Su Mo, Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan who were asked to approach Xiao Wu (1)

"Mission, what mission?"

  Although he knew what mission Bibi Dong was going to give, Su Mo still pretended to be puzzled, asked.

  "Little Mo, in fact, I took Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts, but I didn't succeed, or I can't say that I didn't succeed, I can only say that I gave up..."

  Regarding Su Mo's doubts, Bibi Dong didn't answer directly directly, but she couldn't help but sighed on her graceful and charming face, and said slowly.

  Since she intends to let Su Mo get close to Xiao Wu to protect Xiao Wu's safety, Bibi Dong naturally does not intend to hide Ah Rou's identity from Su Mo now.

  Of course, why she didn't kill Ah Rou, but brought him back to Wuhun City, and asked Su Mo to protect Xiao Wu.

  The process and reasons for this, she still needs to modify.

  "Why did you give up?"

  Hearing Bibi Dong said that she gave up hunting soul beasts, Su Mo followed Bibi Dong's thinking, continued to show doubts, and asked.

  And Bibi Dong continued to sigh and reply.

  "Why did I give up, because originally I took Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill soul beasts, with the goal of hunting a hundred thousand year soul beast."

  "But when we met a hundred thousand year soul beast At that time, I discovered that the target I wanted to hunt had saved my life."

  "So naturally I can't kill her, I can only bring her back to Wuhun City."

  "But I can't let her go, after all, her The identity has already been known by other people in our Spirit Hall."

  "I captured her, but I didn't kill her. I can use the excuse of wanting to keep her in our Spirit Hall as a reward for Xue'er's future mission."

  "But if I let her go, I'm afraid the rest of the higher-ups won't agree, even if she saved my life, she is a soul beast after all."

  "But she doesn't understand my difficulties, she still wants to Leave, because she is more worried about her daughter, so I want you, Xiao Mo, to find her daughter and protect her, is that okay?"

  "Protect the daughter of a soul beast?"

  Su Mo's face showed a look of shock color, as if a little unbelievable.

  "Sister Dong'er, the daughter of the 100,000-year-old soul beast you captured should also be a soul beast, so it should be in the Star Dou Forest. Do I need to go to the Star Dou Forest to protect her?"

  "No! Xiao Wu her She must not be in the Star Forest anymore, she has definitely transformed into a human being and came to your human world!"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Ah Rou was very excited.

  "Sister Dong'er? She is..."

  Because she shouldn't know Ah Rou, Su Mo was naturally stunned by Ah Rou's excitement.

  "She is the 100,000-year-old soul beast I mentioned. As for why she looks like this, it is because the 100,000-year-old soul beast is breaking through again, and after reaching 200,000 years of cultivation, it can transform into a human form."

  " And what she said is not bad, her daughter Xiao Wu has indeed transformed into a human being and entered our human world."

  "The specific location should be in the Fanos province of the Heaven Dou Empire, at the junction with the Star Luo Empire, a building named In the city of Notting City."

  "Be a student in a junior soul master academy called Notting College in this city, and when you leave Wuhun City, just go to her directly."

  Regarding Su Mo's Reaction, Bibi Dong couldn't help explaining.

  "Okay, I see."

  Su Mo pretended to think for a while, and nodded.

  "Bibi Dong, can he do it? Judging from his appearance, he should be only in his twenties, but the soul master who can discover Xiao Wu's identity, the lowest strength is a Contra!"

  Seeing that Bibi Dong really planned to hand over Xiao Wu's safety to Su Mo, Ah Rou couldn't help asking again.

  "Don't worry, Xiao Mo can do it!"

  Bibi Dong shook her head at Ah Rou's question, and with a faint smile on her graceful and beautiful face, she looked at Su Mo and said.

  "Little Mo, let her see your strength!"


  Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Mo immediately responded, and instantly summoned the death sickle martial soul.

  "Death Sickle Martial Soul, come out!"

  Su Mo yelled.

  A dark light flashed, and a slender death sickle appeared in Su Mo's hand instantly.

  At the same time, nine soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, black, black, and red, rose from Su Mo's feet one after another, surrounding him!

  But in fact, Su Mo's ninth spirit ring was originally only at the ten thousand year level, and it came from a powerful spirit beast called Nether Hell Worm.

  This soul ring endowed Su Mo with the soul skill equivalent to immortality.

  But later, Su Mo used the third soul skill: Soul Devouring, to use part of the pure soul power transformed from the soul of the soul master of the Clear Sky School that was swallowed before, to increase the lifespan of the ninth soul ring.

  In the end, the ninth soul ring was raised to the hundred thousand year level!

  "This is... Titled Douluo?!"

  When she found out that Su Mo's strength was actually a Titled Douluo, Ah Rou couldn't help showing a look of shock.

  Titled Douluo in his twenties, with such a powerful talent, might not have the potential to become a god in the future!

  And judging by the configuration of his martial spirit and spirit ring, it must be enough to protect his daughter Xiaowu.

  Therefore, after seeing Su Mo's cultivation.

  Ah Rou immediately no longer doubted whether Su Mo could protect Xiao Wu.

  Instead, he sincerely hoped that Su Mo could take care of Xiao Wu instead of her.

  To this, Su Mo naturally nodded in agreement.

  Afterwards, after leaving the Pope's Palace, Su Mo went to the Great Soul Arena in Wuhun City, preparing to meet Hu Liena.

  Because this time when he returned to Wuhun City, Su Mo did not expect to find an opportunity so quickly, perfectly compared to Bidong who used the opportunity of mind distortion to obtain the task of approaching and protecting Xiao Wu.

  Since Ah Rou asked him to leave as soon as possible, Su Mo planned to leave Wuhun City and return to Notting College tomorrow.

  Therefore, today Su Mo had to hurry up to see Hu Liena, otherwise there would be no chance in the future.

  When Su Mo came to the Great Soul Arena in Wuhun City, he saw Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan fighting for souls.

  However, the martial souls of the three seemed to have undergone some changes compared to before.

  Among them, Hu Liena's demon fox spirit had three extra tails, Xie Yue's Moonblade spirit became even bigger and slender, and Yan's Flame Lord spirit had a thick armor-like armor on it.

  From the appearance, Su Mo can be sure that the martial souls of the three have definitely evolved!

  It should be that Bibidong finally found out among the many fairy grasses in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi that Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan could evolve their martial souls, and rewarded each of them with one plant.

  In the original book, in the elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy almost seven years later.

  The three of them did not get the fairy grass, but they all cultivated to the soul king realm.

  Now with the help of the immortal spirit grass, not only has his cultivation been greatly improved, but his martial spirit has also evolved, and his talent has been greatly improved.

  Maybe in the future soul master college elite exchange competition across the continent, the cultivation of the three can reach the soul emperor!

  Su Mo couldn't help being a little funny when he thought that Bibi Dong wanted to ensure the plot so that he could take advantage of his "rebirth" and at the same time want to strengthen the strength of the Wuhun Temple.

  "Rebirth" is inherently prone to cause a butterfly effect, leading to changes in the future.

  Bibi Dong was also frantically strengthening the strength of the Spirit Hall because she was worried that the Hall of Spirits would still be destroyed.

  In addition, he is constantly changing the plot.

  It is almost impossible for the plot to develop like in Bibi Dong's original work!

  After Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan finished their soul fighting, Su Mo saw the three of them inside and outside the lounge.

  "Nana, long time no see!"

  Seeing Hu Liena and the three of them who had finished their solo soul fighting and were coming out of the passageway into the soul fighting platform together, Su Mo couldn't help smiling and waved greetings.

  "Brother Su Mo, you're back!"

  When seeing Su Mo, Hu Liena couldn't help being overjoyed.

  And looking at Hu Liena in front of her, the once delicate and cute little lolita has now turned into a charming and charming girl.

  She has golden short hair with ears, fair skin like jade, a beautiful pretty face with curved eyebrows, a straight nose, red lips, and a pair of orange-gold beautiful eyes exuding a soul-stirring charm. It makes people lose their minds.

  This made Su Mo feel a little emotional.

  I don't know what happened to Qian Renxue in Tiandou Imperial City now.

  "His Royal Highness Son!"

  When seeing Su Mo, Xie Yue and Yan couldn't help saluting Su Mo quickly.

  However, compared to Xie Yue, although Yan also joined the Wuhun Palace very early and studied at Wuhun City Junior Soul Master Academy with Xie Yue and Hu Liena, Yan was not familiar with Su Mo at all.

  At this moment, looking at Su Mo, the youngest titled Douluo in the Wuhun Hall, who is also the elder brother of the beloved goddess Hu Liena, Yan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.