Xiao Wu, I will not let you suffer any harm!

'This cheating son! '

  When he heard Xiao Chenyu's words, Xiao Kuang, who was fighting Su Mo, almost died of anger.

  What happened to his son today?

  Obviously according to his previous education.

  His son, Xiao Chenyu, has inherited the prudence that their Xiao family has always had.

  For Su Mo, who was obviously not an ordinary soul master in front of him.

  Now I only have two choices, either turn war into friendship with him, or kill him.

  What do you mean if you ask him to hand over that little girl, you will let him go!

  After that, wait for this guy to tell the possible forces behind him about what happened today, and then let that force send someone over to wipe out their Xiao family? !

  But compared to Xiao Kuang's anger.

  Su Mo, who was fighting with Xiao Kuang, immediately showed an extremely "angry" expression after hearing Xiao Chenyu's words, and couldn't help shouting angrily.

  "You guys are so arrogant! I haven't lost yet, do you think you're going to beat me? You're even targeting Xiao Wu, give up! As long as I'm here, I won't let Xiao Wu suffer. Any harm!"

  While shouting angrily, Su Mo seemed to burst into flames in an instant, and suddenly burst out at an astonishing speed, dodging Xiao Kuang's attack at once, and then launched his second and third attacks soul skills.

  In an instant, Su Mo raised the tree of life stick Wuhun in his hand.

  Under the influence of the fourth Soul Skill of Death Sickle Wuhun: Abi Hell, the surrounding people immediately saw the second and third Soul rings surrounding Su Mo burst into light.

  But of course.

  In fact, this is just an illusion seen by the surrounding people under the influence of the illusion created by Abi Hell. Su Mo actually did not activate the second and third soul skills of the stick martial soul of the tree of life.

  Because the second and third soul skills that Su Mo chose for the tree of life stick spirit came from the 50,000-year-old Thornback Dragon and the 70,000-year-old Bloodthirsty Tyrannosaurus respectively.

  Su Mo named the final soul skills Thorn Armor Thorn Cover and Bloodthirsty Dragon Power respectively.

  As for the effect of these two soul skills, the former can condense a shield on the target, which is enough to resist the ten thousand year soul ring attack of a titled Douluo level soul master!

  At the same time, before the shield is broken, the shield of the thorn armor and thorns will also reflect 50% of the melee physical damage received to the melee attacker!

  As for the latter, it can bring soul masters below the soul saint level a blessing of 300% overall improvement in physical fitness, which lasts for half an hour.

  Originally, after the power of the bloodthirsty mad dragon ends, there will be a period of weakness.

  But because the rod of the tree of life has its own healing power, the negative effects are removed.

  Once these two soul skills are activated, Su Mo's strength will basically be exposed.

  So naturally it cannot be used casually.

  However, through the influence of the illusion of Abi Hell, everyone around them had hallucinations, feeling that Su Mo had activated the second and third soul skills.

  Su Mo also put on a show, in the extreme "anger", pretending that his strength instantly skyrocketed under the blessing of the two soul skills, he rushed towards Xiao Kuang again.

  "It's just an auxiliary soul master, so what if the configuration of the soul ring is better than mine, do you think that the auxiliary soul master can defeat me by adding a few auxiliary soul skills?"

  Facing Su Mo's active attack , Xiao Kuang also roared angrily, raised his sharp claws, and rushed towards Su Mo.

  "Brother Su Mo..."

  On the side, when she saw that Su Mo was furious after hearing that she was insulted, and then suddenly activated the second and third soul skills, and wanted to fight Xiao Kuang to the death, Xiao Wu couldn't help but clenched her little hands , I was almost moved to tears.

  Brother Su Mo, why...why do you treat me so well...

  I'm just a godsister you adopted.

  Is it worth it for you to do this for me?

  Before, I just liked you a little bit.

  But now, I seem to really fall in love with you!

  Although you may just regard me as a godsister.

  But... But I really can't help it, I suddenly don't want to be just your sister anymore.

  My mother said that if I can meet someone who will protect me even if they would rather give up their own lives.

  Then he is the ultimate destination that can bring me happiness.

  Brother Su Mo, this person...could it be you?


  on the street battlefield in front of the Heaven and Earth Restaurant.

  Although it was already night, most places in Notting City were already closed.

  However, as the most upscale restaurant in Notting City, Heaven and Earth still has many people here.

  The battle between Su Mo and Xiao Kuang naturally attracted the attention of many people in the Heaven and Earth Restaurant.

  And I originally thought that Su Mo, who was only an auxiliary soul master with white, white, and yellow soul rings, would definitely not be his opponent, and he should be able to take it down in less than three minutes!

  However, when he discovered that Su Mo's soul ring configuration was not white, white, and yellow at all, but yellow, yellow, and purple, Xiao Kuang's heart sank immediately, feeling that everything might not be going so smoothly.

  After that, everything developed as Xiao Kuang imagined.

  Although Su Mo is not his opponent, but because his martial soul does not seem to be a broken wooden stick, but a very good staff-like martial soul with powerful healing soul skills.

  Therefore, if Su Mo doesn't confront him head-on, he really won't be able to take Su Mo down for a while.

  But when he found out that Su Mo was actually irritated by his son Xiao Chenyu's words, he suddenly lost his head, abandoned his greatest advantage, and wanted to fight him to the death.

  Xiao Kuang couldn't help showing a sinister smile on his face, ready to directly take Su Mo down, or even kill him!

  Boy, you sent this to your door to seek death, no wonder me!

  "The third soul skill: Rage and bloodthirsty!" Realizing

  that Su Mo actually wanted to fight to the death with him, Xiao Kuang immediately stopped holding back, and activated his third soul skill with a cruel grin : Rage and bloodthirsty Blood!

  After the third soul skill: Furious Bloodthirsty is activated, his strength and speed will be increased by 100%, which lasts for fifteen minutes.

  But the disadvantage is that after the end, it will fall into a weak period for half a day.

  But it doesn't matter, as long as this kid is solved, it will be the biggest gain!


  After activating the third soul skill: Furious Bloodthirsty, Xiao Kuang immediately activated the second soul skill: Vajra Tear Claw amid grinning laughter.

  After that, he rushed towards Su Mo, and grabbed his metal-shining claws towards Su Mo's heart.

  But regarding this, Su Mo didn't dodge or dodge, directly yelled angrily, and violently swung the Wuhun of the Tree of Life, which was like a jasper stick, towards Xiao Kuang.

  "Be careful!"

  Seeing that Su Mo wanted to exchange injuries for injuries, Xiao Wu was so anxious that she was about to cry, and her heart ached.

  But at the next moment, Xiao Kuang couldn't help changing his expression, he felt that after the King Kong tearing claws touched Su Mo's body, it was as if they had encountered an invisible protective shield and were blocked!

  not good! Among the two soul skills he activated just now, there seems to be a defensive soul skill!

  Xiao Kuang reacted instantly in his mind, but unfortunately it was too late!

  Amidst Su Mo's angry shout, he waved towards Xiao Kuang's chest with a stern wind. The stick hit Xiao Kuang's body in an instant.


  For a split second, Xiao Kuang felt an invincible force coming from his chest. He didn't know how many ribs were broken, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. His face was as pale as paper, and he seemed to be broken in an instant. Like a kite on a thread, Su Mo was blown away at once.


  Seeing the result of the final battle between Su Mo and Xiao Kuang, it turned out that his father vomited blood and flew out, Xiao Chenyu couldn't help being dumbfounded, shouted hastily, and chased after the place where Xiao Kuang was blown away .