Slap in the face in public, do you really think your martial soul theory is very good? (2)

Notting College, in the office on the first floor of the teaching building.

  When Su Mo actually asked him how many kinds of martial spirits there are in the world, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help laughing for a moment.

  Because it's so easy!

  He really didn't know why Su Mo would ask such a simple question.

  Could it be because this kid finally discovered that in the entire academy, he was the only one who was qualified to teach Xiao Wu, but he didn't want to bow his head and admit his mistake, so he wanted to admit defeat through this question?

  "In this world, there are naturally only two kinds of martial souls, one is the beast martial soul, and the other is the weapon martial soul!"

  Feeling very confident in his heart, Yu Xiaogang put his hands on his back and immediately showed a very calm look. Then slowly said his answer.

  The words are full of force!

  But hearing Yu Xiaogang's answer, Su Mo immediately smiled disdainfully.

  Yu Xiaogang's answer really did not exceed his expectations.

  But in his opinion, this answer is simply a big mistake!

  "There are only two kinds of martial souls in this world, which are weapon martial souls and beast martial souls? May I ask on what basis do you divide them?"

  After Yu Xiaogang finished answering, Su Mo asked with a hint of sarcasm.

  'How do you divide it? Yu Xiaogang couldn't help frowning at Su Mo 's

  words, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

  No matter how you ask a question, you will get to the bottom of it...

  Since you plan to admit defeat through this question, let Xiao Wu worship me as a teacher.

  Then just after my answer, just go down the donkey and ask Xiao Wu to worship me as a teacher.

  Still have to continue to ask, really superfluous!

  However, although he felt a little unhappy, and felt that Su Mo was just looking for trouble, Yu Xiaogang still chose to answer Su Mo's questioning.

  "The reason why martial spirits in this world are divided into tool spirits and beast spirits is naturally because beast spirits cannot be used as weapons, but can only be possessed by martial spirits.

  " It can be used as a weapon."

  "It is precisely because of this basis that the weapon spirit and the beast spirit are divided, so the plant spirit belongs to the weapon spirit."

  Yu Xiaogang thought for a while and couldn't help but say.

  "Oh? Is that so? Then I want to ask, your martial soul, Luo Sanpao, obviously looks like a beast martial soul, but it cannot be possessed by a martial soul."

  "But if it is a weapon soul, it cannot be possessed." As a weapon."

  "Compared with other martial spirits, your martial spirit Luo Sanpao seems to have a certain amount of intelligence, what kind of martial spirit does it belong to?"

  After Yu Xiaogang gave his own classification basis, Su Mo suddenly sneered and asked again.

  He really didn't understand.

  In the original book, Yu Xiaogang clearly knows that his martial soul Luo Sanpao is a special martial soul independent of the two martial souls of beast soul and weapon soul.

  Why, it can also propose one of the ten core competitiveness of martial arts, that is, there are only weapon martial arts and beast martial souls in the world, and nothing else.

  Isn't this nonsense!

  Others can say that, but you, Yu Xiaogang, can say that?

  This made Su Mo wonder in his previous life whether the ten core competitiveness theories proposed by Yu Xiaogang were plagiarized from the Wuhun Hall!

  Because the theory of the ten core competitiveness of Wuhun proposed by Yu Xiaogang sounds very high.

  But most of the theories in it are common sense in the soul master world.

  As long as it is a soul master with a little background, it basically knows it.

  That is to say, civilian soul masters who were born as civilians and did not join the Wuhun Temple, who have no understanding of the soul master world, may not know.

  And because Wuhun's ten core competencies are all a summary of the common sense in the soul master world.

  Among them, there is also a theory that there are only beast spirits and weapon spirits in the world, and there are no others. This obviously shouldn't be Yu Xiaogang's theory.

  This has to make people wonder if Yu Xiaogang's theory of the ten core competitiveness of Wuhun was plagiarized from Wuhundian and followed the script!

  Of course, before crossing, Su Mo was just suspicious.

  But after time travel, Su Mo suddenly discovered that what he guessed was true!

  "This!" On the

  other side, hearing Su Mo sneer and questioning how to classify his Wuhun Luo Sanpao, Yu Xiaogang's face froze and his body was sweating.

  Because he really never thought of how to divide his own Luo Sanpao martial soul.

  If it is divided into beast spirits, his Luo Sanpao cannot be possessed by spirits.

  And if it is divided into weapon spirits, his Luo Sanpao spirit cannot be used as a weapon, at least it cannot be used by him like a conventional weapon spirit.

  "Of course my Luo Sanpao is a weapon spirit. Although it cannot be directly used as a weapon by me, it must accept my control before it can attack when launching soul skills, so it is considered a weapon spirit. It looks like a special weapon spirit of a beast spirit."

  Although in his heart he regarded Luo Sanpao's martial spirit as a weapon spirit, Yu Xiaogang also knew that he was making an argument.

  But it was at this time that he couldn't show his timidity.

  Therefore, even though Yu Xiaogang was sweating a little, he still pretended to be very calm and answered confidently.

  Anyway, it sounds like this is the case!


  Seeing that Yu Xiaogang was still making unreasonable words, Su Mo's face became more mocking.

  In the office, after hearing Yu Xiaogang's classification and explanation, all the other teachers were speechless.

  Because they also know Yu Xiaogang's wonderful Wuhun Luo Sanpao.

  No matter how you look at it, this thing doesn't look like a weapon spirit, let alone a beast spirit.

  This Yu Xiaogang actually insisted on assigning it to Qi Wuhun, did he think all of them were idiots?

  "Okay! Let's say your Luo Sanpao's martial soul is a tool martial soul, then let me ask you again, there is a kind of soul master whose martial soul mutates into his own body parts."

  "Their martial souls cannot be possessed by martial souls. And because the martial soul is a certain part of the body, it cannot be regarded as a weapon martial soul, so what kind of martial soul is this kind of martial soul?"

  Regarding Yu Xiaogang's preposterous words, Su Mo sneered and gave an example, ruthlessly He slapped Yu Xiaogang in the face hard.

  The main body martial soul, this is a special martial soul that has been classified as the third type of martial soul in later generations.

  He wants to see how Yu Xiaogang can talk nonsense with his eyes open!


  Hearing Su Mo's question this time, Yu Xiaogang's expression froze, and he was completely unable to give an explanation for a while.

  This kind of martial soul, how could there be such a martial soul in this world!

  A martial soul is a certain part of the body, which is basically equivalent to being born with a beast martial soul.

  And because this martial soul is a certain part of the body, it cannot be regarded as a tool martial soul.

  Then what kind of martial spirit is this!

  hateful! How could there be such a martial soul in this world!

  Yu Xiaogang was anxious and angry in his heart.

  "Hehe, can't you answer it?"

  Su Mo sneered again when he realized that Yu Xiaogang's face was sweating, and he couldn't divide the main body martial soul into the weapon martial soul and the beast martial soul, and gave an explanation. , and immediately started slapping his face.

  "One of the ten core competitiveness theories of Wuhun that you put forward says that there are only weapon spirits and beast spirits in this world, and nothing else."

  "This is basically what you saw when you were in Wuhun Temple Let's read the contents of the book according to the script!"

  "However, you may have forgotten that you have a special martial spirit that is completely different from these two kinds of martial spirits, and on the Douluo Continent, there are all kinds of strange and strange martial spirits."

  "Like this kind of martial spirit. The soul is the martial soul of one's own body, so it can't be regarded as a weapon soul or a beast martial soul at all, it can only be regarded as a body martial soul!

  " The knowledge plagiarized by Wuhundian is based on the scriptures, and a person who can't even explain the theory he proposed is worthy of being called a master of Wuhun theory, and he wants to accept Xiaowu as a disciple, which is simply ridiculous!"

  Looking at Yu Xiaogang, Su In front of everyone in the office, Mo taunted Yu Xiaogang loudly, it can be said that Yu Xiaogang's face was slapped.

  Facing Su Mo's ridicule, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help clenching his fists, his heart was extremely angry, his face turned blue and purple, but because he couldn't answer Su Mo's question, he could only endure it.

  "It's hard for me to answer this question of yours. You said that I am not worthy of being called the master of Wuhun theory. I do not deny that I am indeed not worthy of this title."

  "But I have never claimed this title myself. It was all called by others. "

  You look down on me so much about my Wuhun theoretical knowledge level, so can you find someone who surpasses me in this area to teach Xiao Wu?"

  Enduring anger and hatred and the urge to turn around, thinking of myself like this If you still can't accept Xiao Wu as an apprentice, it will be a big loss, so Yu Xiaogang can only take a deep breath, then look down at Su Mo, and gritted his teeth.

  "Hehe, is your theoretical knowledge of Wuhun very good? I graduated from the Advanced Soul Master Academy in Wuhun City. As for the collection of books in Wuhun Palace, I definitely read as much as you do!"

  "I came to Nuoding this time The college, besides bringing Xiao Wu to enroll, is also here to apply for a job as a teacher at Notting College, so I will naturally be responsible for Xiao Wu's teaching in the future!"

  Regarding Yu Xiaogang's words, Su Mo smiled disdainfully and continued.

  And Su Mo's words made Yu Xiaogang's body completely froze immediately, only feeling a little dark in front of his eyes.

  What! This kid actually came to apply for a teacher at Notting College?

  Then if he came here and wanted to accept Xiao Wu as his apprentice, wouldn't he be doomed to fail?

  In this case, why did I come here, did I find myself humiliated and scolded?

  "Excuse me!" Realizing

  that his idea of ​​accepting Xiao Wu as his disciple was like a joke, Yu Xiaogang, who was already ashamed, fell silent. After saying "excuse me," he immediately clenched his fists, turned around Walk.

  And not long after he left the office.

  There was bursts of suppressed laughter in the office.