Return to Notting College and discover Tang Hao! (2)

"Are you Yan? I've heard of you. You are one of the three heroes recognized by our Wuhundian generation. As long as there are no accidents in the future, becoming a Titled Douluo is basically a certainty. I am looking forward to it." Your future achievements."

  When Yan looked at Su Mo feeling a little uneasy, Su Mo, after greeting Hu Liena, first glanced past Xie Yue, and finally looked at Yan, and said with a smile.

  "His Royal Highness Son..."

  When he found that Su Mo was talking to him, Yan couldn't help but couldn't believe it for a while.

  Because he originally thought that among the three, he was the most inconspicuous one.

  After all, Hu Liena was born with full soul power, and Xie Yue, like herself, only had innate level nine soul power, but the opponent was an attack-type soul master who was good at fighting, while she was a defense-type soul master who was good at defense.

  The popularity of the two cannot be compared at all!

  So when he found out that Su Mo didn't ignore him, Yan couldn't help being a little excited.

  Could it be that His Royal Highness the Son has been watching me?

  But why does he pay attention to me?

  I have never met him before, and with Nana and Brother Xieyue around, my talent is not the strongest in Wuhundian either.

  Anyway, it should not reach the ears of His Royal Highness, the most outstanding Holy Son in the history of Wuhun Hall.

  Could it be... Could it be that His Royal Highness Son listed me as one of Nana's candidate partners?

  Because he really couldn't think of why Su Mo would pay attention to him, Yan actually had a brain hole, thinking that Su Mo had listed him as Hu Liena's candidate partner.

  After all, in Wuhundian, although he is not the best, he is also one of the most powerful three masters of this generation.

  Among the three masters, Xie Yue is undoubtedly the one with the strongest combat power, and Hu Liena is the one with the highest talent.

  Among them, Xie Yue is Hu Liena's older brother, so she definitely cannot be Hu Liena's partner.

  Then in the entire Spirit Hall, the only person left who is most qualified to be Hu Liena's partner must be He Yan!

  Thinking of this, Yan couldn't help being too excited to speak.

  Although he has been showing love to Hu Liena since he met Hu Liena.

  But Hu Liena didn't accept it at all, and instead hated him extremely.

  But Hu Liena doesn't like him, he can attack the relatives around Hu Liena first!

  For example, Hu Liena's own brother Xie Yue, this Hu Liena's god-brother in front of him, Su Mo, the holy son of the Wuhun Palace, and the current Pope of the Wuhun Palace!

  Unfortunately, Yan thought too much.

  The reason why Su Mo talked to him.

  It's just because Hu Liena's reputation for licking dogs in his previous life was too famous!

  But Yan wanted to attack Hu Liena, but it was impossible!

  Because although Yan is also very handsome, his personality is too dog-friendly, and facing Hu Liena's strength, he has always been flattering and regressing in various ways.

  However, what Hu Liena likes is someone who is more powerful than her. Of course, his strength is stronger than her, and he must be handsome enough!

  Therefore, in the original book, Hu Liena would disdain Tang San before the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline awakened, but fall in love with Tang San after the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline awakened at first sight.

  Of course, because of Su Mo's appearance, it should be impossible for Hu Liena to fall in love with Tang San in this life.

  Among them, on the one hand, the reason is that Ah Yin has been pried away by Su Mo.

  In this life, Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor bloodline was doomed not to be awakened.

  On the other hand, in the process of getting along with Hu Liena, Hu Liena has already fallen in love with Su Mo.

  As for why Hu Liena fell in love with Su Mo.

  In this regard, Su Mo really didn't use the system or the ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel martial soul to exert any influence on it.

  Mainly because when she was a child, Hu Liena wanted to compete with Qian Renxue for favor, so she accidentally attacked herself.

  In addition, Su Mo is very strong, and his personality is also the type of a strong big brother who can control her and Qian Renxue. In addition, Su Mo's appearance in this life is also called handsome.

  Therefore, Su Mo sensed Hu Liena's strong love for him very early on through the emotional sensing ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit.

  I have to say that the people in Douluo World mature so fast that they are almost comparable to Naruto World!

  And it was precisely because of this that Su Mo felt a little pity for Licking Gouyan in his heart.

  Unfortunately, Yan didn't understand what Su Mo meant.

  On the other side, after seeing the three of Hu Liena.

  Su Mo naturally said that he just came back today, and just after he came back, he received a very important task and needed to leave Wuhun City for a long time.

  It is estimated that there will be no chance to come back in the future.

  This made Hu Liena very sad.

  Because it might be a long time since I saw Su Mo, Hu Liena naturally said that she would not fight the spirit today, and wanted to accompany Su Mo for a good stroll in Wuhun City.

  And because he still wanted to maintain the relationship with Hu Liena as a god-sibling, he didn't think about letting Hu Liena and his family relationship deteriorate now.

  So Su Mo didn't choose to just take Hu Liena for a stroll in Wuhun City, but brought Xie Yue and Yan along.

  Afterwards, the group left the Great Soul Arena of Wuhun City and wandered around in Wuhun City.

  During the period, Su Mo asked a lot about the three people's cultivation, and gave some pointers on the three people's cultivation.

  The next day, Su Mo rose up from the sky under Hu Liena's unwilling gaze, and instantly turned into a stream of light and left Wuhun City, disappearing into the sky.


  After returning to Notting College.

  Su Mo released his real clone and continued his life as a teacher at Notting College.

  And it has been almost two days since I activated the fifth soul skill of Death God's Scythe Martial Soul: Real Clone, let the real clone stay in Notting College instead of me, and I returned to Martial Soul City.

  After these two days, Yu Xiaogang and Tang San have also returned to Notting College.

  But it's different from the original.

  Because of Su Mo's influence, Xiao Wu is already the big sister that Xiao Chenyu can't afford to mess with.

  It is definitely impossible for Xiao Chenyu to be like in the original book again, because Xiao Wu went to trouble the work-students.

  And because after returning with Su Mo, Wang Sheng also broke through to the soul master level, and the first soul ring was still a century-old soul ring.

  It is not as good as Wang Sheng in the soul ring, and the war tiger martial soul is also stronger than Xiao Chenyu's white wolf martial soul.

  In addition, knowing that Wang Sheng went to the Soul Hunting Forest with Su Mo, he obtained the century-old soul ring.

  Because he was concerned about Wang Sheng's possible relationship with Su Mo, Xiao Chenyu naturally didn't dare to provoke the work-students again.

  And precisely because of this, Tang San lost the opportunity to pretend to be aggressive in Qishe like in the original book.

  This made Tang San's status in Qishe suddenly worse than before.

  But this is also normal.

  Although Tang San defeated Wang Sheng before, and won the throne of the boss of Qishe.

  But now Wang Sheng has become a soul master, and the first soul ring is a century-old soul ring, which successfully deterred the noble students headed by Xiao Chenyu.

  The reason why Qishe wants to recognize the boss is to hope that the boss can protect them from being bullied by noble students.

  Only those who can do this can be regarded as the real boss of Qishe.

  And even though Tang San won the boss position before.

  But now it is Wang Sheng who protects the work-study students of Qishe from being bullied by noble students.

  So in the tacit consent of all the children, Wang Sheng returned to the throne of the boss of Qishe.

  Originally Tang San didn't care much about this.

  Because in his opinion, being the boss of Qishe is not only useless, but also very troublesome. It's better not to be the boss!

  But because Wang Sheng went to the Hunting Soul Forest with Su Mo, and Su Mo deliberately killed the Mandala Snake that was very suitable for him, causing him to absorb the wrong Gecko Stinky Fart Snake Soul Ring.

  Therefore, while Tang San hated Su Mo, he also took Wang Sheng along with him.

  Thus, Qishe split into two parts, one part was the work-study students headed by Tang San, and the other part was the work-study students headed by Wang Sheng.

  But of course, because Wang Sheng had higher qualifications than Tang San in Qishe.

  In addition, in the eyes of the people in Qishe, Wang Sheng is also stronger than Tang San, and it is Wang Sheng who protects them from being bullied by noble students.

  So the whole Qishe, in fact, was divided into two parts, one part was Tang San, and the other part was other work-study students headed by Wang Sheng besides Tang San.

  It can be said that in the current Qishe, Tang San has become a loner!

  And it was just a few days after Tang San and Yu Xiaogang came back.

  Su Mo was planted all over Notting College, controlling many small animals such as birds, bugs, cats and dogs as eyeliner with the soul-dominating soul skill of the death scythe martial soul.

  It was by accident that a figure in a black robe appeared in Notting College.

  This figure is none other than Su Mo's old acquaintance - Tang Hao!