Tang Hao meets Yu Xiaogang and throws the blame wildly! (1)

'Is Tang Hao finally back? When he discovered Tang Hao 's

  figure appeared in Notting College, Su Mo was teaching the students of Notting College, and his eyes flickered suddenly.

  In fact, he was preparing to trap Tang San and Yu Xiaogang before.

  Su Mo had checked and confirmed many times whether Tang Hao was with Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

  If Tang Hao was beside Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

  Su Mo's plan to entrap Tang San is definitely impossible to succeed.

  Because although Tang Hao didn't really want to show up in front of Tang San, the soul ring of the soul master is very important.

  Tang Hao would never just watch his son absorb a garbage soul ring!

  Therefore, Su Mo decided to continue the plan after discovering that Tang Hao was indeed the same as in the original book, and left after handing over the highest-level access token of the Wuhun Temple to Yu Xiaogang.

  'Hehe, I don't know how Tang Hao would react if he knew that his son's first soul ability was a garbage soul ability like Yu Xiaogang who only farted. Thinking of Tang Hao 's

  performance when he learned of his son Tang San's first soul ability, Su Mo, who was explaining the knowledge of soul beasts to the students in the classroom, couldn't help feeling a little bit playful.

  On the other hand, after going to the Star Dou Forest to search for his wife A Yin, but still found nothing, Tang Hao couldn't help returning to Notting College again with a feeling of disappointment.

  Originally because he discovered that his son Tang San had awakened the twin spirits with innate full spirit power, Tang Hao finally regained his confidence and saw the hope of revenge on the Spirit Hall.

  It was precisely because of regaining his confidence that he finally faced up to the disappearance of the seeds condensed after the sacrifice of his wife A Yin.

  I plan to go to the valley where I once planted my wife's seeds again, to see if I can find some clues, and find out why the seeds of my wife Ayin are missing.

  Unfortunately, still nothing!

  However, it cannot be regarded as nothing.

  Because about the disappearance of the seeds left by his wife A Yin, Tang Hao had two guesses in his mind.

  One guess is that the seeds were taken away by the 100,000-year-old soul beast in the Star Dou Forest.

  After all, his wife, Ah Yin, is also a hundred thousand year soul beast.

  Another guess is that the seeds of his wife A Yin were stolen.

  Because of returning to the old place again, after careful recollection and investigation, Tang Hao finally made a decision.

  The place where his wife Ah Yin's seed was once planted was very flat when he went back and found that it was gone. It should not have been dug away by a spirit beast, but a human being!

  Although it was difficult for him to understand, he obviously didn't sense anyone following him at the beginning.

  How did the thief who stole his wife find this valley and stole the seed left by his wife without any mistakes.

  Could it be that this thief has been thinking about his wife for a long time?

  However, considering the myriad of weirdnesses of martial souls, there might be some special martial souls that can hide from his perception.

  Or simply because of luck, the other party discovered the seed left by his wife and took it away.

  After all, as far as Tang Hao knew, the soul masters of the Qibao Liuli Pagoda possessed the ability to hunt for treasures.

  Perhaps after he planted the seeds left by his wife A Yin.

  There happened to be a soul master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower passing by, and because of the treasure hunting ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower Wuhun, he found and took away his wife's seed.

  But even though he had this idea in his heart, Tang Hao still subconsciously thought of the dream he had a few years ago.

  He dreamed that his wife, A Yin, met him in a dream and asked him to avenge his dead son. After he refused, he completely broke up with him, turned around and threw himself into the arms of a handsome strange young man.

  He will never forget that scene!

  For this dream, even though Tang Hao kept hypnotizing himself, it was just a dream.

  But when he thought of the handsome young man in his dream, he had never seen this young man before. How could he dream that he was greened by this young man?

  This is clearly not right! !

  But even though he still remembered the appearance of Su Mo he saw in his dream.

  However, Tang Hao didn't have any artistic talent, and he didn't have the painting skills to draw Su Mo's portrait for people to recognize.

  Of course, even if he draws it, and brings Su Mo's painting to life.

  But although Su Mo is the holy son of Wuhun Hall, he is relatively low-key.

  Not many people in the entire Douluo Continent knew Su Mo.

  So until now, Tang Hao still doesn't know who the young man who dreamed of him was.

  "It's been a few days, now Xiaosan should have gone to the Hunting Forest to hunt the soul beasts and break through the soul master, go and ask Yu Xiaogang how it is."

  Standing in the forest on the back mountain of Notting College, looking at Notting College not far away, Tang Hao was talking to himself.

  Then, with a sudden movement, the whole person turned into an afterimage and quickly swept towards Notting College.

  Soon, Tang Hao rushed to Yu Xiaogang's dormitory.

  At this time, Yu Xiaogang was still in the dormitory preparing for teaching Tang San this afternoon.

  Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly flew in from the window and landed in the room.

  Turning around, it was Tang Hao.

  "Your Majesty Haotian Douluo!"

  Seeing Tang Hao, Yu Xiaogang immediately stopped what he was doing and bowed to Tang Hao.

  But compared to the excitement when seeing Tang Hao before.

  Now that Yu Xiaogang saw Tang Hao again, his heart was full of panic and apprehension.

  Because he let Tang Hao's son Tang San absorb a garbage soul ring.

  And the soul skill of this soul ring happened to be farting like his soul skill.

  This made it difficult for him to guarantee that Tang Hao would not get angry at him because of this.

  And a titled Douluo got angry with him, Yu Xiaogang knew himself, he knew that his small body would definitely not be able to bear it.

  "How is Xiaosan now, has he become a soul master?"

  Seeing Yu Xiaogang, Tang Hao didn't see Yu Xiaogang's mood at this time, but directly asked in a deep voice.

  "Back to Haotian Mian, Xiaosan... Xiaosan has become a soul master."

  Yu Xiaogang replied with a strong smile.

  "Has he become a soul master yet? How about his first soul ring, is it a century-old soul ring?"

  Tang Hao asked.

  At the beginning, because he wanted to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest again to find the seed left by his wife A Yin, so when he met Yu Xiaogang, he gave Yu Xiaogang the pass token of the Wuhun Palace in his hand.

  But after he rushed to the Star Dou Great Forest, he suddenly realized.

  With Yu Xiaogang's strength, it is very likely that he will not be able to bring his son Tang San a century-old soul ring.

  But at that time, several days had passed since he left Notting City.

  Yu Xiaogang probably took his son Tang San to hunt the spirit beasts and absorbed the spirit ring.

  Tang Hao didn't rush back because he thought it was too late.

  But since he came back this time, of course he still wanted to ask this question that he cared about.

  "That... Your Majesty Haotian, I have lived up to my high hopes. I have already helped Xiaosan successfully hunt down a hundred-year-old soul beast and let him absorb the soul ring. It's just... just..."

  Regarding Tang Hao's question, Yu Xiao Gangqiang answered Tang Hao's question with a smile. Tang San's first spirit ring was indeed a hundred years old, but at the end, he hesitated a bit.

  Because although this soul ring is a hundred years old, there are really some problems with the soul skills!

  "It's just what, what's wrong with this soul ring?"

  Tang Hao couldn't help frowning when he found Yu Xiaogang hesitating, and asked with a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

  "It's just that there are some problems with the soul skills of this soul ring, but listen to me, Hao Tianmian, there is a reason for this. I didn't let Xiao San absorb the wrong soul ring on purpose, but it is very likely that someone designed to harm us... "

  Because he was worried that Tang Hao would be angry, when Yu Xiaogang said that Tang San's first spirit ring had a problem, he quickly took a deep breath, put on a dignified expression, and explained while shirking responsibility, saying that this was just an accident.

  He didn't intentionally let Tang San absorb this wrong century-old spirit ring, but someone might have entrapped them!

  Since he didn't have any enemies in Notting City, Yu Xiaogang naturally put all the culprits on Su Mo's head.

  From Su Mo who was able to subdue the Mandala Snake, but insisted on killing the Mandala Snake, to the century-old Gecko Stinky Fart Snake that he met later attacked the camp where he and Tang San were stationed against common sense, and even faced the attack without escaping. Avoid, it's not like a normal gecko stinky fart snake at all.

  Anyway, everything said is well-founded, and Su Mo must have done it.

  Even if not, Su Mo is the biggest suspect!!