Take Xiao Wu to visit Notting City, the routine reappears!

Because of the "unexpected" close contact last night, Xiao Wu's feelings for Su Mo couldn't help but quietly changed.

  Originally, because they had just met before, even though Su Mo had already shown a mature and stable temperament, gentle and considerate character when walking with Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu had a good impression of Su Mo.

  But at this time, Xiao Wu's affection for Su Mo was more on the side of family affection, or she simply regarded Su Mo as a brother-like good friend.

  If nothing unexpected happened, it would take a long time to make Xiao Wu fall in love with Su Mo.

  Just like in the original book, the relationship between Xiao Wu and Tang San was originally a brother-sister relationship.

  It wasn't until later that Xiao Wu finally fell in love with Tang San because of her accumulated companionship.

  But Su Mo didn't want to waste such a long time!

  Because soon, Notting College will start school.

  Although under Su Mo's deliberate guidance, Xiao Wu now has his support, and she will definitely not live in the work-student dormitory with Tang San as in the original book, thus creating opportunities for intimate contact.

  But since they were in the same college, Su Mo couldn't stop Xiao Wu from getting acquainted with Tang San.

  And since Xiao Wu and Tang San had the chance to meet each other, it was possible, even if it was only a slight possibility, that Xiao Wu still fell in love with Tang San.

  After all, judging from Peerless Tang Sect, there are real Destiny's Children in Douluo Continent.

  And Tang Thirty-nine is likely to be the child of destiny in this period!

  Maybe, Tang San has the aura of the protagonist on his body.

  In addition, Tang San also has the blood of the soul beast Blue Silver Emperor, maybe it will have a certain attraction to Xiao Wu, which will make him have a good impression of Tang San.

  And when these reasons are superimposed, things that Su Mo doesn't want to see may happen.

  Su Mo must try to stop it and cut off this possibility fundamentally!

  In this regard, Su Mo's choice is to make a quick decision, and take down Xiao Wu before the school starts at Notting College!

  Because of his previous life, Su Mo thought he had some understanding of Xiao Wu's character.

  From Su Mo's point of view, Xiao Wu's personality should also be conservative in terms of love. She is the kind of person who will not change her mind once she falls in love with someone, but will remain the same forever.

  So once Su Mo took down Xiao Wu before Xiao Wu signed up for Notting College.

  Even if Xiao Wu got to know Tang San in the future, even if she subconsciously liked Tang San because of Tang San's protagonist halo and Blue Silver Grass bloodline, she would not like Tang San.

  Even because of Su Mo's attitude, his attitude towards Tang San would change accordingly.

  But of course, what Su Mo said about taking down Xiao Wu was not to provoke Xiao Wu.

  Although Su Mo knew in his heart that Xiao Wu was actually a 100,000-year-old soul beast in the form of a six-year-old girl.

  But on the bright side, Su Mo definitely shouldn't know about this.

  And since he can't show on the bright side that he knows Xiao Wu's true identity.

  But if you still want to treat Xiao Wu as an ordinary six-year-old girl.

  Then, there is room for Su Mo to operate!

  Su Mo could perfectly attack Xiao Wu's weakness, and through a series of routines, with the help of the death scythe and the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit, he could capture Xiao Wu's heart first.

  Because Xiao Wu is still a little girl now, Su Mo can confidently express:

  I have always regarded you as my younger sister!

  After all, I, Su Mo, am a gentleman, how could I have thoughts about a six-year-old girl?

  This allowed Su Mo to attack Zhu Zhuqing and even Ning Rongrong even if he was with Xiao Wu next time.

  Simply perfect!


  Notting City, in the Tulip Hotel.

  Through the routine, in just one night, Su Mo mixed ambiguity into his relationship with Xiao Wu.

  Of course, this ambiguous Su Mo has always expressed it in a joking way.

  But for this, Xiao Wu felt shy from the bottom of her heart, and also developed a male-female relationship with Su Mo.

  It's just that this feeling is still only in its infancy.

  To make it thrive, Su Mo needs to continue to "water" it!

  But for the follow-up strategy, Su Mo has already drawn up a plan.

  Just like that, after waking up, she explained to Xiao Wu what happened last night.

  Although Su Mo jokingly said on the surface that Xiao Wu said he took advantage of it, he was actually the one who suffered.

  But then, at breakfast.

  However, Su Mo expressed his apology to Xiao Wu in action, and invited Xiao Wu to visit Notting City today, take Xiao Wu to eat delicious food, and go shopping for clothes!

  This made Xiao Wu very happy and happy.

  After that, Su Mo took Xiao Wu out to visit Notting City!

  But for taking Xiao Wu out to play Notting City this time.

  In fact, Su Mo's idea is not simply to take Xiao Wu out to play.

  But he wanted to find a playboy and try to make him interested in Xiao Wu, so as to attack the two of them.

  This is also a routine he wants to carry out!

  In this way, Su Mo can carry out a good show of a hero saving the beauty, and by making Xiao Wu feel a strong sense of security, his feelings for him can be enhanced again.

  After that, Su Mo had other further plans.

  But it's a pity that Su Mo doesn't seem to be the protagonist in fantasy novels like a catastrophe. No matter where he goes, various characters come to find fault with him and make him pretend to be slapped in the face.

  So, during the days when I took Xiao Wu to play in Notting City.

  Although the relationship between Su Mo and Xiao Wu has been steadily improving, they have never met a qualified dude who can be used as a tool.

  But half a month later, Notting College is about to start school.

  Su Mo finally waited for an opportunity.

  On this day, Su Mo was still the same as usual. After taking Xiao Wu out of the Tulip Hotel, he first went shopping on the street for a while, and then took Xiao Wu to the Heaven and Earth Restaurant for dinner.

  Heaven and Earth Restaurant is the most high-end restaurant in Notting City, and the quality of food is undoubtedly the highest.

  There are even dishes made with the meat of soul beasts and the shoots and roots of plant-type soul beasts.

  Therefore, many upper-class figures in the entire city of Notting will come to eat in the heaven and earth.

  Su Mo has been bringing Xiao Wu here all the time. On the one hand, the food here is indeed delicious, and on the other hand, he wants to see if he can meet a dude who can be used as a tool man here.

  And after bringing Xiao Wu to the heaven and earth again.

  Su Mo opened a private room first, then took the menu and began to order. First, he chose a few favorite dishes, and then let Xiao Wu choose a few.

  After choosing the dishes, Su Mo called the waiter and handed over the marked menu.

  "These are the dishes we want to serve, please hurry up."

  "Okay, please wait a moment!"

  The waiter in black uniform took the menu, and slowly exited the box with a very respectful expression, walked to I left the kitchen and went to deliver the menu.

  "Let's wait a bit, it will take a while, so you can eat some fruit platter and yogurt pudding first."

  It will take a while for the food to be served, but for the distinguished guests who open a private room, Heaven and Earth will send some snacks such as fruit platters and yogurt puddings that will fill your belly.

  Naturally, Su Mo would not eat these snacks.

  When he was in Wuhun City, he ate too much of these things when he was a child!

  However, Su Mo didn't waste these small snacks. Instead, he looked at Xiao Wu with a doting face, smiled gently, and pushed the fruit platter and yogurt pudding in front of Xiao Wu.

  This little concern made Xiao Wu's pretty face a little red, but she was very happy and benefited from it in her heart.

  And while waiting for the food to be served.

  Outside the box, there was a sudden burst of noise and flattering laughter.

  "Boss Xiao, long time no see. I heard that you went to the Hunting Forest to hunt soul beasts. You must have been promoted to a soul master by now, right? Congratulations! For such a big happy event, let me treat you to the boss. !"

  "That's right! That's right! This is a great thing!"

  "From now on, Boss Xiao, you will be the real boss of the academy!"


  "Boss Xiao? Academy?

  " The movement and sound made Su Mo's heart skip a beat.

  This Boss Xiao should be Xiao Chenyu from Notting College, right?

  While thinking in his heart, Su Mo couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

  If this Xiao Chenyu is really the case, then it seems that today I finally got a dude who is barely qualified and can be used as a tool man!

  After waiting for so long, it's finally here!

  Su Mo was a little excited.