Accidental Manslaughter Is Normal Because of Emergency Rescue? (2)

After passing the colorful cat, the three of them continued to go deep into the depths of the hunting soul forest, looking for suitable century-old soul beasts for Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng along the way.

  But it's a pity that the hunting soul forest is a place where soul beasts are artificially raised.

  Even in the largest soul hunting forest, the cultivation level of the soul beasts in it is no more than ten thousand years old.

  And in this small hunting soul forest near Notting City, the soul beasts in it, even if they are century-old soul beasts, are extremely rare.

  So it is really not an easy task to find suitable soul beasts for Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng!

  In this way, in the process of continuing to go deep into the hunting forest and looking for the soul beast.

  In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

  At this time, the setting sun was hanging high in the sky, surrounded by orange-red sunset clouds, and the dim yellow sunset sprinkled down, dyeing the whole earth with a layer of twilight.

  In the constant search, Su Mo finally found a hundred-year-old soul beast suitable for Wang Sheng, which was an Earthshaker of about two hundred years old.

  "Stand here and don't move. I'll subdue this ground shaker. You won't come until I tell you to come over. Do you know?"

  Hiding in a dense forest, he looked at the man lying in the forest not far away. On the big rock, the ground shaker was lazily basking in the sun, its whip-like tail was constantly swaying, Su Mo whispered to Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng beside him.

  "Well, we know!" The

  two nodded.

  Among them, Wang Sheng was the most enthusiastic.

  Because this ground shaking tiger is about to belong to his soul beast.

  A soul ring from a hundred-year-old soul beast, and a tiger soul beast like Earthshaker, is undoubtedly the most suitable soul ring for him!

  After instructing Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng, Su Mo immediately summoned the tree of life stick martial soul, and three soul rings "yellow, yellow, and purple" rose from under his feet, surrounding his body.

  After that, he "activated" the soul skills of the three soul rings in a row, "blessing" himself.

  Su Mo immediately held the stick Wuhun of the Tree of Life in his hand, stepped on the ground suddenly, and rushed out of the forest in an instant, rushing towards the Earthshaker not far away.

  And when Su Mo rushed out of the woods, the Earthshaker, who was lying lazily basking in the sun on a big rock, was also attracted by Su Mo's movement, and couldn't help turning his head immediately, opening his bloody mouth, revealing his mouthful. The sharp fangs let out a deafening tiger roar at Su Mo, then stood up and jumped off the boulder.

  On the other side, after rushing out of the woods, Su Mo soon came to the ground shaker not far away.

  When the Earthshaker was roaring ferociously, Su Mo could still feel a gust of wind blowing towards his face.


  After a ferocious roar, he realized that Su Mo, a human being, still wanted to challenge himself. He rushed towards Su Mo.


  Seeing the Earth Shaker rushing towards him, Su Mo couldn't help but see a flash of light in his eyes. At this moment, his body suddenly moved, and he turned around and hid aside.

  Therefore, the Earth Shaking Tiger immediately rushed to nothing.

  And then, before the Earth Shaker could react, Su Mo jumped up suddenly and rode directly on the back of the Earth Shaker, tightly grasping the nape of the Earth Shaker with one hand and holding the Wuhun, the stick of the tree of life, sneered, raised the stick of the tree of life, and smashed it hard on the head of the ground shaking tiger.


  Feeling the heavy blow from the head, a burst of severe pain hit, which made the Earth Shaker roar in pain, shaking its body frantically, trying to shake Su Mo off his body go out.

  Unfortunately, this is obviously impossible!

  However, the Earth Shaker still did not give up. While shaking its body wildly and roaring in pain, it also activated its own innate soul skill: Earth Shaker!

  All of a sudden, the Earthshaker roared in pain, and while frantically shaking its body, trying to throw Su Mo flying, it raised its body and stomped its front two feet on the ground.

  In an instant, circles of yellow energy fluctuations centered on the Earthshaker and spread out to the surroundings, blowing away all kinds of fallen leaves, dead branches, gravel and other objects on the surrounding ground.

  Even the big trees were shaken violently by the ground shaking, and the fallen leaves were flying.

  Su Mo, who was riding on the Earth Shaker, also felt the power of the Earth Shaker.

  But it's a pity that Su Mo just grabbed the back of the Earth Shaker tightly, clamped the sides of the Earth Shaker's body with his legs, and used his soul power to protect his body against the Earth Shaker, but he didn't waver at all.

  So, when Su Mo rode on Earth Shaking Tiger, he kept beating and smashing Earth Shaking Tiger's head with the stick of the Tree of Life Wuhun, causing great harm and pain to Earth Shaking Tiger, but Earth Shaking Tiger There was nothing he could do about Su Mo.

  In the end, the Soviet-style tiger-fighting staged by Su Mo still beat the ground-shaking tiger to the brink of death.

  "Come out!"

  After subduing Earthshaker, Su Mo called Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu over, and threw a sharp dagger at Wang Sheng.

  "Kill this Earth Shaker, don't make it feel any more pain."

  Looking at this Earth Shaker that had been beaten by himself until it was bleeding from seven holes in its head, Su Mo couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

  As a person who liked to watch Pokémon anime when he was a child in his previous life, Su Mo actually didn't have such a big prejudice against soul beasts. He believed that soul beasts should be natural resources for human soul masters to cultivate.

  But it's a pity that if a soul master wants to break through the realm of cultivation, he must absorb the soul ring of the soul beast, which is very pitiful.

  As a result, soul masters and soul beasts can only become enemies.

  But of course, this relationship is not necessarily true.

  If the soul system developed by Huo Yuhao in Dou Erli is perfected, it may be able to change the relationship between soul masters and soul beasts.

  However, this Su Mo would definitely not be able to do it.

  Because the soul system developed by Huo Yuhao is completely based on the undead magic system of Electrolux, the holy god of the undead.

  But if you want to get the help of Electrolux, the holy god of the undead, you have to wait ten thousand years later!

  On the other side, after receiving Su Mo's dagger, Wang Sheng gritted his teeth, and successfully used this sharp dagger to end the life of this Earthshaker with more than two hundred years of cultivation.

  After that, Wang Sheng sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to absorb the spirit ring of Earthshaker.

  After more than an hour, Wang Sheng successfully absorbed the soul ring of this ground tiger, and obtained a soul skill named Zhanhu Shaking Earth Wave, the effect is similar to Earth Shaking Tiger's Earth Shaking Wave.

  After Wang Sheng absorbed the soul ring, the sky was completely dark.

  And because the dead tiger's body is here, the smell of blood will definitely attract many carnivorous spirit beasts in the dark night.

  So Su Mo took Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng and left here, planning to find a suitable place to stay in the Hunting Soul Forest.

  But on the surface, Su Mo was looking for a suitable place to be stationed.

  But in fact, Su Mo had already found the masters Yu Xiaogang and Tang San who were also in this soul hunting forest by using the ability to control small animals as eyeliner with the Death Scythe martial soul soul control soul skill.

  At this time, Su Mo pretended to be looking for a suitable place to camp, but in fact he brought Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng to approach the place where Master Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were.

  In this way, in the bright moonlight and a little bit of starlight.

  Su Mo took Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng to walk in the dense soul hunting forest, and walked "aimlessly" amidst the cries of various unknown soul beasts around.

  At the same time, under Su Mo's "surveillance", Tang San and Yu Xiaogang also camped in an open space not far away.

  After asking Tang San to sprinkle realgar powder around the camp to prevent snakes and insects, Yu Xiaogang began to test Tang San about the spirit beasts he saw today.

  But when Yu Xiaogang passed Tang San in the exam.

  After finally coming to a place not far from Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's camp, Su Mo also took Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu to camp in an open space.

  Afterwards, after spreading realgar powder around the camp, Su Mo lit a bonfire with dead branches picked up by Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu, and made roast chicken with a few pheasants caught on the road.

  And while Su Mo was roasting a pheasant on the campfire.

  On the other side, in the camp where Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were.

  The two still met a mandala snake with more than 400 years of cultivation as in the original book.

  Because it is impossible for Yu Xiaogang to be the opponent of a hundred-year-old soul beast, let alone a mandala snake with a cultivation base of more than four hundred years.

  So, after discovering that a Datura snake had come to the camp, Yu Xiaogang could only take Tang San and flee in a hurry.

  During this period, in order to gain a chance to escape, Yu Xiaogang summoned the Wuhun Luo Sanpao and launched two farting spirit skills, trying to repel the Datura Snake and give himself and his disciple Tang San a chance to escape.

  However, because Yu Xiaogang's soul ability was too powerful, he didn't even knock off a single scale of the mandala snake.

  The Datura snake quickly caught up after being knocked into the air.

  Afterwards, Yu Xiaogang wanted to continue to use Luo Sanpao's martial soul to launch the farting soul skill to prevent the Datura snake from approaching.

  But it was easily dodged by the prepared mandala snake.

  But just when Yu Xiaogang felt a little desperate in his heart.

  In the dark woods not far away, there was a loud shout: "The first soul skill: Zhanhu shakes the ground wave!"

  With this loud shout, a yellow-brown energy light wave suddenly came from not far away. It spread suddenly, and instantly bombarded the Mandala Snake, knocking the Mandala Snake into the air.


  And after being knocked into the air, amid the slightly painful neighing of the mandala snake that was knocked into the air.

  A figure rushed over suddenly, jumped up suddenly, directly raised the club-like soul ability emitting green light in his hand, and slammed it at the mandala snake.

  And what a coincidence.

  Because when the mandala snake was knocked away by the yellow-brown energy light wave, its body was sideways in the air.

  Therefore, when the stick-like martial spirit emitting green light fell down, it actually hit one of the scarlet snake eyes of the Datura snake, and exploded the Datura snake's eye on the spot.

  "No! Stop it, don't kill it!!"

  Yu Xiaogang finally regained his composure after finding out that someone was helping him, and realized that this mandala snake was a 400-year-old mandala snake. , is the most suitable spirit beast for disciple Tang San, he couldn't help shouting anxiously.

  I'm afraid that the person who helped him killed the mandala snake!

  Unfortunately, it's too late!

  Just when Yu Xiaogang shouted anxiously.

  The figure who smashed the stick-like martial spirit emitting green light on the Datura snake, not only "accidentally" smashed the eyes of the Datura snake with the stick-like martial spirit, but the tyrannical soul power burst out, It also shattered the brain of the Mandala Snake unabated.   "Sorry, it's too late for you to shout. I accidentally killed this mandala

  snake by accident because I was trying to save you. Is this normal?"

After Luo Snake, Su Mo also landed on the head of the Mandala Snake corpse when it fell to the ground, then shook the blood and turbid white brains on the Wuhun of the Tree of Life Staff, and turned to look at After seeing Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, he smiled slightly.

  There seemed to be some apology in the words, but it was completely invisible from the face.

  It's him! !

  However, when seeing that it was Su Mo who killed the Mandala Snake, whether it was Yu Xiaogang or Tang San, their expressions suddenly became very ugly.

  At this time, Tang San had already taken out the white radish with his left hand from the twenty-four bridge bright moon night, the storage soul tool at his waist, and was about to use the white radish to attack the Datura snake to attract its attention, and then touched it with the other hand. The dagger given by the teacher Yu Xiaogang intends to use it as a lore.

  In other words, he thought he didn't need Su Mo to rescue him at all.

  But Su Mo killed the 400-year-old mandala snake soul beast that was most suitable for him!

  This is clearly intentional!

  Obviously teacher Yu Xiaogang has a grudge against this guy named Su Mo, how could this guy be so kind to save them.

  It was clear that he was saving them on the surface, but in fact he wanted to kill the mandala snake, preventing him from absorbing the soul ring of this soul beast that perfectly suits him!.