Cracks in the relationship between master and apprentice, ready to return to Wuhun City! (1)

"Teacher, you said you want me to absorb the soul ring of this purple-scaled rattlesnake, but why is the soul ring a century-old soul ring, but the soul skills are like this?"

  After showing Yu Xiaogang his soul skills , Tang San maintained the posture of summoning the Blue Silver Grass spirit with one hand, but seeing the foul-smelling yellow smoke in the distance, he couldn't help but speak a little angrily.

  You know, just now he has made it clear to his teacher Yu Xiaogang that there may be some problems with the purple-scaled rattlesnake, and he wants to ask teacher Yu Xiaogang to check it again.

  But the teacher Yu Xiaogang just didn't check it, insisted on stubbornly believing in his own opinion, and asked him to absorb the soul ring, but in the end he got this soul skill.

  Although it is a century-old soul skill, this soul skill is almost the same as teacher Yu Xiaogang's Wuhun Luo Sanpao's farting soul skill.

  It doesn't hurt much, but the disgusting person is very powerful!

  But does he need this soul skill?

  Thinking that if this soul skill is used in Notting College in the future, countless people will definitely laugh at it.

  It's fine if it's known and ridiculed by others.

  But thinking that if Xiao Wu also knew the news, Tang San couldn't bear it, it was so embarrassing!

  This made even Tang San, who regards respecting the teacher as the code of life and believes in the concept of being a teacher for one day and a father for life, resented his teacher Yu Xiaogang in his heart.

  "Little San, I'm sorry!"

  Losing a big ugliness in front of his disciples, the glorious image he managed to create was almost wiped out, which made Yu Xiaogang feel extremely ashamed even if Tang San blamed him, but he could only sigh Then, apologize to disciple Tang San.

  "Just now, the teacher was too egotistical. The main reason is that this purple scale... oh no! It's this gecko who behaved so unreasonably."

  "You may not know about the gecko rattlesnake, but it is a non-venomous snake-like soul beast. It mainly relies on disguising itself as a highly venomous snake-like soul beast like a purple-scale rattlesnake to deter soul beasts that can prey on it."

  "But the gecko Lapis snakes have always been very timid, and once they are in danger, they will detach the part of the purple-scaled rattlesnake's tail like a gecko and throw it in front of the predator."

  "Then this part of the tail will explode, emitting a lot of stench The poisonous mist can not only block the line of sight, but also has the effect of stunning, so as to block the predators and buy them time to escape."

  "But yesterday's gecko and scorpion not only attacked, but also made a look of wanting to attack us. After being attacked by my soul skill, he didn't run away from the tail, which is really unreasonable!"

  "That's why I didn't see the real identity of this gecko stinky fart snake at that time, but I mistook it for a purple-scaled rattlesnake."

  "But this is all the teacher's fault, you may not understand it now, but in the future, if you learn the gecko stinky fart snake, you will understand the teacher..."

  Hearing Yu Xiaogang With a guilty apology, Tang San's inner resentment finally dissipated a little.

  Although he still has resentment towards Yu Xiaogang, he is still Yu Xiaogang's disciple after all, so he can't deceive his master and destroy his ancestors, right?

  Besides, thinking that this lizard gecko is still a hundred-year-old soul beast.

  The soul ring configuration after absorption is still not behind Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng, as long as this soul skill is not used.

  And when his strength improves in the future, he may not have a chance to use this weakest first soul skill, so forget it!

  But even though he thought so, after this incident, Yu Xiaogang's glorious image in Tang San's heart was still affected to a certain extent.

  There was a rift in the originally sincere relationship between master and apprentice!


  On the other side, after leaving the Hunting Soul Forest, Su Mo took Xiao Wu and Wang Sheng into the carriage waiting at the market outside the Hunting Soul Forest.

  Afterwards, after a day and night of driving, the carriage returned to Notting City in the early morning of the next day.

  But after returning to Notting City, Wang Sheng parted ways with Su Mo and Xiao Wu temporarily.

  Because he was going to register as a soul master at the Martial Soul Branch Hall in Notting City, so that he could receive a soul master subsidy of one gold soul coin per month.

  But because Xiao Wu was with Su Mo and became Su Mo's god-sister, she was no longer short of money.

  Therefore, naturally, there is no need to go to the Martial Soul Branch Hall in Notting City to register as a soul master and receive soul master subsidies as in the original book.

  And after returning to Notting College with Xiao Wu, Notting College has officially started.

  After asking Xiao Wu to go back to the dormitory to change into the school uniform of Notting College, and then go to class.

  Su Mo went to see the dean of Notting College again and asked him what teaching tasks he would be responsible for.

  For Su Mo's teaching task.

  Now the dean of Notting College has already made up his mind to let Su Mo be responsible for teaching the knowledge of soul beasts.

  In Douluo Continent, there are many kinds of soul beasts.

  Even if it is Wuhundian, he can't guarantee that he can recognize all the spirit beasts.

  But one thing is undeniable, compared to Notting College, the records of spirit beasts in Wuhundian must be more complete than Notting College.

  So the dean of Notting College planned to ask Su Mo to teach the students about soul beasts.

  Su Mo naturally agreed to the arrangement of the head of Notting College.

  It's just to teach the knowledge of soul beasts, this is not a problem for him.

  But when I returned to the teacher's dormitory and prepared the things needed for future teaching.

  Su Mo couldn't help but plan to go back to Wuhun City at the same time.

  Because almost two or three months have passed since he left Wuhun City.

  Although when he left, he had already told the maid at home that he was going out to hunt soul beasts for the second martial soul, and at the same time planned to travel to the Douluo Continent for a while, and he might not come back for a long time.

  But if he didn't get the opportunity to distort his mind, Su Mo might wait until the affairs of Notting College are all dealt with before taking time back to Wuhun City.

  But with the help of Xiao Kuang and Xiao Chenyu, Xiao Wu obtained the reward of thinking distortion opportunity.

  However, Su Mo planned to go back to Wuhun City right now, and through the opportunity of twisting his mind, Bibi Dong took the initiative to ask him to go with Xiao Wu.

  Otherwise, Bibi Dong after "rebirth" is not the Bibi Dong before.

  Although Su Mo didn't find out that Bibi Dong sent people to monitor Xiao Wu.

  But it might just be that Bibi Dong didn't want to disturb Tang Hao, but Bibi Dong would always pay attention to Xiao Wu.

  In the future, maybe Bibi Dong will find out that he is with Xiao Wu, it will be difficult to explain at that time.

  Why don't you just go back to Wuhun City, and then use the opportunity of thinking distortion to let Bibi Dong take the initiative to ask him to approach Xiao Wu, so as to grasp the situation!

  After deciding to take this opportunity to go back to Wuhun City, Su Mo immediately summoned the Death Sickle Wuhun, ready to activate the fifth spirit skill: True Clone!

  The fifth soul skill of Su Mo's death sickle martial soul is the soul ring of the mirror image beast absorbed.

  Compared with other clone soul skills, the clone soul skill from the mirror image beast soul ring can only differentiate into one clone.

  But this avatar can use Su Mo's death sickle martial soul and the soul skills of death sickle martial soul.

  It's just that his strength is only about 70% of Su Mo's.

  And because of the special nature of Su Mo's death sickle martial soul.

  This split clone will absorb the pure soul power in the Death Scythe martial soul to form a pseudo-soul with extremely high wisdom and the memory of Su Mo.

  It is almost equivalent to the shadow clone in Naruto!

  In addition, since this real avatar can use the soul skill of Su Mo's death sickle martial soul, it can absorb the vitality of plants and transform it into soul power through the first soul skill: Death Harvest, so as to maintain itself.

  So as long as Su Mo left his real avatar in Notting College to teach instead of him, he could take the opportunity to go back to Wuhun City to fulfill his goal.

  So, after launching the fifth soul skill: True Clone, Su Mo left the real clone in Notting College.

  On the other hand, he quickly headed to the back mountain, rose directly from the sky with a cultivation base of the title Douluo level, and quickly rushed to Wuhun City.