Design, the arrogant Xiao Aotian Chenyu!

For Xiao Chenyu's arrival.

  Although he had some thoughts in his heart, Su Mo still didn't show anything unusual on the surface, but still had a smile on his mouth, and gently supported the side of his face with one hand.

  Just looking at the cute bunny-eared Loli Xiaowu with a long scorpion-tail braid in front of her, she enjoyed eating the yogurt pudding spoonful after spoonful.

  I have to say, looking at Xiao Wu's bulging pink and fair face, her big black eyes are staring at the yogurt pudding in front of her, like a little squirrel, eagerly scooping and scooping He ate the yogurt pudding "Aww, aww..." with a blissful expression on his face at the same time, under the table, a pair of white and tender legs dressed in white silk were unconsciously lifted up.

  That way, don't be too cute!

  While watching Xiao Wu eat, even though Su Mo focused all his attention on Xiao Wu, there was always a hint of a smile on his face.

  But secretly, Su Mo quietly summoned the birds under his control.

  Let these birds follow the trail of Xiao Chenyu and his party outside to see the current situation of Xiao Chenyu and his party.

  I have to say that Su Mo's luck is not bad.

  Next to the box occupied by Xiao Chenyu and his party, there happened to be a window.

  So these birds that acted as Su Mo's monitors could clearly see what Xiao Chenyu and his group were doing.

  And in Su Mo's "line of sight".

  I saw that in this box, a group of people headed by Xiao Chenyu had already entered.

  Apart from being dressed in white, with a handsome face and a hint of arrogance, it should be Xiao Chenyu's boy who sat down.

  The rest of the people stood up and congratulated Xiao Chenyu full of compliments.

  In the remote border town of Notting City, the soul master with the highest cultivation level is nothing more than a soul master.

  Therefore, being able to become a soul master here is already considered incredible!

  So after Xiao Chenyu became a soul master, it naturally aroused unanimous compliments and flattery from his subordinates.

  Regarding this, Xiao Chenyu also seemed very proud.

  Although... the first soul ring he hunted was only a ten-year soul ring.

  However, Su Mo didn't care about the communication between Xiao Chenyu and his subordinates.

  He didn't care how Xiao Chenyu's subordinates flattered him, and how Xiao Chenyu pretended to be aggressive!

  What Su Mo wanted was to find an opportunity to influence Xiao Chenyu and let Xiao Chenyu come over to find fault, that's all!

  And soon, Su Mo saw an opportunity!

  Because they were in the private room, because they were very happy today, so Xiao Chenyu and his group naturally let the restaurant serve a lot of wine, and then they all started laughing and drinking, pushing and changing glasses, it was so lively!

  'Did you drink? Then everything seems to be more seamless! '

  When it was discovered that Xiao Chenyu and the others were drinking, Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly.

  On the other side, at this time, on Su Mo and Xiao Wu's side, the previously ordered meals have also been served, along with several bottles of fruit wine.

  Su Mo was not someone who liked to drink and smoke in his previous life.

  So even after time travel, Su Mo did not change his habits.

  However, the fruit wine on Douluo Continent tastes like a drink, and has a relatively clear taste, so when Su Mo eats out, he likes to order a few bottles.

  After all, he is a little afraid of spicy food, but he is not willing to give up delicious food.

  While eating with Xiao Wu, Su Mo pretended to eat some spicy dishes, and then drank a lot of fruit wine. Before that, he got up and prepared to leave the box in the name of going to the bathroom.

  After leaving the box, Su Mo immediately went straight to the bathroom at the end of the hotel corridor.

  In the bathroom, Su Mo found a separate cubicle, and then in this narrow space, summoned the death sickle spirit.

  Because there is a death domain to isolate the breath, and Su Mo's current cultivation base is already a title Douluo.

  So Su Mo summoned the death scythe martial soul without alarming anyone.

  And after summoning the death scythe martial soul, Su Mo activated the fourth soul skill: Abi Hell!

  For a moment, an invisible illusion suddenly condensed into shape.

  Then, under Su Mo's control, it gradually enveloped the entire floor of the Heaven and Earth Restaurant.

  Or to be precise, it was the box where Xiao Chenyu was!

  However, when Su Mo activated the soul skill Abi Hell, he didn't intend to bring Xiao Chenyu and his group closer to the illusion.

  But just wanted to influence the thinking of Xiao Chenyu and his party through the illusion of Abi Hell.

  Then cooperate with the ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit to affect emotions.

  In this way, Xiao Chenyu and the others can go crazy with alcohol and come over to find fault!

  And under the influence of Su Mo's Abi hell soul skill.

  I saw Xiao Chenyu in the box.

  A group of playboys were bragging and pretending to be aggressive, but they got involved with women before they knew it.

  After talking about women, a short, fat man in a gorgeous brocade suit hiccupped and laughed drunkenly.

  "Hi! No... isn't it a woman! What you say is nothing! It's really... tasteless, let me tell... tell you!"

  "Just now when I go outside, I saw In a private room, there is a...a top-notch little loli, must have never seen this!"

  "Ron, what you it true? Really, we didn't even see it To... the best little loli you have seen? I... I don't believe it, if you have the ability, take us to see it, let us have a look!"

  Another drunk noble youth also yelled drunkenly.

  All of a sudden, the whole room suddenly became noisy.

  In the end, Xiao Chenyu, who was also affected and a little bit drunk, made the final decision, stood up directly, and slapped the table with a slap.

  "Then... then go and have a look. I want to... I want to see, what kind of top-quality little loli is there, even... I haven't even seen it!"

  Under the leadership of Xiao Chenyu, a group of dudes Immediately, the children came out of the box one by one with their shoulders crossed and their backs crossed. With great fanfare, they walked towards the box where Su Mo and Xiao Wu were.

  On the way, the people in the hotel also found Xiao Chenyu and his group who were drunk and going berserk, and they also wanted to persuade this group of drunk people to go back.

  But he couldn't be persuaded, so he forced his hands, but he didn't dare to do so. In the end, he could only watch Xiao Chenyu and his party come all the way to Su Mo's box.

  "Hi! Ro... Ron, is this little loli... the top-quality little loli you mentioned? She's so beautiful and cute, she looks a bit like a bunny, hehe... If you can take it back Just be a pet rabbit!"

  Before and after coming to the box, Xiao Chenyu couldn't help laughing drunkenly when he saw Xiao Wu who was eating in the box.

  "Hey! Who are you? Who told you to come here? This is our box. Go away!" On the

  other side, Xiao Wu, who was eating, couldn't help noticing Xiao Chen immediately after hearing what Xiao Chenyu said. Yu's group stood up a little angrily, turned to face Xiao Chenyu and his party, pinched their waists and shouted coquettishly.

  "Hey! Boss...boss, she...she seems to be scolding us! It's really...really terrible, why don't you, take her back and use her as a pet rabbit!"

  Finding that Xiao Wu was angry, she drank The drunk noble boy couldn't help but speak arrogantly.

  "That's right! That's right, catch... catch it back and make it a pet rabbit, Boss, you are the young master of Notting City, what are you afraid of... what are you afraid of!"

  Hearing this, the other noble youths around were also booing drunkenly.

  Under normal conditions, Xiao Chenyu would definitely not be so arrogant in front of so many people.

  But now he is in a state of being drunk and under the influence of the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit at the same time. Basically, his thoughts and actions follow the impulsive emotions deep in his heart.

  So Xiao Chenyu really listened, with his drunken flushed face still very arrogant and domineering, he staggered into the box directly, walked towards Xiao Wu, pointing out the sky.

  "Little...Little Lolita, let me tell you, I am the young master of Notting City, can go back to be a pet rabbit with me obediently, otherwise don't blame me...I'm welcome! Hiccup!"

  "Ah! Don't come here! If you come here again, I will do it!"

  For Xiao Chenyu's approach, Xiao Wu also endured to the limit, relying on the fear of Xiao Chenyu's background to suppress her urge to do it, she couldn't help but yelled angrily , with a final warning.

  In her heart, Xiao Wu desperately yearns for Su Mo's return.

  Because she is not very comfortable with some things in the human world, the situation where Xiao Chenyu and Xiao Wu meet now is completely different from the original book!

  'It's time to close the net! '

  But secretly seeing that things had progressed to this point, Su Mo felt that it was time to act, so he pretended to frown, and walked over from the corridor in the distance with a cold face.

  "Who are you and who brought you here?"