So What If I Hit You? Xiao Wu's moving

"You... who are you? We... our boss came here to catch little rabbits as pets, you give us... get out of here, or don't blame us for killing you!

  " A group of noble teenagers who were drunk and influenced by Su Mo's twelve-winged fallen angel spirit were completely irrational at the moment, and their attitude towards Su Mo's arrival was still arrogant and domineering.

  And this made the expression on Su Mo's face even colder, and he couldn't help sneering.

  "Kill me? I want to see if you have the ability!"

  After that, Su Mo moved suddenly, and rushed out in an instant, knocking a noble boy away with one punch, and the next blow The whip leg swept away a few more.

  In the blink of an eye, Su Mo beat up a group of noble youths, everyone except Xiao Chenyu.

  For a moment, only painful groans could be heard around the entire box, coming from the corridor and every corner of the box.

  "You... who are you, dare to destroy my... my good deeds?!"

  Xiao Chenyu, who was also under the influence of drunkenness and twelve-winged fallen angels when he saw that Su Mo had made a move, felt very sorry for Su Mo. The arrival is also insane, and his attitude is still extremely arrogant, especially domineering.

  "Destroy your good deed? You want to take Xiao Wu away, have you asked me?"

  Su Mo sneered, while protecting Xiao Wu behind his back.

  "Brother Su Mo, you are finally here!"

  Su Mo's arrival also made Xiao Wu very excited and relaxed.

  Even though, with Xiao Wu's strength, Xiao Chenyu's group couldn't hurt her.

  But these days, Xiao Wu has become accustomed to leaving everything to Su Mo, including encountering danger like now.

  "Don't worry! With me here, no one can hurt you!"

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Su Mo smiled lightly, and turned to look at Xiao Wu, his handsome face was full of confidence and arrogance.

  Compared with the gentleness shown by Su Mo in the past, the self-confidence and arrogance shown by Su Mo at this moment are extraordinarily bold.

  This made Xiao Wu feel a sense of security in her heart for a moment.

  This is the third emotion that Xiao Wu longs for besides caring and being taken care of!

  " actually dared to sabotage my good deeds, you... you know who I am?" In the

  box, I found that Su Mo really dared to sabotage my good deeds, in a state of drunkenness, plus Under the influence of Su Mo's twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun, Xiao Chenyu couldn't help hiccupping, and an angry look appeared on his drunken flushed face.

  "I don't care who you are, if you want to hurt Xiao Wu, even if you are a god!"

  Su Mo's face was still indifferent and domineering, as if as long as he was around, no one could hurt Xiao Wu, and he frantically increased Xiao Wu's favorability .

  "'re looking for death!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Xiao Chenyu, who was originally irritable because of drunkenness, and the influence of the twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun, was instantly overwhelmed by the anger in his heart. He even activated the martial soul possession in the heaven and the earth.

  "White wolf, possessed by the martial spirit!" Amidst

  Xiao Chenyu's drunken yelling.

  A white wolf shadow instantly emerged from Xiao Chenyu's back, and then instantly submerged into Xiao Chenyu's body.

  Following the possession of the white wolf martial soul, Xiao Chenyu's figure immediately began to grow taller, his muscles swelled, white hair grew from the back of his hands, and sharp claws popped out from between his fingers.

  At the same time, a white ten-year soul ring also rose from Xiao Chenyu's feet, wrapping around Xiao Chenyu's body.

  "Boss...boss, avenge us!"

  When looking at Xiao Chenyu and activated his martial soul possession, the drunken noble boys who were injured by Su Mo couldn't help shouting at Xiao Chenyu.

  "I'll give you one last chance. If you obediently get out of the way and let me take away the little loli behind you, I can pretend that nothing happened, and even give you a chance to do things for me."

  "And if you still If you refuse to accept it, I can only let you know what a soul master is. By the way, I, Xiao Chenyu, am the young master of Notting City, and my father Xiao Kuang is the number one person in Notting City, a strong soul master. Those !"

  Although his heart was full of anger and he should have gone straight to it, under the influence of Su Mo's twelve-winged fallen angel martial soul, Xiao Chenyu's inner anger suddenly subsided, and he couldn't help threatening Su Mo again.

  Regarding this, Su Mo naturally still expressed indifference and disdain.

  He did not accept Xiao Chenyu's threat, Xiao Wu was his, no one could ignore him and take Xiao Wu away directly.

  Besides, is the soul master very powerful?

  After finishing speaking, Su Mo immediately summoned his second martial soul, the Staff of the Tree of Life!

  For a moment, as a burst of emerald green light burst out from the right hand, a tree branch shaped like an ordinary tree, but the whole body was emerald green like jade, with a few emerald-like leaves growing on it. In this way, it appeared in Su Mo's hands.

  At the same time, three dark ten thousand year spirit rings also rose from Su Mo's feet one after another, surrounding Su Mo's body.

  But of course, Su Mo would not leave such a huge opening!

  Although there are indeed three ten-thousand-year soul rings around him, Su Mo has already developed the fourth soul skill of the Death God Scythe Wuhun: Abi Hell to an extremely terrifying level during his years of practice in the Wuhun Hall!

  The current Su Mo is more than able to pull people into the illusion created by Abi Hell.

  Su Mo can also use the fourth soul skill: the condensed illusion of Abi Hell to distort the senses of people shrouded in the illusion, such as making others regard his three soul rings as ordinary soul rings.

  For Xiao Chenyu, through the illusion, Su Mo made Xiao Chenyu regard his soul ring configuration as white, white, and yellow.

  As for the others, including Xiao Wu, Su Mo asked them to see that their soul ring configurations were the ordinary best soul ring configurations: yellow, yellow, purple!

  And after Su Mo summoned the tree of life stick martial soul.

  Seeing Su Mo surrounded by three soul rings, even Xiao Chenyu was already in a state of drunkenness under Su Mo's design.

  Moreover, he was also affected by the emotional control of the twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun, his intelligence was greatly reduced, his confusion increased, and his behavior was largely controlled by his emotions.

  However, after discovering that Su Mo is the soul master, Xiao Chenyu became conscious for a while.

  But Su Mo obviously won't let Xiao Chenyu's IQ go online!

  Under the influence of the emotional control of the twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun, anger once again occupied Xiao Chenyu's high ground, causing Xiao Chenyu's IQ to fall to the bottom again.

  Facing Xiao Chenyu, after summoning the stick spirit of the tree of life, Su Mo rushed forward, and slammed the stick spirit of the tree of life into Xiao Chenyu's face with a stick, directly smashing Xiao Chenyu's teeth. Several of them were blown away, and the whole person screamed and flew out in an instant.

  And after knocking Xiao Chenyu away, Su Mo seemed still puzzled, rushed forward with a cold face and continued to punch and kick Xiao Chenyu until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

  " dare to hit me. I am the young master of Notting City, and my father is the soul master. If you dare to hit me, my father will not let you go, and our Xiao family will not let you go!

  " Mo screamed so hard that he lost all face.

  The anger in Xiao Chenyu's heart couldn't help burning even more intensely, and his IQ still seemed to be the same. He continued to endure Su Mo's violent beatings, and at the same time threatened Su Mo angrily,

  "Hmph! So what if I beat you? Dare to bully me?" Xiao Wu of my family, your father is the king of heaven and I can still hit you, if I am here, if you want to bully Xiao Wu, I tell you that there is no way!"

  Su Mo was still not moved by Xiao Chenyu's threat at all, with a smile on his face. He sneered endlessly, and in his words, he acted like he would go all out with anyone who dared to bully Xiao Wu.

  "Brother Su Mo..."

  In the box, upon hearing Su Mo's words, Xiao Wu's eyes turned red, and she was deeply moved.

  Unexpectedly, in this world, besides my mother, Da Ming and Er Ming, there are people who care about me so much.

  But why, I feel that this kind of relationship seems to be different from that between me and my mother, Da Ming and Er Ming.

  Could it this love?