For Xiao Wu's popular science hypocrite Yu Xiaogang, Xiao Wu's indignation, Tang San followed suit! (2)

On the other side, when Yu Xiaogang met Tang San, Su Mo had already brought Xiao Wu all the way to the first room of the dormitory building.

  As soon as he walked to the door of Yishe, he could hear the noise coming from inside.

  When Su Mo pushed the door open, the voices inside stopped abruptly.

  It can be seen that this is a very spacious room, with a full area of ​​five or six hundred square meters.

  The whole room looks very well decorated, filled with beds.

  Each bed is covered with different luggage quilts. They all look clean and tidy, and some are very beautiful and high-end, obviously not cheap.

  At this moment, Yisheli was very strange.

  I saw a total of twenty boys and girls who looked to be about six years old, sitting on their own beds very well, looking at the few boys standing in the open space by the gate with a trace of fear in their eyes .

  These boys are all over ten years old.

  The leading boy was tall and straight, dressed in white, with a handsome face, but maybe because of his age, he still looked a little childish, but there was a deep arrogance hidden in his eyes.

  As for the boys standing beside him, they were all tall and short, but the clothes of each of them were obviously not as good as the leader's boy, and they should be subordinates or something.

  "Hey! Boss, it seems that there is a newcomer again, not bad! She is actually a top-notch little loli..."

  When Su Mo opened the door with Xiao Wu, a boy next to the leader boy saw Xiao Wu , I couldn't help but exclaimed suddenly, and said.


  But before he finished speaking, there was only a crisp sound of "Crack!"

  But the handsome boy who was the boss next to him slapped the boy on the face with a gloomy expression, and a red slap mark appeared on his face, his cheeks were swollen, and his whole body was slapped fell to the ground.

  "Shut up! Is it possible for you to offend Miss Xiaowu? Even when I meet Miss Xiaowu, I will call out to you, and when you see Miss Xiaowu in the future, you will be more respectful than me. How dare you say such a thing?" If it's not for Xiao Wu's kind heart, I won't kill you!!"

  Hearing that the subordinates beside him dared to moles Xiao Wu, Xiao Chenyu was frightened and angry, and couldn't help shouting angrily.

  You know, before, he just wanted to tease Xiao Wu because he was in a daze for a while.

  As a result, even his father Xiao Kuang was implicated, and the entire Xiao family was almost destroyed.

  And finally got Xiao Wu's forgiveness, and even hugged her thigh.

  Looking at the future, it might be able to lead the Xiao family to achieve even more dazzling brilliance.

  How could he be willing to hurt himself because of his subordinates' nonsense!

  "Ah! So it's Xiao Xiaozi! I didn't expect you to be here too..."

  At the same time, Xiao Wu also saw Xiao Chenyu, and couldn't help saying in surprise.

  "Xiao Xiaozi..."

  Hearing Xiao Wu's address to Xiao Chenyu, the boys beside Xiao Chenyu couldn't help being dumbfounded, and they couldn't believe it.

  Unexpectedly, there are still people who dare to call their boss that. What is the origin of this person called Miss Xiaowu?

  "Hehe, that... Sister Xiao Wu, it's actually nothing. Isn't today the freshmen's registration?

  " Rules."

  "But since you are here, Miss Wu, you should be the boss of Notting College... Oh no! It's the eldest sister!"

  The corners of Xiao Chenyu's mouth twitched when Xiao Wu called himself Xiao Xiaozi, but he still forced a smile and said to Xiao Wu flatteringly.

  "Hmm! Big sister, it sounds interesting!"

  Xiao Wu couldn't help but suddenly her eyes lit up, and her innocent and lovely face showed an expression of eagerness to try.

  'Didn't expect her to like this?

  Xiao Chenyu was overjoyed when he found out that Xiao Wu seemed to like being the boss, and quickly started to flatter and curry favor with Xiao Wu as the head sister of Notting College .

  "Okay, Big Sister Xiao Wu, then we'll go first. If there's anything Big Sister needs in the future, please just tell me!"

  After flattering and fawning, Xiao Chenyu seemed to have become Xiao Wu's most loyal dog leg, Can't help saying to Xiao Wu very respectfully.

  "Okay, then you guys go!"

  After becoming the eldest sister, Xiao Wu also began to pay attention to her own style, and she couldn't help waving her little hands pretending to be calm and composed.

  Just like that, Xiao Chenyu and others left.

  After that, Su Mo chose a bed for Xiao Wu in Yishe, and then laid luggage and bedding on it.

  "Brother Su Mo, do I really have to live here? Can I go back and live here!"

  After laying out the luggage and bedding, Xiao Wu couldn't help asking Su Mo pitifully.

  Because over the past month or so, Xiao Wu has gotten used to sleeping with Su Mo, and has fallen in love with the natural aura emanating from the tree of life stick spirit in Su Mo's body.

  So Xiao Wu really didn't want to be separated from Su Mo.

  "I don't know about this, but the school rules of Notting College do not allow you to live outside, but this is not necessarily the case. I will ask when I go to see the dean later!"

  Regarding Xiao Wu's cute costume Poor, Su Mo couldn't help but chuckled and shook his head, patting Xiao Wu's little head lovingly.

  "Oh well..."

  Xiao Wu felt a little lost.

  "Okay, then Xiao Wu, you can get to know each other here and get to know your roommate. I'm going to the office too, so Director Su will take me to meet the dean." After finishing speaking

  , Su Mo turned to the door He walked, but he was about to leave.

  "Brother Su Mo, I'll see you off!"

  Seeing that Su Mo was about to leave, Xiao Wu quickly chased after him, and then pushed open the door of Yishe together with Su Mo.

  As luck would have it, the first dormitory of Notting College is located on the first floor of the dormitory building.

  When Su Mo pushed open the door of Yishe and walked out with Xiao Wu.

  Not far away, Yu Xiaogang happened to be walking towards him with a little boy in blue clothes with a very ordinary face.

  When they saw each other, both sides couldn't help but stop immediately.

  "I didn't expect Yu Xiaogang to meet Tang San and accept Tang San as his disciple..."

  Seeing Yu Xiaogang and Tang San beside him, Su Mo couldn't help narrowing his eyes, thinking in his heart.

  Seeing Su Mo and Xiao Wu, and thinking of the humiliation and abuse he had received before, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help flashing a flash of anger in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

  "Let's go, Qishe is on the third floor, I'll take you up!"

  After whispering to Tang San, Yu Xiaogang immediately endured the anger in his heart, looked away from Su Mo, and took Tang San to prepare Go to Qishe.

  'Who is this guy, how do you feel the breath on his body is so kind!

  When seeing Tang San, Xiao Wu couldn't help but a strange flash of eyes .

  Just as Su Mo thought, as the son of destiny in this era of Douluo Continent.

  Tang San's soul beast bloodline naturally made Xiao Wu, who was in the form of a soul beast, have a certain degree of affection for him.

  And discovering Xiao Wu was looking at him, Tang San couldn't help his heart beating a little faster, and hastily turned his head slightly.

  What's the matter with this little girl, look at me, but she is really cute and beautiful!

  Probably because of the traction of fate, the first time I saw Xiao Wu.

  Even Tang San, who has never had any contact with women, was actually a little moved.

  But of course, because of their character all along, plus their identities now.

  But Tang San would definitely subconsciously avoid his inner feelings.

  But as he grew older, Tang San still couldn't avoid and ignore this feeling one day.

  As for Xiao Wu looking at Tang San, Su Mo also noticed.

  However, Su Mo didn't have any special thoughts about this, but was a little emotional.

  Fortunately, he acted early, otherwise there might be an accident.

  But definitely not now!

  Because there is no condition for intersecting with Xiao Wu in the original book, the current Tang San has no advantage at all compared to him, no matter in appearance, wealth, or strength!

  As for Tang San still having the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, but Su Mo also has the stick spirit of the tree of life, this will definitely not lose to Tang San, and even surpass it!

  After watching Yu Xiaogang and Tang San go upstairs, Su Mo immediately mocked with a sneer.

  "This Yu Xiaogang is really lucky. He even met a boy with the same innate soul power as you, and he is willing to worship him as a teacher."

  "Brother Su Mo, is this Yu Xiaogang so annoying?"

  "Although He plagiarized the knowledge of Wuhundian, this behavior is really annoying, but he seems to have released this knowledge to the common people, I feel okay."

  Regarding Su Mo's hostility and disdain for Yu Xiaogang, Xiao Wu I can't help but feel a little puzzled.

  Because as a soul beast, Xiao Wu couldn't understand the preciousness of knowledge.

  Therefore, she didn't have that much resentment towards Yu Xiaogang's plagiarism of the knowledge of Wuhundian.

  In addition, Yu Xiaogang also announced his plagiarized theory to the common people.

  So the kind-hearted Xiao Wu has a good impression of Yu Xiaogang.

  Although this is okay, it can only be regarded as reaching the level of looking at a stranger at best.

  "Is he okay? Hehe, you were deceived by what he said when he introduced himself before. Too many things were cut out of what he said before. In fact, he is an extremely shameless and hypocritical person..."

  found Xiao Wu He didn't really hate Yu Xiaogang, Su Mo sneered a few times, and then told all the despicable and shameless things Yu Xiaogang did in Wuhun Palace.

  When I heard that Yu Xiaogang plagiarized knowledge in Wuhundian, it turned out that he did it by deceiving the feelings of Bibidong, the innocent and kind-hearted saint of Wuhundian at that time.

  As a girl, Xiao Wu suddenly felt very angry, filled with righteous indignation.

  I didn't expect Yu Xiaogang to be so hypocritical and shameless, it's not like what he said before!

  "Hehe, do you know who he is now? I never thought that someone like him would be willing to worship him as a teacher..."

  Su Mo continued to sneer.

  During the conversation, although Su Mo did not directly name and evaluate Tang San.

  But from the side, all kinds of people who say they can worship Yu Xiaogang as their teacher must be as hypocritical and shameless as him!

  And after learning about Yu Xiaogang's true face from Su Mo.

  Xiao Wu was also immediately influenced by Su Mo. She had some affection for Tang San at first, but at this moment she instantly became full of disgust because of Yu Xiaogang.

  snort! That guy, although he looks like a human being, is definitely not a good thing to worship a hypocritical and shameless guy like Yu Xiaogang as his teacher!

  Recalling the previous Tang San, Xiao Wu couldn't help thinking angrily.