment.

  So after much deliberation, Su Mo finally decided not to kill the killer, but suppressed his strength to the limit, using only the power of ordinary people, and together with Xiao Wu, he violently beat up the gang of robbers.

  In this way, because facing the attacks of Xiao Wu and Su Mo, after resisting for a while, the robbers found that they were not opponents at all.

  Based on the principle of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, or keeping the green hills alive, the gang of robbers immediately gave up their resistance and begged for mercy.

  "Hmph! You guys are really disgusting. They are all big men, but you are not ashamed to bully an old man!"

  After a group of robbers begged for mercy, Xiao Wu also vented her anger, and pinched her waist with both hands. Very angrily said to a group of robbers.


Going up the mountain and falling into the grass as bandits, looking for a way to survive."

  "And since we all went up the mountain and fell into the grass as bandits, it must be robbery, but to be honest, this is the first business we do."

  "We are also really hungry It is because of this that he robbed this old gentleman, please let my aunt and this son spare our lives!"

  Facing Xiao Wu's accusation, the robber boss also looked very helpless, with snot and tears Crying, kowtow and begging for mercy.

  "Ah? So it's like this, is it all because the nobles oppressed you? Sure enough, what mother said was right, people... the nobles are the worst!"

  Hearing the explanation of the robber boss with snot and tears, Xiao Wu He couldn't help feeling soft in his heart, and raised his small fist with some righteous indignation.

  "That's right! That's right! Please forgive us, my aunt, we'll go back now, and never dare to block the road and rob again!" Seeing

  that Xiao Wu seemed to be softening her heart, the tall and thin robber on the side quickly echoed, crying and shouting.

  Seeing this, the rest of the robbers also cried and begged for mercy.

  "Okay! Okay! Let's go, don't block the road like this next time, or I won't be as easy to talk as I am now!"

  Because she was softened by a group of robbers crying and begging for mercy, Xiao Wu finally let the gang of robbers go.

  But regarding this, in Su Mo's opinion, the reason for the fallen grass that the bandits just said might be true.

  But it is debatable to say that they will learn their lesson in the future and stop being robbers.

  "Little girl, and this young master, thank you for your help, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be in danger!"

  After watching a group of robbers escape in embarrassment and disappear into the woods, Old Leo couldn't help but feel a little lingering fear. He quickly thanked Xiao Wu and Su Mo.

  "Don't be so polite, grandpa, my mother said that when the road is rough, I should draw my sword to help!"

  Facing old Leo's thanks, Xiao Wu was a little shy, but her showy personality made her Pretending to be grand, he patted his small chest and said.

  "That's right! This is what we should do. I believe that as long as a capable person sees such a thing, he will definitely help." On the

  side, Su Mo also nodded slightly, with a trace of chuckle.

  "Do you think so too? Then we really want to go together!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Xiao Wu couldn't help looking at Su Mo, and waved her clenched little hand violently, with a little baby fat , the innocent and lovely pink face is very happy.

  And as Xiao Wu noticed Su Mo, because of the natural aura emanating from Su Mo's body from the tree of life stick martial soul, this aura would naturally make the soul beasts get close.

  This made Xiao Wu involuntarily have a good impression of Su Mo.

  But for this, Xiao Wu, who has a carefree personality, only thought that it was Su Mo's act of doing justice for the sky together just now, and what she said was very appetizing to her, which made her feel very pleasing to the eye.

  "By the way, my name is Xiao Wu. What's your name?"

  Because I have a good impression of Su Mo now, with Xiao Wu's character, the next step is naturally to get to know each other and then become friends.

  So, Xiao Wu couldn't help asking happily.

  "My name is Su Mo, nice to meet you, Xiao Wu!"

  After Xiao Wu introduced herself, Su Mo also smiled and bowed slightly, and said.

  "Su Mo? Your name sounds pretty good!"

  Xiao Wu said after learning Su Mo's name, and couldn't help but giggle.

  "By the way, Su Mo, you and the old man should be from here, right? I want to ask you, do you know where there is a big city near here, and there is a Soul Master Academy in it?"

  After getting to know Su Mo, Xiao Wu suddenly thought of her purpose after leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, so she hurriedly asked.

  "Uh... sorry, I'm not from here. I graduated from the Advanced Soul Master Academy in Wuhun City, and I came to Notting College in Notting City to apply for a teacher."

  Su Mo pretended to be apologetic for Xiao Wu's question. typical.

  " are a distinguished soul master, and you graduated from the Wuhun Palace?" On the

  side, hearing Su Mo's words, Old Leo couldn't help but looked at Su Mo, his face was full of shock.

  It has to be said that the prestige of Wuhundian among the common people is still very high.

  As the village head of Daoxiang Village, old Leo has some knowledge, knowing that the soul masters who graduated from the advanced soul master academy have the lowest cultivation level of soul masters.

  And Hun Zun is around their Notting City, he is already considered a formidable big shot.

  What's more, Su Mo is still a soul master from Wuhun Palace.

  Therefore, after learning of Su Mo's "background", old Leo suddenly felt a deep sense of respect in his heart.

  "Little girl, this noble soul master may not be able to answer your question, but I am a local, so I can answer your question."

  "Actually, there is a city near us. There is a college of soul masters, but it is only a junior college of soul masters. This city is called Notting City, and the name of the college of soul masters is Notting College.

  " After paying his respects, Old Leo couldn't help looking at Xiao Wu again, stretched out his hand to caress the long snow-white beard under his chin, and said with emotion.

  "Is Notting City near here? Xiao Wu, are you going to Notting City to enroll in Notting College? If you go, then we will go the same way!"

  After hearing what old Leo said, Su Mo couldn't help but suddenly Surprised, as if very "surprised", he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiao Wu and asked.