Come up too, who is taking advantage of whom?

Facing Su Mo's decisive words that cannot be refused.

  Because Xiao Wu was not a person with a particularly tough personality.

  So in the end, Xiao Wu still couldn't resist Su Mo's decision, but obediently climbed onto the bed and went to sleep.

  But regarding this matter, Xiao Wu's heart must have had some ups and downs.

  It is difficult to fall asleep quickly at night.

  But this also gave Su Mo a chance!

  After Xiao Wu fell asleep on the bed, Su Mo naturally found a spare luggage quilt from the VIP suite, spread it on the floor, and planned to sleep on the floor.

  At the beginning, Su Mo must have pretended to fall asleep naturally.

  But as time passed, the night was getting darker and the temperature was getting colder.

  So, Su Mo pretended to be a little cold, took a breath of cool air from time to time, and whispered in his mouth: "Hiss! It's really cold!", "It's the first time I sleep on the ground, I can't sleep!" and other words .

  These words, Su Mo's voice must be very low, basically equivalent to whispering to himself.

  However, as a 100,000-year-old soul beast, Xiao Wu's hearing was very keen, and she was tormented when she heard Su Mo sleeping on the ground.

  This made her even more embarrassed and remorseful.

  After all, Su Mo treated her so well, but she made Su Mo suffer like this.

  In the end, amid repeated entanglements in her heart, Xiao Wu still made a decision, and couldn't help but look at Su Mo on the ground, with a slightly red face, and said softly with some embarrassment.

  "Well... Su Mo, it's a bit cold on the ground at night, why don't you sleep on the bed too?"

  "..." As

  soon as the words fell, the whole room became extremely quiet.

  After a while, Su Mo couldn't help but whispered hesitantly: "This...isn't it good?"

  "It's nothing bad! Didn't you say during the day that you treat me like a younger sister?"

  "Since you treat me like a younger sister?" Sister, elder brother and younger sister sleep together, what's wrong, anyway, this bed is very big, you take the quilt up, we can sleep separately!"

  Seeing that Su Mo's attitude was a little loose, Xiao Wu hurriedly strike while the iron is hot, and persuade him road.

  "Okay then!"

  As if after thinking for a while, Su Mo finally sighed and agreed.

  After that, Su Mo picked up the quilt from the floor, put it on the big bed, and slept with Xiao Wu.

  Of course, there was still a distance between the two.

  However, feeling the breath of the man around her, Xiao Wu couldn't help but blushed a little, but at the same time, she was also a little proud in her heart.

  She is so smart, she never expected to be able to persuade brother Su Mo to sleep on the bed too!

  Just like that, Xiao Wu walked into dreamland with a peaceful smile on her innocent and lovely pink face while she was satisfied.

  But not long after Xiao Wu fell asleep, beside Xiao Wu.

  However, Su Mo suddenly opened his eyes from his doze, his eyes flickered, and he turned to look at Xiao Wu.

  'Fall asleep at last? Now that I'm asleep, I can start my next plan! '


  The next day came in a flash.

  In the early morning, the sun was rising, and the bright sunlight poured down from the sky, shining through the window onto Xiao Wu who was lying on the bed, holding something tightly in her arms, her face was full of satisfaction and dependence.

  Perhaps because she felt the warmth of the sun shining on her face, Xiao Wu sleepily opened her eyes, yawned, and then prepared to get up.

  But at this moment, as if seeing something terrible, Xiao Wu couldn't help but yelled, and immediately shrank to the side, pointed at Su Mo in panic, and said tremblingly.

  "You... why are you here, so close to me? Didn't we sleep on two quilts? Did you crawl into my place at night?"

  Su Mo: "..."

  "Xiao Wu, take a closer look , here is my quilt!"

  Su Mo's mouth twitched slightly at Xiao Wu's exclamation, and he couldn't help pointing to the quilt on his body, and then to Xiao Wu's quilt beside him.

  At this time, Xiao Wu was surprised to find that the bedding she was sleeping on just now seemed to belong to Su Mo, and her own bedding was beside her!

  But...but didn't he sleep in the futon here before going to bed?

  Why did I go to sleep in Su Mo's quilt!

  Xiao Wu felt unbelievable.

  "Xiao Wu, think about it carefully, is it because you went to the bathroom in a half-dream and half-awake when you were sleeping at night, and then accidentally crawled into my quilt when you came back." I

  found that Xiao Wu's face was still a little embarrassed Confident and confused, Su Mo couldn't help pointing it out a little funny.

  And hearing Su Mo's words, Xiao Wu thought about it for a while, and couldn't help being taken aback.

  It really is! !

  After figuring out this oolong, Xiao Wu couldn't help but blush.

  oops! It's really embarrassing, I didn't expect it to be like this, I was too impulsive just now!

  After discovering the truth of the matter, Xiao Wu was immediately shy and thought a little bit like crying.

  "Xiao Wu, didn't you think I took advantage of you just now? Looking at it now, it seems that you took advantage of me instead!"

  Seeing Xiao Wu's blushing face, Su Mo couldn't help but show a trace of love on his handsome face. Smiling, half jokingly said.

  This caused Xiao Wu's fair little hands to clutch the corners of her clothes nervously, her little face flushed even more.

  "No... don't say it, I was wrong, I was wrong just now, I shouldn't doubt you, Su Mo."

  "Hehe, I called my brother last night, but now I am called Su Mo, I feel a little sad What!"

  Regarding Xiao Wu's title, Su Mo pretended to be distressed, but in fact it was to deliberately shorten the distance.

  "Then I call you Brother Su Mo, don't you blame me?"

  Xiao Wu hurriedly asked.

  "Of course!"

  Su Mo stretched out his hand to rub his chin slightly, and smiled slightly.


  Xiao Wu blushed and hesitated.

  "Call louder, I didn't hear you clearly!"

  Su Mo said with a smile.

  "Brother Su Mo, I was wrong just now, please forgive me!"

  Xiao Wu finally gave up her shyness completely, couldn't help closing her eyes, and shouted directly.

  "Haha! Well, I like to hear what you call. From now on, you will be my younger sister, my god-sister!"

  Su Mo laughed a few times, stretched out his hand to gently stroke Xiao Wu's smooth black hair, and said.

  Profound meaning - touch the head to kill!

  After Su Mo touched her head again, Xiao Wu's face turned red again.

  But it was a little different from yesterday.

  When Su Mo touched her head at dinner last night, Xiao Wu just felt the warmth of family affection in her heart.

  But now, she is more shy in her heart.

  I didn't expect that I got into Brother Su Mo's quilt in the middle of the night last night. Didn't I sleep with Brother Su Mo all night? What a shame!

  My mother said that you can't just get close to other boys, you can only get close to people you like.

  Brother Su Mo and I slept in the same quilt last night, so should I marry Brother Su Mo when I grow up?

  Thinking of the series of things that happened last night, Xiao Wu's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help thinking wildly in her heart.