Hit the little one to the boss, the cautious Xiao Kuang and Su Mo's terrifying control ability!

Through the words of his son Xiao Chenyu, he learned about Su Mo's situation.

  After judging that Su Mo is just an ordinary soul master with average talent and background, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Therefore, Xiao Kuang prepared to boldly avenge his son Xiao Chenyu.

  Just like that, it was evening in the blink of an eye.

  As the sun sets, the orange-red sunset glows in the sky, and the dim sunlight spreads all over the earth, covering the entire city of Nottingham.

  After a day of sightseeing in Notting City, Su Mo still took Xiao Wu to the heaven and earth, intending to have dinner here.

  And after dinner in heaven and earth.

  When Su Mo took Xiao Wu to leave the Heaven and Earth Restaurant and was about to return to the Tulip Hotel.

  At the entrance of the Heaven and Earth Restaurant, Su Mo and Xiao Wu were stopped by a group of people.

  At this time, it was already night, the bright moon rose into the night sky, and the stars were shining.

  Under the light of the restaurant in the sky and the earth, as well as the bright moonlight and stars in the sky.

  On the street not far in front of him, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe with long hair and a majestic face was quietly waiting for Su Mo with his hands behind his back and a few people.

  A gust of cool wind blew by inadvertently, blowing the sleeves of the middle-aged man.

  It makes it look so majestic and masterful.

  "Are you...is Su Mo?"

  Seeing Su Mo coming with Xiao Wu, the middle-aged man asked slowly and in a deep voice.

  "Yes, it's him, Dad, you must avenge me!!"

  Seeing Su Mo, for some reason, the anger in Xiao Chenyu's heart burned again, making him almost lose his mind. Revenge Su Mo.

  "That's right, I'm Su Mo, who are you? This kid surnamed Xiao said at noon that he was looking for someone to take revenge, are you the helper he's looking for?"

  Facing Xiao Kuang and the group, Su Mo pretended to be solemn, Protecting Xiao Wu behind her back, at the same time she asked in a calm voice.

  "He is my son. Since he was a child, his mother and I have never beaten him, but you have beaten him like this. You must give an explanation for this matter!"

  Xiao Kuang said with a calm expression on his face. soundtrack.

  "An explanation? I don't think I should give an explanation. As long as you know what happened, you should understand that your son asked for it all. I just taught him that he was merciful."

  "Of course, If you insist on protecting your son, are unreasonable, and want to avenge him, then that's okay, I'll accompany you to the end!"

  Looking at Xiao Kuang, Su Mo also sneered.

  "Okay! How bold, that's right, I'm here to avenge my son. The reason why I chose to wait for you here is to let you experience my son's feelings in front of the entire Heaven and Earth restaurant guests. "

  Since you said that you will stay with me to the end, let me see how confident you are in saying this. Although we are all soul masters, soul masters and soul masters...the strengths are also different!!"

  Hearing Su Mo also did not give in at all, Xiao Kuang immediately shouted in a deep voice.

  "White wolf, spirit possession!"

  After finishing speaking, Xiao Kuang shouted loudly, and instantly summoned the white wolf spirit inherited from the Xiao family, ready to enter the state of spirit possession.

  For a moment, a burst of white light flashed, and behind Xiao Kuang, a white wolf shadow instantly submerged into Xiao Kuang's body amidst the howling of a wolf.

  After the white wolf martial soul possessed his body, Xiao Kuang immediately experienced the same changes as before Xiao Chenyu.

  His stature was tall and his body muscles swelled. While his eyes turned into green wolf pupils and white wolf fur grew on the back of his hands, wolf claws that were as sharp as daggers also popped out from between his fingers.

  Moreover, after the martial soul possession was completed, the three white, yellow, and purple soul rings also rose slowly from Xiao Kuang's feet immediately, encircling Xiao Kuang's whole body.

  And after completing the martial soul possession, Xiao Kuang immediately opened his eyes and roared at the moon, and then he moved towards Su Mo in an instant.

  "Xiao Wu, get to the side!"

  Seeing Xiao Kuang attacking, Su Mo naturally pretended to be shocked, and quickly told Xiao Wu to hide aside, and let him deal with Xiao Kuang.

  After letting Xiao Wu dodge, facing Xiao Kuang's attack, Su Mo quickly dodged and summoned his own martial spirit: the staff of the tree of life.

  For a moment, the Wuhun of the Tree of Life, which looked like an ordinary branch but was as green as jade, appeared in Su Mo's hand.

  "Yellow, yellow, and purple" three soul rings also rose from Su Mo's feet immediately, surrounding his body.


  Seeing that Su Mo's soul ring configuration turned out to be "yellow, yellow, and purple" instead of "white, white, and yellow" as his son Xiao Chenyu said before, Xiao Kuang's expression changed drastically.

  Because the change in the configuration of the soul ring is not only a matter of the configuration of the soul ring, but also related to the background.

  If Su Mo's soul ring configuration is "white, white, and yellow", then there must be no background.

  But the best soul ring configuration of "yellow, yellow, and purple" probably has a background!

  Damn it! What the hell is going on here, is Chenyu drunk and misjudged, or is this kid deliberately deceiving me for me to avenge him?

  But he shouldn't have the guts!

  For a moment, his heart was full of shock and anger, Xiao Kuang suddenly wanted to stop.

  The ancestral instruction of their Xiao family has always been to be cautious, and they must not offend powerful forces in the soul master world, even if it is only a small sect and a small soul master family.

  Because Xiao Kuang deeply knows how weak a soul master like him is in the entire soul master world.

  So he refused to have the slightest possibility of offending the powerful soul master forces.

  But unfortunately, after he made a move, Su Mo couldn't give him a chance.

  In the night, seeing that Xiao Kuang seemed to be shocked by his soul ring configuration, Su Mo immediately thought of Xiao Kuang's thoughts.

  This guy might be cowardly!

  Because in the original book, Xiao Chenyu thought that Tang San had a background just because he saw that Tang San's first spirit ring was a century-old spirit ring, and then he was instantly discouraged.

  This father and son can't do it well!

  But this can't trouble Su Mo!

  In fact, with Su Mo's strength, he had already discovered Xiao Kuang's appearance before leaving the Heaven and Earth Restaurant.

  Before leaving, Su Mo took a chance to go to the bathroom, summoned the death sickle martial soul again, and then activated the fourth soul skill: Abi Hell!

  It turns out that Xiao Kuang doesn't seem to want to follow his own script.

  Su Mo directly planned to influence Xiao Kuang's thoughts through Abi Hell.

  Let Xiao Kuang change from not wanting to provoke possible forces behind Su Mo because of Su Mo, to thinking that he has already provoked Su Mo and made a vendetta, and the only way to save him is to kill Su Mo and kill him!

  After that, Su Mo used the emotional control ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel in his body to sharply amplify the dark side and anger in Xiao Kuang's heart, making these emotions go to Xiao Kuang's mind.

  After finishing all this in an instant, Su Mo immediately held the stick of the tree of life, regarded it as a stick-like martial soul, and went up to the rushing Xiao Kuang, and fought with Xiao Kuang amidst angry shouts stand up.

  Because according to the script, Su Mo can't defeat Xiao Kuang now, but should be crushed by Xiao Kuang and beaten up several times, but for Xiao Wu, he still gritted his teeth and refused to give up.

  Therefore, in the battle with Xiao Kuang.

  Su Mo quickly adjusted and suppressed his own strength, and turned himself into a real soul master level auxiliary system soul master. He could only shout angrily with great difficulty, and fought with Xiao Kuang.

  But because he is an auxiliary soul master, Su Mo is better than Xiao Kuang in terms of soul ring configuration.

  But in terms of combat power, Su Mo obviously couldn't be Xiao Kuang's opponent. Naturally, he was beaten back again and again, and Xiao Kuang sent him flying several times. There were already many scratches on the white clothes on his body, and the blood soaked the scars. clothing.


  Xiao Kuang knocked him out several times, and fell to the ground. Su Mo gritted his teeth, covered the injured part of his body, supported the ground with the stick of the tree of life, and got up from the ground. Then he activated his soul skills, healed himself, and recovered from his injuries.

  But this is not the way.

  If you are not an opponent in terms of strength, treatment after treatment is just a slow death!

  On the side, seeing Su Mo flying out again and again because of being beaten by Xiao Kuang, his body was covered with injuries, and the white clothes on his chest were soaked in blood, Xiao Wu couldn't help biting her cherry lips, her big black eyes were already a little red, and she was blindfolded. There was a layer of mist.

  But even though she felt distressed and worried for Su Mo, Xiao Wu had no way to help, let alone stop the battle.

  Because with her current strength, going up to help would only drag Su Mo down.

  But if he admits defeat, who knows what exorbitant demands the other party will make, and it is definitely impossible for Su Mo to agree.

  Otherwise, Su Mo would have given up a long time ago, and would never have insisted on fighting this guy.

  Now, Xiao Wu can only choose to trust Su Mo.

  On the other hand, seeing that Su Mo was no match for his father Xiao Kuang, Xiao Chenyu couldn't help being very excited.

  But at this moment, feeling that the timing was almost up, Su Mo immediately activated the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit in his body again, and used his emotion control ability on Xiao Chenyu.

  This time, under the influence of Su Mo, the power of sex/desire in the Seven Deadly Sins exploded in Xiao Chenyu's body again.

  Xiao Chenyu was directly dazzled by the fire of desire, and he couldn't help but excitedly said to Su Mo.

  "Boy, you're doomed, admit defeat obediently! As long as you hand over the little loli you protected and treat me as a pet rabbit, I can ask my father to spare your life!"