Xiao Wu's Identity Exposed, Choose! (2)

"Flying in the sky, it's...it's Title Douluo!!!"

  When Tang Hao suddenly appeared, walking in the sky, landing in front of the two of them, stepping on the sky, Su Mo couldn't help but suddenly turned pale. "Big Change", quickly stepped forward, grabbed Xiao Wu, and pulled Xiao Wu behind him to protect him.

  And discovered Tang Hao's appearance, and heard Tang Hao say that he saw a hundred thousand year soul beast.

  Xiao Wu, who was playing happily, also suddenly changed her face. The little face that was still pink and tender just now turned pale. Hiding behind Su Mo, her delicate body trembled a little.

  "Senior, who are you? Why are you stopping us? We don't have the 100,000-year-old soul beast you mentioned, senior!"

  After protecting Xiao Wu behind him, Su Mo also pretended to look at Tang Hao in front of him. Ugly, while protecting Xiao Wu, she couldn't help saying.


  Tang Hao sneered a few times at Su Mo's words, and said.

  "I won't admit it wrong. You said you don't have a hundred thousand year soul beast here, so what's behind you?"

  "What's behind me?"

  Hearing Tang Hao's words, Su Mo couldn't help showing a puzzled look, and frowned.

  "Behind me is my god-sister, Xiao Wu, not the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast you mentioned. Senior, you are a titled Douluo-level majesty, so there's no need to embarrass us two juniors, right?"

  "Haha Boy, don't raise me up too much, so what about Title Douluo, in this world, even a Title Douluo would be moved if he met a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast with no resistance!"

  "After all In addition to producing a hundred thousand year soul ring, a hundred thousand year soul beast will also produce a hundred thousand year soul bone."

  "The hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone are ranked first in the treasure list of soul masters. And the second existence!"

  "Although the little girl behind you doesn't look like a hundred thousand year soul beast, she is actually in the form of a hundred thousand year soul beast. Of course you can't tell it because of your low strength, but I can see it!"

  "If you don't believe it, then you Just ask the little girl behind you!"

  Realizing that Su Mo didn't know Xiao Wu's identity, Tang Hao couldn't help laughing mockingly, then looked at Su Mo, and pointed directly at Xiao Wu , said coldly.

  "Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year-old soul beast?!"

  Hearing Tang Hao say that Xiao Wu was actually a 100,000-year-old soul beast, Su Mo's face suddenly showed disbelief. Still holding a trace of luck, he couldn't help grabbing Xiao Wu's delicate arm behind him, and said anxiously.

  "Xiao Wu, tell him quickly that you are not a 100,000-year-old soul beast!"

  At this moment, Su Mo's acting skills were so good that he could not believe that his godmother would be a 100,000-year-old soul beast. , but because the enemy is a titled Douluo with an extremely high status, there is no need to deceive him at all, so the struggle and entanglement that he had to believe was completely deduced.

  But in the face of Su Mo's anxious inquiry.

  Xiao Wu's innocent and lovely pink face was pale at the moment, and the hands holding the flower basket were clenched tightly, but there was always silence.

  "Xiao Wu..."

  There seemed to be some speculation in his heart, and Su Mo couldn't help showing a look of extreme pain and disbelief.

  Regarding this, Tang Hao was not surprised, he still followed the plan and said in a cold voice.

  "Boy, I give you two choices. Hand over this little girl to me. I can just let you go, but if you don't want to hand it over, then I can only kill you!" At the

  end, Tang Hao's tone was already full of murderous intent.

  Hearing Tang Hao's threat, Xiao Wu suddenly felt a burst of sadness and pain in her heart, and finally chose not to be silent anymore, with a trace of determination showing on her pale face, she looked at Su Mo full of reluctance and nostalgia.

  "Brother Su Mo..."

  Recalling that after leaving the Star Dou Forest, he went to the human world alone, but unexpectedly met Su Mo.

  The two came to Notting City together, stayed in the same hotel, and slept in the same bed.

  She liked the fresh and natural breath exuding from Su Mo's body.

  And later on, when the two of them had a meal, they unexpectedly met the coveted children of the nobles of Notting City.

  In order to protect himself, brother Su Mo bravely used his identity as an auxiliary soul master to meet Xiao Kuang, the lord of Notting City, and finally defeated him.

  Thinking of what Su Mo has done for her, Xiao Wu's heart is both warm and moved.

  The days she spent with Su Mo were her happiest and happiest days!

  Originally, she thought that this period of time would last forever, until she cultivated to the soul emperor and entered the maturity stage, even the titled Douluo would not be able to see her true identity.

  At that time, she will choose to be brother Su Mo's wife.

  Unexpectedly, before that day, she was discovered by a passing Title Douluo, and this Title Douluo wanted to take the life of Brother Su Mo because of her.

  She loves brother Su Mo deeply, so naturally she doesn't want to see brother Su Mo die because of herself.

  So, Xiao Wu couldn't help mustering up her courage, walked out behind Su Mo, looked at Tang Hao stubbornly, and said in an unyielding voice.

  "That's right! I am a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. I am willing to go with you, but I only hope that you will fulfill your promise and let Brother Su Mo leave. Otherwise, even if I commit suicide, I won't let you succeed!"

  "Xiao Wu !!"

  Hearing that Xiao Wu admitted that she was a soul beast, but was willing to leave the Title Douluo in front of her for her own sake, Su Mo suddenly showed a look of pain and emotion.

  In the pain and emotion, Su Mo finally seemed to have made up his mind, and he couldn't help clenching his fists. All the negative expressions on his face disappeared immediately, replaced by incomparable perseverance and determination.

  "Xiao Wu, I won't let you leave!"

  Taking a deep breath, when Xiao Wu was about to walk towards Tang Hao, Su Mo immediately stepped forward again, grabbed Xiao Wu's little hand, and held Xiao Wu Protected behind himself.

  "Xiao Wu, don't sacrifice yourself for me. I know that you may be afraid that I will know your true identity, but believe me, so what if you are a hundred thousand year soul beast? I don't care about your identity."

  " You are my godsister now, then you will be my godsister for the rest of your life, even if you are a soul beast, you can't change the relationship between us."

  "For you, so what if I die? To be able to live, this kind of life is just a life for me, I would rather die!"

  "So, let me protect you one last time!"

  Escorting Xiao Wu behind him again, Su Mo looked seriously and resolutely. Looking at Xiao Wu, said.

  "Woo~, brother Su Mo..."

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Xiao Wu couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, and was so moved that she couldn't help but threw herself into Su Mo's arms, big and big Tears flowed continuously from reddened eyes.

  "Be good! Don't cry!" Seeing

  Xiao Wu's crying, Su Mo couldn't help hugging Xiao Wu, gently stroking Xiao Lolita's back, and comforting Xiao Wu.

  While comforting Xiao Wu, Su Mo also raised his head to look at Tang Hao, with a free and easy expression on his face.

  "Senior, I have already chosen the choice you gave me, and I will choose the second one!"

  "Although with my strength, even death may not be able to protect Xiao Wu, but some things are more important than life and death."

  " Now I already know that Xiao Wu is a soul beast, but even if she is a soul beast, I will still protect her, if you want to capture her, senior, then step on my corpse first!"