Favorability: 80 points: Deep affection, Reward: Thought induction and distortion opportunity x3 (2)

"Brother Su Mo won?!"

  When she saw that Su Mo had won in the end, Xiao Wu couldn't help being pleasantly surprised , the whole person jumped up excitedly on the spot, and a long scorpion tail kept swinging around.

  "The city lord...lost?"

  On the contrary, when he saw Xiao Kuang vomited blood and flew backwards by Su Mo's stick, standing in the restaurant in the sky and the earth and the noble dudes who were watching the battle not far behind, they couldn't help but panic immediately. dumbfounded.

  They never thought that Su Mo, an auxiliary type soul master, could defeat Xiao Kuang, who was an attack type soul master, it was simply unbelievable!

  "Dad, Dad, are you okay!" On the

  other side, seeing his father spitting blood and flying upside down, Xiao Chenyu finally regained his senses briefly, and hurried to Xiao Kuang who was lying on the ground, shaking Xiao Kuang's body, shouted.

  "Don't...cough cough...don't shake it anymore, you will die if you shake it any longer!"

  Feeling the severe pain from the broken ribs in his chest, Xiao Kuang vomited blood with a pale face, and weakly told his son Xiao Chenyu not to Shake again.

  "Wuuu... Dad, what's going on, he's just an auxiliary soul master with a tattered wooden stick and white, white, and yellow soul rings. How could he beat you, Dad!

  " Xiao Chenyu was not an idiot after his father suffered such serious injuries, so he naturally knew what this meant, so he couldn't help crying anxiously, and asked questions full of puzzlement.

  But hearing these words, Xiao Kuang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

  Did you kid really get drunk and make a mistake, or did you deliberately lie to me?

  This guy's soul ring configuration is white, white, and yellow, but the best soul ring configuration is yellow, yellow, and purple!

  And according to its performance in the battle just now, its martial spirit is definitely not an ordinary broken wooden stick, but a staff-like martial spirit of very good quality.

  Otherwise, if it was an ordinary wooden stick Wuhun, it would not be able to stop the sharpness of his claws, and it would have been chopped into several pieces long ago!

  "Xiao Chenyu, are you lying to me on purpose, or are you blind!"

  "This guy's martial soul is not a broken wooden stick at all, and his soul ring configuration is not white, white, or yellow as you said, but It's yellow, yellow, purple! Cough cough...cough cough..."

  Under the extreme anger, Xiao Kuang forced his injured body upright, and couldn't help cursing at Xiao Chenyu, until the end, he even vomited blood .


  Hearing what his father Xiao Kuang said, Xiao Chenyu couldn't help being stunned.

  "How...how could it be, the configuration of the soul ring is white, white, and yellow, how could it be yellow, yellow, purple..."

  In unwillingness and disbelief, Xiao Chenyu couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, and once again He looked at Su Mo who was not far away, and then... his mind suddenly roared.

  How come, I was really wrong? !

  His soul ring configuration is really yellow, yellow, purple!

  As Su Mo changed the influence of the illusion created by Abi Hell on Xiao Chenyu.

  After seeing that Su Mo's soul ring configuration was really "yellow, yellow, and purple", Xiao Chenyu almost collapsed.

  Thinking of the stupid things he did before, his father Xiao Kuang was all implicated.

  Xiao Chenyu couldn't help but collapsed and knelt down on the ground, his heart was full of remorse.

  I just feel like I was stupid before, to find trouble with a soul master just because of a top-notch little loli, this is not like him at all!

  On the other side, I saw that Su Mo finally won.

  Xiao Wu couldn't help running towards Su Mo with excitement, jumped up suddenly, and threw herself into Su Mo's arms. A pair of slender jade hands hugged Su Mo's neck tightly, and a pair of white silk calves were Holding Su Mo's waist tightly, the whole person hung on Su Mo's body like a koala.

  "Brother Su Mo, it's really great. It's great that you don't have the truth."

  Burying the scorpion's head deeply into Su Mo's arms, Xiao Wu wept with joy.

  At this time, Su Mo's mind also sounded a mechanical and cold reminder from the system.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully made Xiao Wu, the heroine of Douluo Dalu, fall in love with her. The current favorability is 80 points, and she has reached a deep affection, and she will be rewarded; the chance of thinking induction and distortion x3!"

  "Follow-up, if the host continues to improve the relationship with Douluo Dalu The affection of the heroine Xiao Wu has made her favorability reach 90 points of pledge of eternal love and 100 points of unswerving until death, and she will get more rewards!"

  As the system's icy and mechanical upgrade sound ended, before Su Mo could ask.

  A flow of information about introducing thought-inducing and distorting opportunities flooded into Su Mo's mind in an instant.

  'Well... can thought induction and distorted opportunities induce a person to have the idea he wants, or distort a person's idea to make his idea become what he wants? '

  After browsing through the information flow about the opportunity to induce and distort rewards obtained this time, Su Mo couldn't help but feel a little weird.

  Because the reward this time is a bit like the common sense modification ability in some common sense modification novels he read on the Internet in his previous life. Although it is not that strong, but...but it is still very unscrupulous!

  However, feeling the softness of Xiao Wu's delicate body in his arms, and the faint fragrance of body coming from the tip of his nose, Su Mo quickly regained his senses, hugged Xiao Wu in his arms a little tighter, and at the same time gently smiled and said .

  "Okay! Okay! I know you're worried about me, but I'm fine. Didn't I say that as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."

  "By the way, these two people, Xiao Wu, what do you want? To deal with them, should we spare their lives, or...kill them?"

  After putting down Xiao Wu from his arms, Su Mo couldn't help holding Xiao Wu's soft hand, and turned to look at Xiao Kuang who was lying on the ground vomiting blood And Xiao Chenyu, who was beside him, who was filled with regret.


  Xiao Wu hesitated a little.

  However, Su Mo was not surprised by this.

  The reason why he handed over the handling of Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu to Xiao Wu was, on the one hand, he wanted to show his concern for Xiao Wu, and on the other hand, he wanted Xiao Wu to spare their lives.

  Because although Xiao Chenyu and Xiao Kuang offended them.

  But in fact, all of this was deliberately designed by Su Mo. Although Xiao Chenyu is indeed a dude, he is still very cautious, has good eyesight and brains.

  If it was a normal situation, he would not offend Su Mo, who obviously does not look like a commoner, for Xiao Wu!

  Of course, the reason why Su Mo wanted to spare Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu's life.

  The main reason is that the identities of nobleman Xiao Kuang and City Lord of Notting are of value to Su Mo.

  Otherwise, Su Mo would not let Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu go, even if it was just to maintain his superficial dignity!

  "That...Brother Su Mo, let's spare their lives. Although they are both villains, but...but I feel that they are not worthy of death."

  After hesitating in her heart, Xiao Wu still Holding Su Mo's hand, he said.

  "Is that so..."

  Hearing Xiao Wu's choice, Su Mo couldn't help frowning, feeling a little reluctant.

  This made Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu couldn't help being startled, and felt a burst of fear and fear in their hearts.

  Because they took the initiative to find fault, as long as Su Mo has power behind him, he can choose to take revenge and kill them, even Wuhundian cannot hold them accountable!

  But in the end, after a while of reluctance, Su Mo looked at Xiao Wu, his expression softened, and he looked at Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu with cold eyes, and said coldly.

  "Originally, for such arrogant and unreasonable nobles as you, I planned to kill you directly, but for Xiao Wu's sake, I will spare your life."

  "However, as a price, your Xiao family must submit to me in the future and obey my orders unconditionally...Of course, you can also choose to refuse or refuse to obey."

  "But I want to tell you that I am a senior official from Wuhun City I graduated from the Soul Master Academy, and I have many friends and acquaintances in the Wuhun Temple, unless you can kill me quietly without being discovered or suspected by anyone, otherwise... Humph!"

  Su Mo finally Did not say the end.

  But both Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu couldn't help shivering, deeply feeling the cruelty and threat.

  If they did this, Su Mo's friend in Wuhun City would definitely not be stingy with using the power of the huge power of Wuhun Palace to crush their tiny family like bedbugs to death!

  So, after looking at each other, Xiao Kuang immediately climbed up with difficulty, and then his son Xiao Chenyu knelt down to Su Mo and said loudly.

  "Don't worry, son, from now on... our Xiao family is the only one who will follow the lead!"