Ah Rou in Wuhun City, the first use of a mind-distorting opportunity! (2)

After leaving Notting College, Su Mo flew all the way in the sky and rushed back to Wuhun City.

  Returning to Wuhun City again, he looked at the city where he had lived for more than ten years.

  Located on the hill in the center, the overall structure presents a columnar structure, covered with a dome on the top, which looks majestic and towering, and the resplendent Pope's Palace shines in the sun.

  On the side is the Douluo Hall, which is similar in style but slightly smaller in size, but equally majestic and majestic.

  Under the hill, the blue and white western-style buildings look simple, beautiful and uniform.

  On the street, there are people coming and going, and there is a lot of traffic.

  Although in terms of city area and number of residents, Wuhun City is somewhat inferior to Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  But when it comes to the city's planning and the quality of the residents, Wuhun City doesn't know how many streets it has to throw away from Tiandou Imperial City!

  Su Mo was quite emotional.

  However, it didn't take long for Su Mo to rush to the mansion where he was.

  "His Royal Highness, you are back!"

  Seeing Su Mo coming back, several maids in the courtyard of the mansion rushed up to greet him and saluted.

  "Where is the saint?"

  Because it was already noon when she came back, Bibi Dong must still be in the Pope's Palace, but at this time, Hu Liena should have finished school, Su Mo couldn't help asking.

  "Go back to His Royal Highness Shengzi, His Royal Highness has gone out with Young Master Xie Yue and Young Master Yan. They should go out for dinner, and then go to the Great Spirit Fighting Field of Wuhun City in the afternoon to participate in the fighting spirit. Your Highness Shengzi can go to the big fight in Wuhun Palace." Take a look at the soul field."

  A maid replied respectfully.

  "I see."

  Su Mo nodded.

  However, after learning about Hu Liena from the maid, Su Mo did not intend to go to Hu Liena immediately, but planned to go to the Pope's Palace to see Bibidong first.

  When following Bibidong and leading others to hunt down Xiaowu's mother, Arou, Su Mo heard Bibidong say that she would not hurt Arou.

  If it was Bibi Dong in the original book, it would definitely be a lie to say so.

  But for the "reborn" Bibi Dong he created, Su Mo didn't think that Bibi Dong was deceiving Ah Rou.

  I don't know if I will meet Xiao Wu's mother, A Rou, on this trip to Wuhundian.

  After leaving the mansion, Su Mo went straight to the Pope's Palace located on the hill in the center of Wuhun City.

  Because of the identities of the Holy Son of the Wuhun Palace and the younger brother of Bibi Donggan, Su Mo entered the Pope's Palace almost without being stopped by the soldiers guarding the Wuhun Palace.

  Not long after entering the Pope's Palace, Su Mo saw Bibi Dong in the front hall of the Pope's Palace and the courtyard of the study room.

  At this time, Bibi Dong was wearing a purple crown robe, a nine-curved purple gold crown on her head, and holding a Pope's scepter inlaid with gemstones, standing beside a colorful flowerbed.

  Beside Bibi Dong, stood a woman in a long pink dress.

  The woman is tall and slender, with curvaceous body, long black hair with a shawl, pretty face, bright eyes, straight nose, pink lips, and a very gentle temperament. She is an excellent beauty, but her eyebrows , but with a hint of melancholy.

  "Bibi Dong, why do you insist on keeping me with you? Since you don't want to kill me, why do you insist on letting me part with Xiao Wu?"

  "I thought you were no longer the kind girl you used to be. To hunt me down and obtain my spirit ring, I was captured."

  "But now I find that although you have changed a lot, become more aggressive and decisive than before, your essence has not changed. It was that gentle and kind girl."

  "In that case, why didn't you let me go?"

  "I know that you kept me here to prevent me from meeting Xiao Wu, but if you let me go, I promise I won't go to see Xiao Wu either, I will only watch her in secret, please Please!"

  Standing beside Bibi Dong, Ah Rou couldn't help but begged.

  But regarding A Rou's entreaties, Bibi Dong's graceful and glamorous face was still extremely calm, not moved by A Rou's pleas, she just said indifferently.

  "You have told me about this matter more than once, but it is impossible for me to agree. In fact, you are wrong. I am no longer the kind and naive girl I used to be."

  "Compared to other people's promises and guarantees, I believe in myself more."

  "And even if you can guarantee that you won't see Xiao Wu after you leave, you will only watch her in secret."

  "But you can guarantee that you will not be bullied by other people, or titles Did Luo find out?"

  "Once you are found out, do you know how much it will affect my plan?"

  "So you should stay in Wuhun City obediently, I can assure you that your daughter Xiao Wu is I won't be hurt, and I will always pay attention to her."

  "Bibidong! You said that you believe in yourself more than other people's promises and guarantees, but do you think I don't believe in myself, and I believe in your promises more? Is it?"

  For Bibi Dong's answer, Ah Rou was also a little angry.

  "You said you can guarantee Xiao Wu's safety, but how can you guarantee it? Maybe you have such strength, but at most you will send the soul masters from the Wuhun Palace to pay attention to Xiao Wu. Can they guarantee Xiao Wu's safety? "

  Actually, if Xiao Wu just stayed in the Star Dou Great Forest, I would stay here and stay here. It's fine, but I was captured by you. According to Xiao Wu's character, she will definitely not give up on avenging me."

  "And because she doesn't know who you are, she will definitely choose to transform into a human being and go to the human world to find out about you."

  "But the human world is so dangerous, who can guarantee that she will not be discovered by powerful soul masters? "

  Hearing Ah Rou's angry words, Bibi Dong opened her mouth, but was also somewhat unable to answer.

  Although she has tried her best, she wants to make the development of this world the same as she remembers.

  But her "rebirth" is destined to change many things, so she can't guarantee that no accidents will happen to Xiao Wu.

  But just like that sentence, compared to other people, she believes in herself more!

  On the other side, after entering the Pope's Palace.

  Seeing Bibi Dong and A Rou standing in the yard talking, Su Mo stood in front of the entrance of the Pope's Palace and heard their conversation.

  This made Su Mo's heart skip a beat.

  This seems like a good opportunity!

  Since Ah Rou was worried that Bibi Dong would not be able to guarantee Xiao Wu's safety, then he could just twist his mind and make Bibi Dong come up with the idea of ​​asking him to get close to Xiao Wu and protect Xiao Wu, so as to ensure that the plot would not change too much!

  "System, I want to use a mind-distortion opportunity, and the target is Bibi Dong."

  "The direction of the distortion is to let her have the idea of ​​letting me approach and protect Xiao Wu, and how I approach and protect Xiao Wu, among them She will not have any doubts or doubts about the process and situation."

  Before entering the courtyard, Su Mo said to the system in his heart.

  After issuing the order to the system, Su Mo immediately stepped into the courtyard, and the movement that occurred immediately attracted Bibi Dong's attention.

  "Little Mo, when did you come back?"

  Seeing that it was Su Mo coming from the front hall of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong asked with a gentle smile on her graceful and glamorous pretty face.

  "I just came back too. When you left, Sister Donger, didn't you take Ju Douluo and Senior Ghost Douluo to the Star Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts? I just came here to ask Sister Donger. How about hunting soul beasts?"

  Su Mo asked with a smile.

  Because Bibidong used some method to cover Ah Rou's body, so that Su Mo could not see Ah Rou's true identity.

  So Su Mo naturally pretended not to know Ah Rou.

  And hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong didn't know how to answer for a while.

  Before "rebirth", Ah Rou's soul ring was the seventh soul ring of her second martial spirit, but after "rebirth", it was obviously impossible for her to hunt and kill Ah Rou.

  Therefore, when she went to the Star Dou Great Forest this time, she didn't actually hunt and kill soul beasts.

  How should she answer this?

  But just when Bibi Dong didn't know how to answer Su Mo.

  In my mind, an idea suddenly popped up.

  Isn't Ah Rou worried that she can't guarantee Xiao Wu's safety?

  Then she can send Su Mo there!

  Bibi Dong couldn't help thinking of a solution immediately.

  According to Bibi Dong's understanding of Su Mo, Su Mo was not the kind of person who wanted to hunt and kill a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast to obtain its soul ring and soul bone.

  On the contrary, Su Mo is a very gentle person, and he will treat all creatures with enough intelligence, even a hundred thousand soul beasts, equally.

  So she can completely entrust Su Mo with the task of protecting Xiao Wu.

  At the same time, through Su Mo, on the one hand, it can weaken Tang San's strength, and on the other hand, prevent Tang San's situation from going beyond her control.

  Anyway, now she sees it too.

  Because of her "rebirth", under the influence of her "rebirth", it is impossible to make everything develop as she remembers.

  I can only guarantee that everything will not exceed her grasp as much as possible!

  "Little Mo, I have a task for you..."

  Thinking of this, facing Su Mo's question, Bibi Dong couldn't help changing the subject, took a deep breath, and said.