Tang Hao's Test (1)

After Su Mo used a mind-distorting opportunity on Tang Hao.

  Tang Hao, who was far away in Yu Xiaogang's dormitory, was soon affected.

  Tang Hao, who was beating Yu Xiaogang at first, suddenly remembered the identity of the person from Su Mo's Wuhun Palace, so he couldn't help but stop beating Yu Xiaogang, and asked in a deep voice.

  "Yu Xiaogang, this Su Mo you are talking about, is he from the Wuhun Palace?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty Haotian, he is indeed from the Wuhun Palace."

  Tang Hao finally turned his attention Putting it on Su Mo, Yu Xiaogang immediately lifted his spirits, nodded immediately, and replied calmly.

  After confirming Su Mo's identity from Yu Xiaogang, Tang Hao couldn't help thinking of Xiao Wu.

  That's right! Because when Tang San and Old Jack came to Notting College to sign up, Tang Hao secretly followed behind.

  Therefore, when Tang San met Su Mo and Xiao Wu with Yu Xiaogang behind Tang San, Tang Hao who was hiding in the dark naturally also saw Xiao Wu.

  And because of her Title Douluo-level cultivation, she saw Xiao Wu's true identity.

  But just as Su Mo thought, because Tang Hao himself fell in love with Ah Yin, who had been transformed into the Blue Silver Emperor for a hundred thousand years, and the two gave birth to their son Tang San.

  So for the hundred thousand year soul beast that chose to transform into form, Tang Hao always had a different feeling in his heart.

  Maybe for ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beasts, Tang Hao could kill his heart.

  But for the 100,000-year soul beast transformation, especially whether the transformation is a 100,000-year soul beast or a female.

  Unless there is a request from the family and sect, Tang Hao will not kill him.

  But originally Tang Hao didn't intend to take care of Su Mo and Xiao Wu.

  But after hearing Yu Xiaogang say that Su Mo is from Wuhundian.

  Because his son Tang San mistakenly absorbed the soul ring of the century-old gecko and stinky fart snake, Su Mo still had to bear part of the responsibility to a certain extent.

  Plus the hatred between himself and Wuhundian.

  Tang Hao couldn't help thinking of teaching Su Mo a lesson.

  Of course, the lesson in Tang Hao's heart is just a lesson in terms of original intention.

  It's not called a lesson, but in fact, it wants to abolish or even kill Su Mo.

  Although it is true that he has a big enmity with Wuhundian, Tang Hao's mind is not so narrow that he wants to kill even a student who graduated from Wuhundian Advanced Soul Master Academy.

  If he took revenge on Wuhundian like this, he would probably kill tens of thousands of people!

  But in fact, Tang Hao also wanted to teach Su Mo a lesson, but he couldn't give himself a reason to go against the principles he had always thought of.

  But under the guidance of the chance of distorted thinking, Tang Hao quickly thought of a method that not only could teach Su Mo a lesson, but also allow him to teach Su Mo severely with peace of mind.

  That is, as an unknown titled Douluo, when Na Su Mo and Xiao Wu went out, he pretended to discover the true identity of Na Xiao Wu.

  After stopping the two in no man's land, he would point out Xiao Wu's true identity in front of them, and then give Su Mo two choices.

  One is to hand over Xiao Wu, and he promises to let him go.

  But in fact, Tang Hao has always been very contemptuous of people who choose to betray because the person they are close to is a soul beast.

  So if Su Mo chooses this way, then he will be able to teach Su Mo such a heartless and ungrateful person with peace of mind.

  Moreover, this can also reveal Su Mo's true face to this soul beast named Xiao Wu, allowing him to recognize the true face of most human beings and avoid being hurt even more in the future!

  And if Su Mo is unwilling to abandon Xiao Wu even if he knows that Xiao Wu is a soul beast.

  Then he pretended to do something to him, and left after giving Su Mo a brief lesson.

  Although Tang Hao hated the people in Wuhundian very much.

  But if Su Mo is like him, he is a person who is willing to give up everything for the sake of family affection or love, even if the person he protects is a soul beast.

  Then Tang Hao would still have a good impression of Su Mo, because he saw his own shadow in Su Mo, so he would feel at ease if he didn't teach Su Mo a lesson.

  Tang Hao was very satisfied when he suddenly thought of this plan that could not be called a lesson, but should be called a test.

  Afterwards, after learning about Su Mo's information from Yu Xiaogang, Tang Hao sternly told Yu Xiaogang that such things as this time must never happen again, and then left.


  On the other side, after using this thought-distorting opportunity on Tang Hao.

  Su Mo was not in a hurry to see the effect, because there was no rush.

  In the following days, Su Mo still maintained his usual living habits.

  Every morning after class.

  In the afternoon, I would occasionally take Xiao Wu to play in Notting City.

  But it may be because there are still too many people in Notting City.

  Every time Su Mo and Xiao Wu go out to play and return to Notting College, there are still many people around them.

  Tang Hao had no chance to show up alone, so naturally he couldn't take the test.

  But after the weekend finally arrived.

  Because Notting College has a holiday every weekend.

  There is plenty of time in this day, but Su Mo is going to take Xiao Wu to go outing outside Notting City and have a picnic by the way.

  On this day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was shining brightly, and the cool breeze was blowing gently on the earth.

  After preparing things for the picnic.

  Su Mo took Xiao Wu and left Notting City, and came to a place with beautiful scenery outside the city.

  Here, there are dense forests all around in the distance, and the endless green grassland at the foot, and the sea of ​​colorful flowers covers the low mountain peaks one after another.

  With the fairy-like little Lolita Xiaowu, Su Mo walked quietly in this beautiful place.

  In front, Xiao Wu was playing around with a flower basket, bending over to pick up mushrooms on the grass and woods for a while, and lingering among the flowers for a while, picking beautiful flowers.

  From time to time, one could hear Xiao Wu's crisp and melodious laughter.

  In this regard, Su Mo also showed a smile on his face.

  Watching an innocent and cute little loli playing around is actually quite pleasing to the eye.

  And under the surveillance of Su Mo through all the monitors of birds, beasts and insects covering the surrounding area, from the sky to the woods.

  Tang Hao had also arrived in a forest not far away, and was silently watching the two of them.

  'Should it start? '

  Finding that Tang Hao had arrived and was silently looking at the two of them, Su Mo could not help but think silently in his heart, and began to brew emotions that he would need later.

  And within a few minutes, it may be finally ready.

  Wearing a black robe, Tang Hao, who concealed his identity, couldn't help letting go of his restrained aura, and instantly burst out the coercion of titled Douluo-level soul power.

  After that, Tang Hao suddenly rose up against the sky, turned into a stream of light and rushed to the sky in an instant, and then landed not far in front of Su Mo and Xiao Wu.

  As Xu stepped in the sky, his eyes slowly swept across Su Mo and Xiao Wu, Tang Hao immediately looked at Su Mo and Xiao Wu in a very cold, deep and old voice, and said slowly.

  "It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort! I didn't expect the old man to see a hundred thousand year soul beast in this place..."