Taking Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu to the Hunting Soul Forest (1)

next day, early morning.

  After a night of rest in his teacher's dormitory, Su Mo did not rush to the Hunting Soul Forest. Instead, after getting up, he first exercised in the sun for a while, and then left the dormitory leisurely.

  At the stairs on the first floor, Su Mo met Xiao Wu who was waiting here, took Xiao Wu to the cafeteria together, and ate on the second floor of the cafeteria.

  "Are you ready? Today I will take you to hunt spirit beasts in the Soul Hunting Forest and absorb the spirit ring."

  While eating on the second floor, Su Mo looked at Xiao Wu while eating slowly. , asked.

  "Well, I'm ready!"

  Xiao Wu's innocent and cute face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, but she still nodded seriously.

  As a 100,000-year-old soul beast, Xiao Wu didn't need to hunt soul beasts to absorb soul rings, at least not now.

  Because she can generate soul rings by herself.

  But when she had no choice but to meet Su Mo, Xiao Wu hadn't broken through to the soul master yet.

  And after that, she didn't hunt the soul beast, but stayed with Su Mo all the time, so she couldn't absorb a soul ring for no reason and break through the soul master!

  So now, Xiao Wu can only go to the Soul Hunting Forest with Su Mo, "hunt" the soul beasts, and break through the soul master.

  'After entering this soul hunting forest, I must find an opportunity to separate from brother Su Mo for a while, and hurry up to produce my own soul ring and break through to the soul master! When answering Su Mo 's

  question, Xiao Wu thought to herself.

  After eating on the second floor of the canteen, Su Mo took Xiao Wu and left the canteen, and brought Wang Sheng who was waiting here at the entrance of the canteen, and prepared to leave Notting College.

  After the three walked out of Notting College.

  I saw that at the gate of Notting College, a luxurious carriage had been waiting here for a long time.

  This was arranged by Xiao Kuang.

  Because before taking Xiao Wu to enroll in Notting College, Su Mo told Xiao Kuang that he would take Xiao Wu to the Hunting Soul Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts today, and asked Xiao Kuang to report to the Notting City Wuhun branch for him in advance , to obtain the access token of the Hunting Forest.

  "Lord Su Mo, Miss Xiao Wu!"

  The driver of the carriage is Xiao Kuang's subordinate. When he saw Su Mo bringing Xiao Wu coming, he couldn't help but greet Su Mo and Xiao Wu in a flattering way, and bowed to Su Mo and Xiao Wu. And greeted.

  "Lord Su Mo, the city lord has already applied for the pass token of the Hunting Soul Forest for him, here it is!"

  After greeting flatteringly, the coachman took out another Spirit Hall token with only the chrysanthemum logo printed on it, and handed it to him respectfully. Su Mo, this is the lowest level access token of the Wuhun Temple.

  "Okay, let's all get in the car!"

  After putting away the tokens, Su Mo nodded lightly, and then beckoned Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu to get in the car.

  And after the three boarded the carriage.

  In the spacious and luxurious carriage, Xiao Wu and Su Mo sat on one side, while Wang Sheng sat on the other.

  Seeing that the three of Su Mo had boarded the carriage, the coachman immediately drove the carriage, turned around, held the reins, and drove the carriage away from Notting City, all the way to the direction of Hunting Soul Forest.


  After a day and a night of driving, the carriage finally arrived at the Hunting Forest, which is the closest to Notting City.

  But when the carriage stopped, before he saw the dense hunting forest, he saw a market that was the size of a town.

  Many shops were established in this market, selling things like dry food, medicine, weapons, etc., and the shouts of all kinds of sales were endless.

  Besides that, there were groups of soul masters gathered in the open space of the market, shouting continuously.

  Either they are looking for people to hire them to hunt soul beasts, or because of lack of people, they are looking for specific soul masters to join them in hunting soul forests to hunt soul beasts for their employers.

  After getting off the carriage with Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng.

  Su Mo led the two of them along the path of the market, preparing to pass through here and reach the end of the market, where the entrance to the Hunting Soul Forest is.

  "Mr. Su Mo, are these people also soul masters? Why do they seem to be selling here?"

  Wang Sheng couldn't help asking when he saw the Bingxixi soul hunting group who kept shouting while walking through the market.

  For people from poor villages like Wang Sheng, in their opinion, just becoming a soul master is enough to become a master.

  You can receive a subsidy of one gold soul coin from the Wuhun Temple every month. There is no shortage of money at all. How can you sell it here like a businessman?

  They are noble soul masters!

  But Su Mo didn't know what Wang Sheng was thinking, otherwise he would have laughed.

  Soul master? What happened to the soul master!

  Soul masters are also human beings, and human desires are endless.

  When there is no money, it is a great happiness to be able to eat a roast chicken every day.

  But after becoming a soul master, he hopes to eat soul beast meat that can help his cultivation every meal.

  Anyway, unless he has a certain amount of money, the money is always not enough.

  "They are the Soul Hunting Group..."

  Su Mo slowly responded to Wang Sheng's question and introduced the existence of the Soul Hunting Group while taking Xiao Wu and Wang Shengxiang to the entrance of the Soul Hunting Forest.

  For commoner soul masters like Wang Sheng who were born in ordinary villages, they still don't know the development direction of soul masters, let alone the existence of the soul hunting group.

  Because it was fine anyway, Su Mo casually spread some common sense in the world of soul masters to Wang Sheng.

  Finally, after arriving at the entrance of the Hunting Soul Forest, he showed the pass token to the soldier captain guarding the entrance, and led Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng into the Hunting Soul Forest.

  As soon as he entered the Hunting Soul Forest, the sky suddenly darkened.

  The scorching sun was blocked by towering trees with overlapping crowns.

  And the noisy noise in the market before, after entering the Hunting Forest, can no longer be heard, as if entering an extremely quiet world all of a sudden.

  "Let's go, if you want to find a hundred-year-level soul beast, you need to enter the depths of the hunting forest."

  After entering the hunting forest, Xiao Wu's performance was still very calm, but Wang Sheng seemed a little Excited, Su Mo couldn't help but waved his hand, and then took the lead to walk through the depths of the Soul Hunting Forest.

  Behind him, Xiao Wu immediately followed Su Mo and walked beside Su Mo.

  And Wang Sheng quickly followed up.

  Before he had gone far, he seemed to be startled by the sound of the three of Su Mo stepping on the fallen leaves all the way.

  On a big tree, a monkey with blue hair all over its body suddenly jumped onto a short branch, stood on the tree, and looked at the three of Su Mo curiously.

  "This is... a little wooden monkey?"

  Seeing the green-haired little monkey on the big tree in front of him, Wang Sheng couldn't help feeling a little excited.

  Although he had learned a lot about soul beasts in the past six years at Notting College, this was the first time he saw a soul beast.

  "Well, it's a little wooden monkey less than ten years old."

  Su Mo looked at it and said.

  The little wooden monkey is a very common and common spirit beast. Like the ghost wolf, it belongs to the lowest spirit beast in the forest. It usually reaches maturity at the age of five.

  The adult wooden monkey is only about half a meter tall.

  The height of this little wooden monkey will be more than half a meter, and it is estimated that it will take seven or eight years of cultivation at most.

  And as he continued to go deep into the hunting forest.

  Along the way, the three of them saw many kinds of spirit beasts, including plant-like solitary bamboo, green wood vine, and iron wire grass, etc., as well as spirit beasts such as ghost wolf, wild wolf, swift shadow leopard, green wood lizard, etc.

  "Teacher, it's a colorful cat!"

  After breaking through, in a dense bush in front of him, there was a brown-yellow fur covered with black spots of different shapes, which looked like a cat with tiger patterns. The soul beast suddenly jumped out of the bushes and ran wildly into the distance.

  This made Wang Sheng couldn't help shouting with passion in his heart.

  Because among the knowledge he has learned, the most suitable soul beast for his fighting tiger martial soul is the colorful cat.

  Now seeing the colorful cat, how could he not be excited!

  "Don't worry, it's just a colorful cat with decades of cultivation. Don't worry, I will help you find a hundred-year-old soul beast."

  Su Mo also saw the eagerness and passion in Wang Sheng's heart, Can't help but shook his head and said.

  Although he brought Wang Sheng here for other purposes, but since he brought Wang Sheng here, he would definitely choose the best and most suitable spirit ring for Wang Sheng.

  He wouldn't just choose a garbage soul ring for Wang Sheng casually and be done.

  This is his principle!

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Wang Sheng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and a warm current surged in his heart.

  As for Su Mo bringing him to hunt soul beasts, he never thought that Su Mo would help him wholeheartedly.

  You know, a hundred-year-level soul beast is not inferior to a human soul master!

  Although on the way here, he has learned that Su Mo is the soul master with the best soul ring configuration, and his strength must be stronger than the average century-old soul beast.

  But even for a soul master like Su Mo, if he wants to subdue a hundred-year-old soul beast, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be injured.