Purple Scaled Rattlesnake? Gecko stinky fart snake! (2)

In the blink of an eye, the next day came.

  Because the first day failed to help Tang San find and successfully hunt down a suitable century-old soul beast.

  So the next day, Yu Xiaogang could only continue to help Tang San find it.

  At this time, Su Mo had left the Hunting Soul Forest with Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu.

  But even though he had already left, Su Mo still sent a few bird monitors made with soul domination ability to monitor Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's every move.

  Because these bird monitors are made with the power of soul domination.

  Inside the bodies of these birds are actually human souls.

  Therefore, these birds can still rely on the souls in their bodies. Even if these souls have no consciousness in life, they can still complete some simple orders issued by Su Mo.

  Su Mo was planning to detonate the seed of original sin planted in Yu Xiaogang's body by relying on the emotional power of the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit left in the bodies of these birds.

  And in the Hunting Soul Forest, after Yu Xiaogang led Tang San to continue searching for spirit beasts.

  Because the number of century-old soul beasts in the hunting soul forest is extremely rare.

  So even if it is another day of searching.

  Yu Xiaogang and Tang San still haven't found a soul beast that suits Tang San like the Mandala Snake before.

  This made Yu Xiaogang and Tang San couldn't help but hate Su Mo even more.

  And in the process of searching for the soul beast, the best soul beast they encountered turned out to be a lone bamboo with nearly a hundred years of cultivation.

  This should only be used as a last resort.

  In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

  At this time, the sky was already dark.

  Feeling that the time is almost here, Su Mo's backhands left behind to entrap Tang San finally started to play a role.

  I saw that when Yu Xiaogang and Tang San chose an open space to station.

  Suddenly, a snake-like soul beast, like the mandala snake before, rushed to Yu Xiaogang and Tang San's camp inexplicably.

  This snake-like spirit beast is about three to four meters long, and its whole body is covered with black-purple scales, only the last part of its tail is bright yellow. At this moment, this snake-like spirit beast is staring at its bright yellow vertical pupils Looking at Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, the scarlet snake letter faltered in his mouth, hissing.

  "It's a purple-scaled rattlesnake! Little San, this purple-scaled rattlesnake is a venomous snake just like the mandala snake. It is three to four meters long, and its cultivation base should be three to four hundred years old. It is a perfect soul beast for you! "

  When seeing this snake-like soul beast, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help saying excitedly.

  "Luo Sanpao!"

  After being excited, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help summoning the martial spirit Luo Sanpao, and then controlled Luo Sanpao to attack the purple-scaled rattlesnake.

  "The first soul skill: Farting like thunder——Thunderbolt!"

  "Second soul skill: Farting like smoke—Hypnosis and sleep!"

  Amidst Yu Xiaogang's excited shouts.

  Luo Sanpao immediately ran towards the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake, and suddenly jumped up on the way, pointing his butt at the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake.

  After that, Yu Xiaogang blessed Luo Sanpao with the two soul rings surrounding him one after another.

  Luo Sanpao suddenly opened his mouth and inhaled heavily, instantly inflating his body countless times.

  Immediately afterwards, after a loud "Boom!"

  A solid yellow cloud of smoke blasted out like a cannonball, hitting the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake at once.

  All of a sudden, a solid yellow cloud of smoke exploded, knocking the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake into the air.

  At the same time, a foul-smelling yellow poisonous mist instantly swept away towards the surroundings.

  But for this, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang had already put on masks.


  After being blown away by Yu Xiaogang's farting attack from Luo Sanpao's martial soul, the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake couldn't help but let out a frightened and angry hiss in the air, revealing its sharp and short teeth.

  'etc! Isn't this purple-scaled rattlesnake a venomous snake? Why are the fangs so short? '

  Because of his purple magic pupils, although the yellow poisonous mist that swept across the sky blocked his sight, Tang San still saw the situation in the mouth of the purple-scaled rattlesnake that was blown away in the distance, and he couldn't help frowning immediately, thinking Some doubts and puzzles.

  Did the teacher recognize the wrong soul beast?

  But it was too late to think about these.

  After the purple-scaled rattlesnake was blown away by Yu Xiaogang's farting soul skill issued by Luo Sanpao, Tang San couldn't help but immediately took out the soul guide from his waist, the twenty-four bridge bright moon night, because he was afraid that it would run away. He picked up the stones on the road, and quickly threw them with hidden weapons, continuously shooting towards the purple-scaled rattlesnake.

  All of a sudden, like rain, one after another, the stones were constantly shooting towards the purple-scaled rattlesnake that fell to the ground after being blown away.

  The purple-scaled rattlesnake kept opening its mouth and neighing angrily.

  And while the purple-scaled rattlesnake was enraged by the stones it shot one after another.

  Tang San suddenly took out a sharp dagger presented by his former teacher Yu Xiaogang, also mixed in the rain of stones, and shot towards the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake.

  Because he didn't expect it at all, or if he expected it, he wouldn't dodge it, the sharp dagger Tang San shot through the Purple Scale Rattlesnake's eyes instantly, destroying its brain.

  Just like that, the purple-scaled rattlesnake's angry neighing suddenly stopped abruptly, and the huge snake lost its vitality and fell to the ground.

  After that, countless yellow spots of light continuously escaped from the body of the purple-scaled rattlesnake.

  Above his corpse, a century-old soul ring condensed.

  "Little San, I didn't expect you to be so lucky to be able to kill this purple-scaled rattlesnake!"

  Finding that he was just throwing bricks to attract jade, in the end it was his disciple Tang San who was so lucky that he just shot the purple-scaled rattlesnake with the dagger he gave him in the eye, penetrated its brain, and killed the purple-scaled rattlesnake. Beside Tang San, patted Tang San's head, quite emotional.

  "Okay, go and absorb the soul ring of this purple-scaled rattlesnake!"

  "Teacher... You said that this purple-scaled rattlesnake is a poisonous snake, but why did I see that its fangs didn't seem to have the same mandala as before?" Why is Luo Snake so long? Why don't you take a look?"

  Tang San still couldn't help asking hesitantly before going to absorb the spirit ring of this purple-scaled rattlesnake.

  But hearing Tang San's inquiry, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help frowning immediately, a sense of dissatisfaction and anger welling up in his heart.

  He, Yu Xiaogang, is a master of Wuhun theory. It was fine for Su Mo to doubt him before, but he didn't expect that even his disciple Tang San dared to doubt himself!

  "I can't be wrong! The fangs may be short because it broke its fangs not long ago, or because of individual differences, this purple-scaled rattlesnake is inherently different from other purple-scaled rattlesnakes."

  "And it's night now, Maybe you misread it just now?"

  "Okay! Believe in the teacher, go and absorb the soul ring of this purple-scaled rattlesnake, this is a century-old soul ring!"

  Taking a deep breath in his heart, Yu Xiaogang endured Dissatisfaction and anger in his heart, he said to his disciple Tang San.


  Discovering that teacher Yu Xiaogang still thinks this snake-like spirit beast is a purple-scaled rattlesnake, because he feels that his knowledge of spirit beasts is definitely not as good as teacher Yu Xiaogang's, Tang San can only choose to believe Yu Xiaogang's Speaking, took a deep breath, and prepared to absorb the soul ring of this "Purple Scaled Rattlesnake".

  Sitting cross-legged next to this "Purple Scaled Rattlesnake", Tang San closed his eyes, summoned the Blue Silver Grass spirit, and began to absorb the "Purple Scaled Rattlesnake" spirit ring.

  Yu Xiaogang was waiting on the side.

  Almost an hour later.

  Tang San opened his eyes, but his expression was a bit ugly.

  Because after absorbing the spirit ring, the introduction of the soul skill information fed back to him by the spirit ring was simply unsightly.

  The gap between the soul ability and his imagination is too big!

  It's as if what he absorbed wasn't the soul ring of the Purple Scaled Rattlesnake!

  "Little San, how's your first soul skill?" On the

  side, when Tang San woke up, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help asking.

  The enemy Su Mo brought Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu yesterday to absorb the century-old soul ring, and Wang Sheng's soul skills are very good.

  Today he finally managed to help his disciples hunt down this purple-scaled rattlesnake that is three or four hundred years old.

  Because he didn't want to lag behind Su Mo, he was eager to know how his disciple Tang San's first soul ability was.

  But for teacher Yu Xiaogang's question, Tang San's expression was ugly, and he didn't say anything, but suddenly summoned his Blue Silver Grass spirit.

  I saw that after absorbing the "Purple Scaled Rattlesnake" spirit ring, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass spirit became much stronger, and its color also became darker. Cut another yellow part.

  And after Tang San activated the first spirit ability.

  As the first spirit ring around Tang San lit up, amidst a wave of spirit power fluctuations, the blue silver grass spirit in Tang San's hand suddenly swelled up section after section of yellow.

  Afterwards, following Tang San, he flicked the Blue Silver Grass spirit in his hand to the distance.

  The yellow part that swelled up one after another suddenly broke away from the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, fell to a distance, and then exploded violently, bursting out one after another thick and foul-smelling yellow smoke, and at the same time there was nausea. The juice splashed out.


  Seeing everything in front of him, Yu Xiaogang was stunned, his heart was full of shock and disbelief.

  How can it be!

  After absorbing the purple-scale rattlesnake spirit ring, what he should get is the highly poisonous entanglement spirit ability!

  How could it be like this...

  Could it be...Could it be that I really let Xiaosan absorb the wrong spirit ring?

  For a moment, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help recalling Tang San's question just now.

  The poisonous snake of this purple scale rattlesnake is very short, combined with this spirit ability obtained by Tang San.

  Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought of what spirit beast's spirit ring Tang San absorbed!

  This is not a purple-scaled rattlesnake at all, but a lizard gecko that lives in the world of soul beasts by pretending to be a purple-scaled rattlesnake to deter predators! !

  Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly became very ugly.


PS: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow with more.