Xiao Wu's Weakness, The Bed Problem (1)

"Do you want to live here? But there is only one room left, and there are two of us!"

  Notting City, in the Tulip Hotel, heard Xiao Wu Speaking of staying here, Su Mo couldn't help pretending to show hesitation.

  "It's just two of us, as long as we don't sleep together, isn't it that there are no spare rooms in other hotels now? It's getting late now, let's go eat first!"

  Su Mo found out that With such an "honest man", Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel even more moved and embarrassed, and quickly expressed her plan so that Su Mo would not have to pay too much attention to her.

  "Then... alright."

  In the end, under Xiao Wu's repeated requests, Su Mo could only "reluctantly" nod and agree.

  'It's really cheap and good-looking. If I didn't feel that you are rich, I wouldn't cooperate with you like this! '

  In the lobby of the hotel, witnessing the exchange between Su Mo and Xiao Wu, the hotel receptionist who was standing behind the counter couldn't help feeling envious and jealous.

  As a man, seeing Su Mo bring such an innocent, cute and cute little loli over to open a room, the front desk of the hotel was undoubtedly extremely envious and jealous.

  It was all because of his professional ethics as the front desk of the hotel that he let go of his inner envy, jealousy and integrity, and gave Su Mo an assist.

  But he didn't expect that he would assist Su Mo like this.

  Su Mo didn't even hit the snake with the stick, but pretended to be a more upright gentleman, and tricked Xiao Wu, a simple and cute little loli, into a circle!

  It's really shameless (envy)!

  "Then open a room for us, and the stay will last for a month!"

  Because of the assistance from the hotel front desk, Xiao Wu offered to live here. Su Mo naturally stepped forward to the counter and asked the front desk to He opens a room.

  "A VIP suite, stay for one month, thank you for patronizing 10 Golden Soul Coins!"

  Hearing that Su Mo was going to open the room, the hotel receptionist suddenly smiled with a hint of deep meaning, and took out a key from under the counter and handed it to Su Mo. After leaving Su Mo, he said.

  After receiving the key, Su Mo took out a handful of gold soul coins from the storage soul guide with an unchanged expression, put them on the counter, and then turned and left.

  Although the hotel front desk said that the room rate is 10 gold soul coins.

  But Su Mo actually took out 20 gold soul coins and put them on the counter.

  In this regard, the front desk of the hotel also knew what was going on.

  He quickly put away all the golden soul coins on the counter, and after putting away the 10 golden soul coins that belonged to him in his pocket, the hotel receptionist couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart.

  'Ha ha! Ten gold soul coins, which are equivalent to my salary for two or three years, this wave is really profitable! '

  Although it can be seen from the clothes that Su Mo is a rich man, the front desk of the hotel did not expect that this wave of small assists would be able to receive a tip of 10 gold soul coins.

  He had never heard of such a generous person in Notting City!

  It seems that this young master should come from a big place outside, otherwise he wouldn't be so rich!

  After opening the room in the Tulip Hotel, Su Mo put away the key, but he didn't take Xiao Wu to see the room immediately, but planned to take Xiao Wu to dinner first.

  Because now the time has come to the evening.

  In a little while it will be dark.

  Notting City is a small border town, and there is no big spirit fighting arena in the city, so the business at night is not considered prosperous.

  He had to take Xiao Wu for dinner earlier, so he could take Xiao Wu back to the hotel, and continue with Xiao Wu's routine.

  Taking Xiao Wu to leave the Tulip Hotel, walking through the bustling city of Notting, Su Mo quickly took Xiao Wu to find a restaurant called Heaven and Earth.

  Then in the restaurant, invite Xiao Wu to have a big meal!

  This big meal made Xiao Wu very happy and satisfied.

  Since leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, it was the first time for her to eat so comfortably and so full, even more delicious than when her mother was still there!

  really! Mom is right, although many human beings are very bad, but the food they research is really delicious!

  But thinking of her mother, Xiao Wu felt a little depressed again.

  "Let's go, we're full, we should go back, and I'll take you out to play tomorrow."

  Seeing that Xiao Wu's mood was suddenly depressed, Su Mo suddenly chuckled, got up, took out a tissue, and wiped Xiao Wu's face. Wiping the oil stains around his mouth, he stroked the black hair on Xiao Wu's little head, and said with a gentle smile.


  Being treated so tenderly by Su Mo, Xiao Wu also felt a burst of warmth in her heart, she couldn't help but nodded with a little blush on her pretty face, and took the initiative to hold Su Mo's hand.

  It has to be said that every action Su Mo made against Xiao Wu aimed at Xiao Wu's weakness.

  As we all know, Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year soft bone rabbit, and her father should also be a soul beast.

  But in the original book, it was not mentioned at all, including Xiao Wu never said anything about her father, so it can be seen that Xiao Wu's father should have gg very early.

  Therefore, Xiao Wu should be brought up entirely by her mother A Rou, which can be regarded as a single-parent family.

  Girls in single-parent families who lack fathers often lack a sense of security, tend to love their father, and like men who are older than themselves and know how to take care of others.

  In Su Mo's opinion.

  In the original book, part of the reason why Xiao Wu fell in love with Tang San may be because Tang San has the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor.

  The other part of the big reason should be because Tang San is more mature and stable, he is good at taking care of Xiao Wu, and can give Xiao Wu a sense of security, which can be regarded as satisfying Xiao Wu's Electra tendency.

  But compared with Su Mo, Tang San's maturity is basically a joke!

  Compared to Tang San, Su Mo is more handsome, richer, and understands girls' thoughts better.

  Under such circumstances, if Su Mo still can't take Xiao Wu down, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill himself!

  On the other side, after taking Xiao Wu to dinner, Su Mo took Xiao Wu back to the Tulip Hotel, and opened the VIP suite opened earlier.

  After entering the VIP suite, I saw that the VIP suite opened by Su Mo was not small.

  Especially the living room, the area is very large, and there are two sofas in the living room.

  One is a very large rectangular leather sofa, and the other is a round leather sofa.

  Besides the living room, there is also a large bathroom in this VIP suite. There is a large bathtub in the bathroom. It is absolutely comfortable to take a bath in it!

  However, there is only one room in such a large VIP suite, and there is only one bed in the room.

  This made Xiao Wu a little distressed.

  Even if the bed in the room is very big, let alone two people, even three or four will do.

  In this way, after returning to the hotel, Su Mo and Xiao Wu took a shower in the bathroom one after another.

  But at sleep, the problem finally arises.

  "Well... Su Mo, you should sleep on this bed, I'll just sleep on the floor!"

  Wearing the cute pink rabbit pajamas she bought on the way home after dinner, after taking a shower and entering the room, Xiao Wu Looking at the big bed beside him, he couldn't help hesitating, and said.

  "No! You should sleep on the bed!"

  As for Xiao Wu's words, Su Mo refused without thinking.

  "Don't refuse me in a hurry, no matter from the perspective of adults, children, or men and women, this bed should actually be for you to sleep in."

  "Because from the perspective of adults and children, you are a little girl who is only six years old this year, and I am already a big man in his twenties. There is no way to let me sleep in bed as a big man, and let you sleep in bed as a little girl." On the ground!"

  "And from the point of view of men and women, my man, you are a woman, in this kind of matter, the man must give way to the woman, so you sleep on the bed!"