Shameless Yu Xiaogang, Shameless! (1)

Unfortunately, with Su Mo around, it is impossible for Yu Xiaogang to fool around with Xiao Wu.

  And as a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

  As long as Xiao Wu absorbs her popularity, her cultivation can improve naturally, at an astonishing speed!

  And there is no need to absorb the soul ring to advance.

  In the original book, Xiao Wu's improvement speed can keep up with Tang San who is cheating!

  Therefore, Xiao Wu didn't need Yu Xiaogang's so-called help at all.

  The only thing she needs is to learn the common sense of the human world and some knowledge about soul masters at Notting College.

  But these are studying with Yu Xiaogang, or studying at Notting College, there is no big difference at all!

  So, Notting College, in the registration office.

  After talking about his background and experience calmly with his hands behind his back, Yu Xiaogang looked at Xiao Wu and couldn't help but wait for Xiao Wu's answer.

  Although his face was calm, Yu Xiaogang was actually a little nervous and apprehensive.

  After all, it is different from the original book. In the original book, Yu Xiaogang met Tang San first, and then "seeed" Tang San's identity as the owner of the twin spirits.

  Under the circumstances that Tang San only knew him at present.

  Yu Xiaogang naturally pretended to be understated and showed his knowledge, so that Tang San finally took the initiative to apprentice.

  But Xiao Wu is different from Tang San.

  When Yu Xiaogang knew that Xiao Wu was innately full of soul power, the news had already been known by others.

  Therefore, Yu Xiaogang's desire to cut off Hu is naturally to show his own advantages.

  Only in this way can he make Xiao Wu ignore his low cultivation base and choose to worship him as his teacher.

  As for why he was nervous, of course it was because Yu Xiaogang had come to him on his own initiative, and he also desperately hoped that Xiao Wu could worship him as his teacher.

  As for Tang San, Yu Xiaogang encountered it by accident, which was considered a surprise, so naturally he didn't show too much desire for Tang San at that time.

  "Brother Su Mo..."

  After hearing Yu Xiaogang's self-introduction, Xiao Wu was a little confused.

  What the uncle in front of her said seemed to be very powerful, but these were not very attractive to her.

  But she didn't immediately refuse.

  Because what Yu Xiaogang said seemed to be a bit powerful.

  So Xiao Wu couldn't help looking at Su Mo for help, hoping that Su Mo could help her make a decision.

  In these days, Xiao Wu has become habitually dependent on Su Mo in getting along with Su Mo.

  And at this moment, Su Mo spoke.

  "I'm sorry, Xiao Wu won't ask you to be her teacher."

  Facing Xiao Wu's eyes asking for help, Su Mo looked at Yu Xiaogang, but said indifferently.

  "Your name is Su Mo. Are you Xiao Wu's elder brother? Do you know how important it is for Xiao Wu, a talented soul master with full soul power and no background, to have a teacher who can guide her?"

  " If there is no qualified teacher to formulate her follow-up martial spirit development path, even if Xiao Wu is born with full spirit power, this talent is likely to be wasted."

  "I hope you can think about it!"

  Hearing Su Mo actually rejected him instead of Xiao Wu, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but frowned immediately, feeling very unhappy, he directly questioned Su Mo for a while, then put his hats down one after another, and finally said in a deep voice.

  This guy is also named Su Mo, which reminds me of another kid also named Su Mo.

  But that kid's talent should be much stronger than this guy.

  But there is one thing in common, that is, these two boys are very annoying!

  Yu Xiaogang frowned and thought unhappily.

  But when he heard Yu Xiaogang's righteous words, which seemed to be for Xiao Wu's sake, Su Mo couldn't help laughing sarcastically.

  "Hehe, Yu Xiaogang...Master? Have you finished? You said I don't know how to think about Xiao Wu, but do you think you can help Xiao Wu?"

  "The self-introduction you just made, listen It looks very powerful, but other people may not know it, but I want to ask, is what you said a little too much to beautify yourself?"

  "Glorifying myself? No need, what I said is the truth !"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Yu Xiaogang's heart tightened, but his brows were still frowned, and he said unhappily.

  "Hehe, what you said is basically true, but you just cut out some key parts that are not good for you, right?"

  Su Mo's tone at this time was a little disdainful and impatient.

  After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yu Xiaogang to refute, Su Mo had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and directly exposed Yu Xiaogang's background.

  "Yu Xiaogang was born in the Landian Tyrannosaurus family. He is the youngest son of Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Landian Overlord Sect.

  " The Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Wuhun lost even the name of the dragon, so it was ridiculed by the rest of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect."

  "In order to prove himself, Yu Xiaogang left the Blue Electric Overlord when he was a teenager. Zong, joined the Wuhun Palace, and then used various unspeakable means to steal knowledge from the Wuhun Palace."

  "How many of the Wuhun theories you put forward were plagiarized from the Wuhun Palace, and how many were plagiarized from the Wuhun Palace?" You independently researched it yourself, you know it in your heart!"

  "And in the end you were expelled from the Wuhun Palace and kicked out of Wuhun City."

  "The knowledge you secretly learned in Wuhundian is miscellaneous. What you are good at is at most the basic knowledge of soul masters that is not strictly restricted by Wuhundian, which is still scattered."

  "If you go further, how to help soul masters ?" Cultivation requires resource support, tell me, do you have it? If you accept Xiao Wu as an apprentice, what else do you have besides useful and useless soul master world knowledge and common sense?"

  "Just you , and want the empty-handed white wolf to take Xiao Wu as his apprentice, you deserve it too!"

  At the end, Su Mo didn't give Yu Xiaogang any face at all, and just sneered and almost pointed at Yu Xiaogang and scolded him.


  Hearing Su Mo's words, Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt a burst of anger and shame rushing into his mind.

  His face flushed red, and he was extremely angry.

  "You are talking nonsense! How can scholars' affairs be regarded as plagiarism? At most, I borrowed some knowledge from your Spirit Hall, but it is definitely not plagiarism. If your Spirit Hall has this knowledge, why don't you publish it? Want me to publish it?"

  'My God! Is what Su Mo said true or false? '

  'Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaogang turned out to be the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but he was a waste, and he couldn't even awaken the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Wuhun. '

  'And in order to prove himself, he went to Wuhundian to plagiarize knowledge, and wanted to use this knowledge to decorate himself. '

  'No wonder the Wuhun Hall said before that Yu Xiaogang's Wuhun theory is full of mistakes and omissions, and he is not worthy of the name of a master of Wuhun theory. '

  'It turned out that many of Yu Xiaogang's Wuhun theories were plagiarized from Wuhundian. '

  'Because of plagiarism, he was kicked out of Wuhun City in the end. Maybe Yu Xiaogang didn't plagiarize the complete knowledge of plagiarism, but only plagiarized a part, so he published the theory. '

  'It's too bad, it's a mistake! On the side, listening to Su Mo and Yu Xiaogang 's

  words, all the teachers of Notting College, including Director Su, couldn't help being shocked and couldn't help thinking.

  How shameless!

  Su Mo was also speechless when Yu Xiaogang said that since the soul master knowledge he proposed was recorded in the Wuhun Temple, why not publish it.

  The reason why Wuhundian does not disclose this knowledge is of course because this knowledge is the foundation of Wuhundian, and it is also the internal welfare of Wuhundian.

  If it is said that Wuhundian does not publish this knowledge, but you do, it is not considered plagiarism.

  oh! Well, then your Blue Lightning Overlord Sect should have researched it yourself, and you have hidden some knowledge and secrets, why didn't your Blue Lightning Overlord Sect announce it?

  For Yu Xiaogang's shamelessness, Su Mo was also shocked for a while.   "Su Mo, I do

  n't know where you heard the negative news about me, but in the entire Notting College, I am the only one who is the most suitable person to teach Xiao Wu."

Do you want to delay the future of classmate Xiao Wu for your own selfishness?"

  After the anger and humiliation, Yu Xiaogang calmed down again, looked at Su Mo, and questioned in a deep voice.

  It seems that they want to continue to use Xiao Wu's future to force Su Mo to agree to let Xiao Wu worship him as his teacher.

  In fact, after hearing that Su Mo revealed his details just now.

  Yu Xiaogang had already guessed that Su Mo was probably from the Wuhun Palace.

  But what about the people in Wuhundian?

  He indeed plagiarized the knowledge of Wuhundian.

  But the way he plagiarized the knowledge of Wuhundian was by using the former saint of Wuhundian and now Pope Bibidong.

  Once this matter is revealed, it will definitely be a big blow to the prestige of Spirit Hall, especially Pope Bibi Dong!

  When Wuhundian drove him out of Wuhun City before, they didn't reveal this matter, and now they definitely don't dare to do the same!

  And as long as no one dared to tell the specifics of this matter, he insisted that he was just learning from it, not plagiarism.

  In this way, anyone can only spread some rumors, but they can't beat him to death completely!

  Because of this self-confidence, and Yu Xiaogang believes that he is indeed the most suitable teacher at Notting College to teach Xiao Wu.

  He didn't believe that Su Mo would always refuse.

  In this world, only interests are eternal.

  And he is confident that he is the only one who can bring Xiao Wu the greatest benefit at present!

  But Yu Xiaogang didn't think of it for a while.

  Since he already guessed that Su Mo was from the Wuhun Palace, why didn't Su Mo introduce Xiao Wu to the Wuhun Palace?

  'Haven't given up yet? At

  the same time, after discovering that Yu Xiaogang had been exposed by himself, he still refused to give up and insisted on accepting Xiao Wu as his apprentice. Su Mo was also speechless by Yu Xiaogang's thick skin.

  And I heard Yu Xiaogang also said that he is the most suitable to teach Xiao Wu.

  It's nothing more than bragging that his knowledge of Wuhun theory is unrivaled in the world.

  Su Mo was speechless, but suddenly his heart moved, and he didn't intend to continue scolding Yu Xiaogang anymore.

  Instead, he wanted to slap Yu Xiaogang in the face in Yu Xiaogang's most proud field.

  Wouldn't that be more interesting?

  He didn't believe it, if it was like this, this guy would still be shameless and continue to ask Xiao Wu to be a teacher!

  "I've already said that Xiao Wu will not worship you as a teacher, because you are not worthy at all!"

  "Now you are actually saying that in the entire Notting College, there is no one who is more suitable to be Xiao Wu than you Teacher."

  "Then I want to see, what kind of confidence do you have to say that?"

  "Do you dare to say that because you think that your knowledge of Wuhun theory is the best in the world? Then I want to ask you , How many kinds of martial spirits are there in this world?"

  Looking at Yu Xiaogang, Su Mo couldn't help but sneered, and asked directly.