Wang Sheng's Anger, Preparations to Harm Tang San (1)

At night, the moonlight is like water.

  "Yu Xiaogang, I rescued you, didn't you say anything, didn't you even say a word of thanks?" In the

  Hunting Soul Forest, after killing the Mandala Snake, Su Mo came from the Mandala Snake. Jumping off his head, after taking back the Wuhun of the tree of life stick into his body, he couldn't help looking at Yu Xiaogang, shook his head, and said.

  And hearing Su Mo's words, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but took a deep breath, his face was a bit ugly and authentic.

  "Su Mo, you saved us. I am indeed very grateful to you, but you could have only seriously injured this mandala snake. There is no need to kill it, right?"

  "There is no need to kill it? I didn't I thought about killing it, didn't I already say it, you were too late just now, I accidentally killed it by mistake."

  Su Mo laughed dumbfounded, shrugged and said.

  "Manslaughter by mistake..."

  Yu Xiaogang frowned, a little disbelieving in his heart.

  Just now, Su Mo clearly knew that as long as he didn't smash the martial spirit in his hand at the eyes of the mandala snake, he only needed to smash the martial soul at the head of the mandala snake, and he could only severely injure the mandala snake without killing it. die.

  But Su Mo hit the Wuhun in the eyes of the Mandala snake.

  This made Yu Xiaogang have to suspect that Su Mo did this on purpose.

  But Su Mo saved his and Tang San's lives after all, and besides, he was not his opponent.

  No matter how suspicious Yu Xiaogang was, he didn't dare to tear himself apart with Su Mo face to face.

  If you miss and kill by mistake, kill by mistake!

  "Su Mo, thank you for saving me and Xiao San this time."

  Forcibly calming down in his heart, Yu Xiaogang thanked Su Mo, then turned to look at his disciple Tang San, and said.

  "Let's go, Xiao San, let's go back to the camp."

  "Wang Sheng, why are you here?"

  When Yu Xiaogang called Tang San, Tang San noticed that beside Su Mo, there was a circle of yellow hundred-year-old spirit rings around him. After the body, Wang Sheng, who showed his original appearance, couldn't help frowning and asked.


  Hearing Tang San's inquiry, Wang Sheng opened his mouth.

  Originally, when Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were in danger, Wang Sheng was very happy to help Tang San.

  But he didn't expect that Su Mo would kill the Mandala Snake by mistake.

  Moreover, this move also aroused the suspicion and dissatisfaction of Yu Xiaogang and Tang San.

  Tang San won't suspect that Mr. Su Mo and I deliberately killed the mandala snake they wanted, right?

  Wang Sheng felt a little uncomfortable.

  In his opinion, Su Mo had indeed accidentally killed the Datura snake.

  Because at the very beginning, he activated the first soul skill: Zhan Hu shook the ground wave, knocking the Mandala Snake into the air, and then Su Mo rushed out.

  And because when the mandala snake was hit by him, its body was sideways.

  So when Su Mo rushed up and smashed the tree of life stick Wuhun at the mandala snake, he accidentally hit the mandala snake's eyes because of the angle.

  If the body of the mandala snake is not sideways.

  Su Mo's Wuhun, the stick of the tree of life, just hit the mandala snake on the head.

  But he didn't expect that Tang San and Yu Xiaogang would suspect that Su Mo killed the Mandala Snake on purpose because of their enmity with Su Mo.

  This made Wang Sheng actually a little angry.

  Because if Su Mo and him didn't make a move, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San might both be eaten by the mandala snake.

  Unexpectedly, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were not only not grateful for their life-saving grace, but also felt ungrateful and felt that they came to help with malice.

  Thinking of this, Wang Sheng didn't feel sorry for Tang San, he was even a little annoyed, and said to Tang San very directly.

  "I also just broke through the tenth level last night. It just so happened that Teacher Su Mo was going to bring classmate Xiao Wu to the Soul Hunting Forest to hunt soul beasts today, so he brought me along."

  After listening to Wang Sheng's answer, Tang San frowned. Go deeper.

  Because in his opinion, Wang Sheng is a member of Qishe, and he has already recognized him as the boss.

  Knowing that he has an enmity with Su Mo, he still hangs out with Su Mo, that is simply betrayal!

  And if Wang Sheng hadn't activated his soul skill just now, he would have knocked the mandala snake into the air.

  He might have already taken action to deal with the Mandala Snake, and he wouldn't need Su Mo and Wang Sheng's help by then.

  Anyway, because he thought he could deal with the Mandala Snake, and because he had a grudge against Su Mo, Tang San didn't think that Su Mo saved his and his teacher Yu Xiaogang's lives. .

  "Teacher Su Mo, Xiao Wu seems to have disappeared!"

  But after answering Tang San's question, Wang Sheng suddenly realized that it seemed that Xiao Wu hadn't followed, so he couldn't help telling Su Mo in a hurry.

  "Xiao Wu is gone?"

  Hearing Wang Sheng's words, Su Mo seemed to realize it immediately, and couldn't help being "surprised".

  But of course, in fact, Su Mo had already discovered that Xiao Wu had sneaked away when he and Wang Sheng saw the sound of Yu Xiaogang launching the farting soul skill and rushed over.

  "Xiao Wu is gone?"

  Wanting to be "surprised" by Su Mo, Tang San who was at the side was also very shocked when Wang Sheng said that Xiao Wu was gone, and couldn't help asking rather eagerly.

  Although he only met Xiao Wu once, but for some reason, now that he heard that Xiao Wu was gone, Tang San also became a little anxious and worried.

  But Su Mo ignored Tang San, and said to Wang Sheng after frowning.

  "It's night now, and Xiao Wu has lost us. We must find her quickly, otherwise it will be bad if she is in danger."

  "Then let's go find Xiao Wu, Teacher Su Mo!"

  Wang Sheng said quickly.

  Su Mo helped him hunt a century-old soul beast as a soul ring. For Su Mo, Wang Sheng was very grateful.

  And Xiao Wu is Su Mo's god-sister, Wang Sheng didn't want Xiao Wu to have an accident, and he would feel too sorry for Su Mo.

  "Well, let's go!"

  Su Mo nodded to Wang Sheng's words, put on a dignified look, and suddenly moved in the direction he came from before, wanting to Go find Xiao Wu.

  Behind him, Wang Sheng hurriedly followed.

  "Teacher, let's go and have a look too!"

  Seeing Su Mo and Wang Sheng leave, Tang San also hurriedly said to Yu Xiaogang.

  "Then... let's go and have a look."

  Hearing Tang San's words, Yu Xiaogang actually hesitated.

  Because the soul skills of his martial soul Luo Sanpao are somewhat special, each soul skill can only be used three times in a short period of time.

  Now he has used up the three chances of the two soul abilities.

  Originally, he wanted to reject his disciple Tang San's idea of ​​going there together.

  It can be imagined that as long as Su Mo is with him, there should be no danger.

  So after thinking about it, Yu Xiaogang still didn't want to show his timidity in front of his disciples.

  Wouldn't this be a loss of self-worth?

  Therefore, Yu Xiaogang still promised Tang San to go and have a look together.

  So, when Su Mo and Wang Sheng rushed back in the direction they came from, they wanted to find Xiao Wu.

  Tang San and Yu Xiaogang also quickly followed.

  Afterwards, the group searched for Xiao Wu in the Hunting Soul Forest.

  But after searching for more than an hour, before the group found Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu found it by herself!

  "Are you looking for me?"

  After Su Mo and the others searched for a long time, Xiao Wu came out from nowhere and asked curiously if they were looking for her .

  Everyone: "..."

  "Xiao Wu, where have you been? Why did you suddenly disappear just now!"

  After Xiao Wu came back, Su Mo couldn't help but frowned and asked.

  "Well... Brother Su Mo, when you and Wang Sheng ran towards the place full of yellow smoke just now, you were too fast, and I ran away without keeping up.

  " I killed the injured Soft Bone Rabbit with hundreds of years of cultivation and absorbed its soul ring, so I wasted some time."

  Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly, and touched her hands lightly Index finger, explained.

  And after finishing speaking, Xiao Wu also summoned her soft bone rabbit martial soul. Show Su Mo the century-old soul ring that he "absorbed".

  "Then your luck is really good!"

  Wang Sheng couldn't help feeling envious when he heard that Xiao Wu ran away and was lucky enough to meet an injured century-old soft bone rabbit.

  You know, during the day, Su Mo took him and Xiao Wu to help him search for a whole day in the Hunting Forest, before he found a ground shaker suitable for him, with a cultivation base of about two hundred years.

  And I heard that what Xiao Wu absorbed was also a century-old soul ring, and the first soul ring absorbed by Wang Sheng was also a century-old soul ring.

  Tang San couldn't help feeling a heavy pressure immediately.

  Anyway, for some reason, he didn't want to lose face with Xiao Wu.

  Even Wang Sheng can absorb a century-old soul ring, if his first soul ring does not absorb a century-old soul ring.

  That's embarrassing!

  Similarly, because the goal is to prove his identity as a master of Wuhun theory by training Tang San to be a top titled Douluo.

  Yu Xiaogang also wants to pursue perfection, so that Tang San's first spirit ring can absorb the century-old spirit ring as much as possible.

  You must know that the configuration of the soul ring is still very important to the soul master.

  Among the Title Douluo Yu Xiaogang knows, there is not a single Title Douluo whose soul ring configuration is not the best.

  Although this cannot prove, a soul master with a non-optimal soul ring configuration will definitely not be able to become a Title Douluo.

  But Yu Xiaogang didn't want to take even the slightest risk!

  "Okay, since you've come back safely, let's go back to the camp!" Seeing

  that Xiao Wu had returned safely, Su Mo couldn't help but pretended to touch Xiao Wu's head helplessly, and prepared to take Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng back to the camp. previous camp.

  Seeing that Su Mo was about to leave with Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng, Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth, wanting to call Su Mo to stop and ask Su Mo to help Tang San hunt spirit beasts.

  But he wanted to have an enmity with Su Mo, and he had expressed his dissatisfaction with Su Mo because Su Mo had killed the Mandala Snake.

  It doesn't matter whether Su Mo killed the Datura snake on purpose or not.

  It is definitely impossible to help him and Tang San hunt spirit beasts now.

  So in the end, Yu Xiaogang still sighed in his heart and didn't say anything.

  Instead, they brought Tang San with them, and prepared to leave and return to their own camp.

  Wait until tomorrow, and continue to help disciple Tang San find a suitable century-old soul beast for him!

  On the other hand, when leaving.

  However, Su Mo couldn't help turning his head to look at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Accidentally "manslaughter" the Mandala Snake, this is not Su Mo's plan!

  In addition to killing the mandala snake, Su Mo also planned to arrange a century-old soul beast "suitable" for Tang San.

  At present, Su Mo has already found a century-old snake-like soul beast that is most "suitable" for Yu Xiaogang and Tang San through sending out many birds as eyeliners.

  Let him meet Tang San and Yu Xiaogang tomorrow!

  And in order for Tang San to smoothly absorb the spirit ring of the century-old snake-like spirit beast he arranged.

  When Su Mo was looking for Xiao Wu together, he planted several seeds of original sin in Yu Xiaogang's body with the emotional control ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit!

  These seeds of original sin are the seeds of arrogance, the seeds of jealousy and the seeds of rage!

  Waiting for tomorrow, these seeds of original sin will help Su Mo complete his plan to entrap Tang San, and even drive a wedge between Tang San and Yu Xiaogang!