Notting College opens, I heard that there is Yu Xiaogang who is born with a genius full of soul power

who was born with a talent full of soul power, entered the school

  after Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu prostrated themselves on the ground and expressed their surrender.

  Su Mo naturally nodded lightly without comment.

  Then he used the healing ability of the tree of life staff spirit to heal Xiao Kuang's injuries.

  And when he saw the healing power of the tree of life stick martial soul.

  Both Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu couldn't help being shocked!

  Because the injuries on Xiao Kuang's body were not simple physical injuries.

  Instead, the ribs in the body were broken, coupled with the bleeding of the internal organs, it was already considered a serious injury!

  It is not so easy to recover from this kind of injury.

  Su Mo was able to heal such an injury so easily.

  It can be said that the Martial Soul is definitely not an ordinary auxiliary healing Martial Soul!

  After seeing Su Mo's powerful healing ability, Xiao Kuang really surrendered this time.

  Although today's incident is a bit embarrassing, if the Xiao family can really hug Su Mo's thigh.

  In the future, it may be able to create even more dazzling brilliance!

  Anyway, after seeing Su Mo's potential.

  Xiao Kuang couldn't help but suddenly popped up a story he had seen before.

  That was the story of Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong many years ago.


  After successfully capturing Xiao Wu's heart with the help of Xiao Chenyu and Xiao Kuang, she obtained the reward of thought induction and distortion opportunity x3, and also subdued Xiao Kuang's family by the way.

  Su Mo then took Xiao Wu back to the Tulip Hotel.

  And in the following days, in order to please Su Mo.

  Within a few days, Xiao Kuang prepared a luxurious mansion for Su Mo in Notting City, gave it to Su Mo, and asked Su Mo to live in this mansion.

  Su Mo didn't refuse, and took Xiao Wu to live in this mansion.

  Time is like this, and several days have passed in a flash.

  Finally, it was the day when the term at Notting College started.

  On this day, Su Mo was still the same as usual. After waking up in the morning, he first exercised in the courtyard of the mansion facing the rising sun for a while.

  After that, after eating the breakfast prepared by the chef in the mansion.

  Then Su Mo took Xiao Wu to Notting College unhurriedly, preparing to take Xiao Wu to sign up.

  All the way through the noisy streets full of people coming and going.

  Not far away, a college building with a relatively large area appeared in Su Mo's eyes.

  And what came into view was a tall arch.

  The arch is more than ten meters high and nearly twenty meters wide. The whole is repaired from hard rock, and the entrance and exit are controlled by two iron gates below.

  On the top of the arch, on a hanging plaque, was engraved a line of flamboyant gilt characters:

  Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy!

  "Let's go, there is Notting College ahead!"

  Su Mo took Xiao Wu's hand and led Xiao Wu straight to Notting College.

  The experience of Tang San and Old Jack is different from that in the original book.

  Because of his shabby clothes, he obviously came from a poor village, and he had no money to bribe the porter.

  The concierge spoke harsh words to Tang San and Old Jack from the beginning.

  But Su Mo was obviously not an ordinary person because of his gorgeous clothes and handsome face.

  And Xiao Wu beside her was also dressed like a beautiful little princess because of Su Mo.

  Therefore, seeing Su Mo and Xiao Wu, the concierge immediately greeted them obsequiously, opened the Tieshan door for them, and invited Su Mo and Xiao Wu to enter.

  I have to say, whether on Earth or in another world, everything is so realistic!

  "By the way, I heard that in Notting College, if you are a work-study student, you can enroll for free. Before us, did any work-study students come to Notting College to sign up?"

  After walking into the archway with Xiao Wu, Su Mo suddenly turned his head to look He turned to the porter at the side and asked.

  "Work-student student?"

  Wearing a gray-brown uniform, the porter, who looked to be in his twenties and had an ordinary face, was a little puzzled. After some recollection, he shook his head and replied.

  "Back to your lord, before your lord came, there were no work-study students who came to our college to sign up. It's not so easy for ordinary villages to produce soul masters." A

  trace of disdain flashed in the gatekeeper's eyes.

  "Okay, I got it!"

  Hearing this, Su Mo immediately knew that Tang San probably hadn't come yet.

  After casually rewarding the concierge with a golden soul coin, Su Mo took Xiao Wu's hand and walked towards the building directly in front of him through the avenue of Notting College.

  There are not many tall buildings in Notting College. The tall building in front of me should be the teaching building of Notting College.

  He remembered that the registration office should be on the first floor.

  In this way, Su Mo took Xiao Wu, and quickly found the registration office in the front teaching building, and walked in.

  "Are you here to sign up?"

  There were quite a few teachers in the office. Among them, one was wearing a white shirt and a black coat, with gray hair and beard. The teacher who looked obviously not young saw Su Mo and Xiao Wu , couldn't help asking immediately.

  "Yes, I brought her to sign up."

  Su Mo nodded, and then took Xiao Wu to the desk where the elderly teacher was.

  "Do you have a Martial Soul certificate? Please show it."

  When Su Mo and Xiao Wu came, the elder teacher, or Director Su, immediately took out a stack of registration forms from under the desk and put them on the table.

  Then he took out a quill, ready to fill in Xiao Wu's information.

  "Sorry! She doesn't have a Martial Soul certificate, but do you have a crystal ball to test her soul power here? If so, you can test her soul power here, so it should be okay?"

  Su Mo shook his head and asked .

  "This is also fine."

  Hearing Su Mo say that Xiao Wu did not have a certificate of martial spirit from the Wuhun Temple, Director Su couldn't help but looked at Xiao Wu in surprise, but didn't say anything, but took it out from under the desk. A faint blue crystal ball, continued.

  "Let me tell you some information about you first, what is your name, how old is it, what is your martial soul, and where do you live, then summon your martial soul and test your soul power."

  "My name is Xiao Wu, and I am six years old . , Wuhun is a soft-boned rabbit..."

  Regarding Director Su's question, Xiao Wu did not have stage fright, but hugged Su Mo's arm with her small hand, a smile appeared on her white and tender cute face, and she smiled and put her own The information has been spoken.

  "Summon out the martial soul, let's test your soul power!"

  Director Su continued after filling in the information Xiao Wu said.

  "Okay, I got it!"

  Xiao Wu nodded, and immediately summoned her own Martial Soul Soft Bone Rabbit, and then put her white and tender little hand on the blue crystal ball to test her soul power.

  Regarding Xiao Wu's martial soul, Director Su was not very surprised, because although the soft bone rabbit is a soul beast martial soul, it is not a particularly powerful kind.

  But when he saw the dazzling and bright light suddenly bursting out from the blue crystal ball.

  Whether it was Director Su or the other teachers in the office, their eyes widened and they shouted in horror.

  "How is it possible! It turned out to be...innately full of soul power?!"

  After discovering that Xiao Wu was innately full of soul power, all the teachers were startled.

  Even Director Su changed from his calmness just now, and the eyes he looked at Xiao Wu became extremely fiery.

  The reason for this is very simple, because geniuses who are born with full soul power basically either go to the Wuhun Temple, or go to other great soul master families and great sects.

  Xiao Wu, a genius full of soul power, unexpectedly came to their Notting College to enroll.

  It's like in Su Mo's previous life on earth, a third-rate university accidentally recruited the number one student in the college entrance examination!

  After discovering that Xiao Wu was innately full of soul power, everything about Xiao Wu's registration was naturally simplified!

  Soon, Xiao Wu completed the registration.

  "Okay, classmate Xiao Wu, your dormitory is in the first dormitory. Now you can ask your brother to take you there."

  After handing Xiao Wu her Notting College uniform to Xiao Wu, Director Su's old face was full of tears. Is smiling kindly.

  "No! We're not done yet!"

  Regarding Director Su's words, Su Mo shook his head and said with a light smile.


  Hearing this, Director Su was stunned, a little confused for a while.

  "Actually, I came to Notting College not only to send my sister to sign up. Isn't your Notting College recruiting teachers? In fact, I also came to apply to be a teacher at your Notting College!"

  Su Mo chuckled and slowly road.


  On the other hand, because Xiao Wu tested her innate full soul power, it shocked the teachers in the whole office.

  While Director Su was dealing with the matter of Xiao Wu's registration.

  Several young teachers left the office, chatting about Xiao Wu while walking towards the cafeteria.

  After arriving at the cafeteria.

  As teachers, these young teachers naturally ate on the second floor of the cafeteria.

  While eating, these young teachers couldn't help but chat about Xiao Wu.

  "It's really unimaginable that there are still geniuses who are born with soul power coming to our Notting College!

  " Among the geniuses who are born full of soul power, our life is worth it!"

  "Indeed! Indeed! But it's a pity, although there are geniuses born with full soul power coming to our Notting College, this is indeed something to be happy about, But can our Notting College train her well with such a genius? It won't delay others, right?"


  while these young teachers were talking.

  Not far from this table, when a middle-aged man wearing a black bachelor's uniform, with an inch-cut head and an ordinary face, but with a slightly stiff face was eating, he couldn't help but stop immediately after hearing this. down.

  "Our Notting College, a genius born with full soul power came? '


Note: Tomorrow a new fanfic of doupo canqion (Battle for the Heavens) will begin to be uploaded, and in the next chapters they will be given the name so that those who want to can go read them, in addition, more fanfic of doulo (combat continent) and quanzi fashi (full-time magician).

40 to 50 episodes will be published at first (in new fanfics), and then they will be updated 10 by 10 every day as usual.

Finally, I hope you liked today's chapters.