The son of Wang Sheng, who is more important than the interests and the boss?

And after passing Yu Xiaogang, Xiao Wu developed a dislike for Tang San.

  After that, Su Mo went to Director Su with satisfaction, and then went to meet the dean of Notting College.

  After meeting the dean of Notting College, Su Mo asked the students whether they could live outside the college.

  In this regard, in principle, the dean of Notting College naturally did not want to make such an opening.

  But Su Mo and Xiao Wu, one is the top batch of "soul masters" in Notting City, and the other is a genius full of soul power that Notting College values ​​very much.

  Therefore, in the end, the dean of Notting College had no choice but to not give a positive answer, but his attitude was equivalent to acquiescing.

  Do whatever you like!

  Anyway, just don't let me hear about it.

  I don't know, so it doesn't count as opening the hole, and naturally I didn't violate the rules!

  Su Mo could accept this result.

  But before leaving, Su Mo asked the dean of Notting College to ask for a dormitory in the dormitory building.

  Of course, Su Mo also had a purpose in doing so.

  This is not listed for the time being.

  After meeting with the dean of Notting College, Su Mo went back to the dormitory again, and went to the first dormitory on the first floor to meet Xiao Wu.

  In the first house, after sending Su Mo away, Xiao Wu returned to the first house, and now she is in a mess.

  Soon she became the veritable eldest sister in Yishe.

  Because at this time, it was already noon, so Su Mo was going to take Xiao Wu to the cafeteria for dinner.

  And because Xiao Wu had just become the eldest sister of the first house, Su Mo couldn't help smiling, and offered to take Xiao Wu's place and invite all the students in the first house to have a meal in the cafeteria.

  Su Mo's treat naturally aroused the joy of all the children in the house.

  In this way, Su Mo took Xiao Wu and all the children in the first house to the cafeteria in a mighty manner.

  After coming to the cafeteria.

  Since it was a dinner party, Su Mo invited them to eat on the second floor of the cafeteria.

  And waiting.

  As time passed, Su Mo soon saw Tang San, who was a work-study student, follow the young work-study students in Qishe, headed by Wang Sheng, to the cafeteria to prepare for dinner.

  Just like in the original book, the arrival of Tang San, Wang Sheng and other work-students soon drew ridicule from several noble students on the second floor.

  In this regard, Su Mo has always looked at it coldly.

  But noticing Wang Sheng beside Tang San, Su Mo couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, an idea suddenly appeared in his heart.

  Hmm... It seems that Yu Xiaogang is going to take Tang San to the Soul Hunting Forest tomorrow to hunt down spirit beasts.

  In the original book, at this time, Tang Hao seemed to have regained his confidence because of Tang San's awakening of twin martial souls, especially the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul among them.

  So he gave Yu Xiaogang a pass token issued by Wuhun Palace to Haotianzong in his hand, and went to see A Yin by himself.

  Now, Ah Yin has been stolen by him, and I don't know if Tang Hao will leave like in the original book.

  But since he is there, if Tang San can get the spirit ring of the century-old mandala snake as smoothly as in the original book, then he is really ineffective, and he must find a way to trick Tang San!

  But thinking that he must take advantage of Tang San to hunt and kill spirit beasts, he would have a hard time trapping Tang San.

  Su Mo couldn't help but immediately thought of taking Xiao Wu to the Soul Hunting Forest to hunt down soul beasts and get the soul ring.

  But if you just take Xiao Wu there, it would be too boring!

  After all, even if he pretended to save Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, he killed the Mandala Snake by mistake.

  But the result is that Tang San will be more hostile to him, and Xiao Wu will avenge Tang San's enmity and become even more disgusted with Tang San.

  There is really no difficulty and unknown visible!

  So after seeing Wang Sheng who was following Tang San, Su Mo couldn't help but playfully twitched the corner of his mouth.

  If he takes Wang Sheng away, let's hunt the soul beast together.

  When Tang San found out that Wang Sheng was hunting spirit beasts with him, and he deliberately beheaded the century-old mandala snake that was originally the most suitable for him, would Tang San be angry with Wang Sheng?

  If he vented his anger, what would Wang Sheng do in the face of Tang San's venting his anger?

  The more Su Mo thought about it, the more interesting he became.

  And to make it even more interesting, seeing several noble children mocking Wang Sheng and the others who were work-student students, Su Mo couldn't help flashing his eyes, and suddenly said slowly.

  "Okay, it's actually a very shameful thing to mock others with one's poverty. In this world, no one is born with wealth."

  "Even if it's you, the reason why you can have the present Wealth, isn't your ancestors working hard from scratch, it's just passed down to you."

  "You ridicule them for being poor, aren't you also mocking your ancestors?"

  "Evaluating a person, compared to wealth, Don't you think it's better to pass ability, something that belongs only to you?"


  Hearing that someone dared to lecture him, one of the noble youths couldn't help being very annoyed.

  But before he got angry, a noble young man beside him suddenly changed his face, and quickly slapped the noble young man, whispering a few words to him.

  After that, several noble youths were shocked and looked at Su Mo one after another, full of flattery.

  "This teacher, you are right, we are wrong, we will definitely not be like this in the future!"

  After expressing their mistakes to Su Mo, several noble youths hurriedly fled the cafeteria.

  Regarding this, Su Mo just picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip of the tea, and suddenly felt in his heart that it was a good decision to keep Xiao Chenyu.

  At least the reason why these noble youths were so afraid of and flattered him just now is that Xiao Chenyu must have informed his subordinates about him and Xiao Wu.

  "Old... Boss Wang Sheng, is this elder brother a teacher? Why have I never seen it before? Could it be a new teacher?

  " , It's really great!" When I

  found out that Su Mo had spoken out righteously and helped drive away a few aristocratic students who found fault, among the work-study students, some teenagers couldn't help but couldn't believe it.

  "Don't be fooled by him, he is not a good person!"

  But Tang San frowned suddenly at this young man's words.

  As a person who believes in the saying "Be a teacher for a day, be a father for life!"

  At least for now, Tang San sincerely puts Yu Xiaogang in a position second only to his father Tang Hao, and regards what Yu Xiaogang said as his standard.

  Therefore, since Yu Xiaogang had conflicts with Su Mo.

  In Tang San's view, Su Mo is naturally a complete villain and enemy!

  But regarding Tang San's words, a group of work-students looked at each other, but everyone was a little speechless.

  This teacher helped us drive away those aristocratic students who were looking for faults. This is not a good person, so what is a good person?

  You see people are so accurate, then why do you still worship that master who can only live in the academy as a teacher...

  Although I am speechless in my heart, but considering that Tang San is the boss of Qishe now.

  Everyone still didn't dare to refute Tang San.

  And after Wang Sheng came forward to say hello and changed the subject, the atmosphere among the work-students in Qishe became active again.

  Seeing what happened on the first floor below, Su Mo just smiled lightly, took another sip of tea, and felt very calm in his heart.

  He opened his mouth to help Wang Sheng and a group of work-study students, not to reap the gratitude of these work-study students.

  It's just to find a reason to meet these work-study students later.


  Time flickered to the evening.

  In the evening, the sun sets.

  Because Tang San was summoned by his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

  Therefore, only Wang Sheng took the rest of the work-study students to the cafeteria for dinner.

  And after eating, when returning to the dormitory.

  Just as Wang Sheng was laughing and walking towards the dormitory with a group of work-student students.

  A stone suddenly flew from a distance with a "Shh~", and hit Wang Sheng's shoulder lightly and lightly.

  This made Wang Sheng subconsciously turn his head and look in the direction of the stone flying in doubt.

  Just in a forest, I saw Su Mo looking at him quietly with his hands behind his back.

  It's the teacher from the morning!

  When he saw Su Mo, Wang Sheng couldn't help being slightly taken aback, wondering what Su Mo wanted to do.

  Could it be that you want to find him?

  "Boss Wang Sheng, what's the matter?"

  The work-study students around saw Wang Sheng's strange behavior, and couldn't help but looked at Wang Sheng with some doubts.

  "Oh! It's nothing. I suddenly remembered that I have something to leave. You guys go back to the dormitory first."

  Feeling that Su Mo might have something to look for himself, Wang Sheng couldn't help but find an excuse to let the rest go back first.

  After the rest of the work-students left for a while, Wang Sheng took a deep breath, and quickly walked towards the woods where he saw Su Mo not far away.

  "This teacher, what do you want me for?"

  After finding Su Mo who was in the forest, Wang Sheng couldn't help asking respectfully.

  "It's nothing, Wang Sheng, I know you. You are a sixth-year student of Notting College, and your cultivation base is already at the ninth level, right? I'm going to take someone to hunt soul beasts in the Soul Hunting Forest tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?" ?"

  Looking at Wang Sheng, Su Mo smiled faintly and asked slowly.

  "Go to the Hunting Soul Forest? But teacher, I'm only level nine now!"

  Wang Sheng was a little stunned.

  The teacher in front of him clearly knew that his cultivation was only level nine, but he said that he would take him to hunt soul beasts, he must be joking!

  "Hehe, isn't level nine soul power only one level away from level ten? It's easy to break through. If you want, I can help you!"

  Su Mo smiled mysteriously at Wang Sheng's shock.

  Is this also ok?

  Wang Sheng couldn't believe Su Mo's words.

  But Wang Sheng also knew that Su Mo had no reason and no need to lie to him!

  "Why! Teacher, why do you help me like this?"

  Wang Sheng couldn't help asking.

  It's not that he doesn't believe in Su Mo, but he doesn't understand why Su Mo wants to help him like this, since he and Su Mo are not related.

  If you can help him improve his cultivation by one level, you can help others.

  And help other people, such as helping some noble disciples.

  Isn't this a better choice for Su Mo?

  "Do you know that I am also from a civilian background, and I admire you very much, so it's okay to help you, isn't it? Do you think there is anything in you that I can plot against?"

  Su Mo did not answer Wang Sheng's question directly, but smiled softly and spoke slowly.


  Wang Sheng couldn't answer Su Mo's words.

  yes! There is nothing in him that is worth pursuing. Since others want to help him, why should they refuse? Anyway, you can get the benefits!

  "Okay! Then thank you teacher!" In the

  end, Wang Sheng only hesitated for a moment, and agreed to accept Su Mo's help.

  "Then it's ready!"

  Hearing that Wang Sheng agreed to accept the help, Su Mo suddenly smiled, and instantly reached out to pass the death sickle martial soul through the third soul skill; the few traces of soul power refined by the soul devouring were poured into Wang Sheng in vivo.

  Although there is only a few traces of soul power, the few traces of soul power that Su Mo instilled into Wang Sheng's body was refined from the Soul Sage level harvested from the Haotian School through the death scythe martial soul.

  Therefore, even a few traces are enough for Wang Sheng to raise his cultivation from level nine to level ten!

  After accepting the few strands of pure soul power that Su Mo instilled into his body.

  Wang Sheng couldn't help sitting cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to refine the soul power in his body, and his cultivation quickly broke through from level nine to level ten.

  "Okay, after breakfast tomorrow morning, wait for me near the entrance of the cafeteria!"

  After Wang Sheng broke through, Su Mo left a word, then turned and left.

  "It's so strange!" Watching

  Su Mo leave, Wang Sheng scratched his head, feeling even more incomprehensible.

  Because after Su Mo helped him, he actually left without asking for anything.

  Could it be that his luck is really so good that the other party chose to help him for free because he was appreciated?

  With all kinds of emotions in his heart, Wang Sheng walked briskly, humming the nursery rhymes of the village all the way, and returned to Qishe.

  And when Wang Sheng returned to Qishe, Tang San also came back.

  "Tang San, you're back?"

  Seeing that Tang San had already returned, Wang Sheng couldn't help being surprised, and then greeted him.

  "Wang Sheng, you are back. I just have something to tell you. Tomorrow, I will go to the Soul Hunting Forest to hunt the soul beasts with my teacher. It may take two or three days before I come back. I will temporarily ask you to help me clean the area. I'll clean it up."

  Tang San couldn't help saying with a smile when he found out that Wang Sheng was back.

  What! Tang San is going to Hunting Soul Forest tomorrow?

  Hearing that Tang San explained that he would go to the Soul Hunting Forest with his teacher Yu Xiaogang to hunt down spirit beasts tomorrow, Wang Sheng was subconsciously startled, and couldn't help thinking of Su Mo he had met before.

  Thinking that Tang San seemed to be very hostile to Su Mo, Wang Sheng couldn't help feeling.

  Could it be that Su Mo knew in advance that Tang San was going to the Hunting Forest tomorrow, so he took him along?

  Although he still couldn't think of why Su Mo would do this and what's the use of taking him there, Wang Sheng still didn't say anything.

  After all, even though Tang San was his roommate, he was also the boss of their Qishe.

  But the relationship between the two is actually just like that, but he got a huge benefit from Su Mo just now!

  Tang San couldn't give him anything, why would he betray his benefactor because of Tang San?

  Between brotherhood and interests with Tang San, Wang Sheng decisively chose interests.