Xiao Wu returns to her heart completely, rich rewards! (1)

Facing Tang Hao who was stepping on the sky in front of him.

  Su Mo acted freely and resolutely, as if he would not hesitate to die to protect Xiao Wu.

  At the same time, in Su Mo's mind, the sound of system improvement was constantly ringing.

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the heroine Xiao Wu's favorability has reached 90 points, and she pledges to each other!"

  "Congratulations to the host, you have received a reward: the chance to add memory x3!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the heroine Xiao Wu's favorability has reached 100 points until she dies." Unswerving!"

  "Congratulations to the host, get a reward: chance to modify memory x2!"

  'Ah, a great harvest! '

  Listening to the reminders that kept ringing in his mind, Su Mo was very excited and happy. He

  spent an opportunity to distort his mind, but he didn't expect to gain so much. It's really very happy!

  It can be said that he has made a lot of money!

  But because everything is not over yet, Su Mo can only be happy, but he didn't check the new memory modification rewards now.

  But it can be used as a reward for Xiao Wu's 100-point favorability, plus the name of the system is called the memory modification system.

  The memory modification opportunity obtained this time is definitely the most powerful reward of the system!

  "Boy, are you sure?" On the

  other side, when he heard that Su Mo had chosen the second option, Tang Hao couldn't help but frowned, speaking in a cold and unfriendly tone.

  For some reason, at the very beginning, Tang Hao felt that he was very happy to see the two choices given to Su Mo.

  If Su Mo chooses the first choice.

  Then he could give Su Mo a serious lesson with peace of mind, right to vent his anger for his son Tang San, and take revenge on Wuhundian by the way.

  And if Su Mo chooses the second option.

  Then he will also feel very gratified and happy to see a person who is like himself, who is willing to give everything for what he loves, regardless of the other party's status.

  Especially this person, who is still from Wuhundian.

  In his opinion, if Su Mo chooses the second choice he gave, it would be equivalent to a betrayal of Wuhundian in a sense!

  But after Su Mo chose the second option, he couldn't teach Su Mo a lesson.

  Tang Hao couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

  As for why this happened, Tang Hao himself couldn't give an answer.

  But looking at Su Mo in front of him, Tang Hao couldn't help thinking of the dream he had.

  The dream of his wife, A Yin, throwing herself in the arms of a strange young man in front of her!

  But just as soon as he thought of this, Tang Hao quickly suppressed this thought.

  On the one hand, Tang Hao still forcibly believes that this is just a simple dream, definitely not real.

  On the other hand, it was because Su Mo looked nothing like the handsome young man in the dream.

  Even if the previous dream was real, the young man in the dream could not be the Su Mo in front of him.

  He must have confused his hatred for the Wuhun Palace with his hatred for the young man in the dream, because he knew that Su Mo in front of him was from the Wuhun Palace.

  Therefore, the hatred for the youth in the dream was also transferred to this Su Mo!

  That's right! It must be so!

  And when Tang Hao tried his best to suppress himself, not to regard Su Mo in front of him as the young man in his dream, and questioned Su Mo.

  To Tang Hao's question, Su Mo also answered "categorically" and "categorically".

  "That's right, I'm sure! Xiao Wu, I won't let her be taken away by you like this. You can take her away, but you can only take her away by stepping on my corpse!"

  After saying that, Su Mo couldn't help but look He looked at Tang Hao "resolutely and decisively", and at the same time he reached out and summoned the tree of life stick martial soul, and the three soul rings of yellow, yellow, and purple surrounding him suddenly rose.

  Although Tang Hao is titled Douluo, the soul masters on the Douluo Continent, at least in the Douyi period, except for Wuhun who is a soul master of the spiritual department, basically no one can cultivate spiritual power!

  Therefore, even Tang Hao, with his current cultivation base lower than Su Mo's, could not resist Su Mo's spiritual-type soul skills, such as the fourth soul skill of Death Sickle: the influence of Abi Hell!

  "Brother Su Mo, if you die, Xiao Wu will definitely not live alone!"

  After Su Mo told Tang Hao that Xiao Wu could only be taken away by stepping on his corpse, Xiao Wu immediately stepped forward bravely, Standing with Su Mo, he looked at Tang Hao with a pair of beautiful eyes full of stubbornness and determination.

  "Boy, you have some courage!"

  Hearing Su Mo's determination, Tang Hao couldn't help narrowing his eyes, looking at Su Mo coldly, his tone full of coldness.

  "Then let me see your determination!"

  After speaking, Tang Hao rushed towards Su Mo.

  "Xiao Wu, get out of the way!"

  Seeing Tang Hao rushing over, Su Mo's expression changed, and he quickly pushed Xiao Wu aside, then raised the tree of life stick spirit in his hand, and shouted angrily In the middle, he greeted Tang Hao.

  But it's a pity, given that Su Mo's current strength is only at the level of a soul master, he was naturally sent flying by Tang Hao.

  After that, Tang Hao pressed and beat Su Mo casually, and kept sending Su Mo flying.

  But because Tang Hao kept his hand on purpose, although Su Mo seemed to be beaten badly, he was not actually injured.

  'Well... there should be no pretense. '

  While pressing and beating Su Mo, he realized that Su Mo should be sincerely willing to sacrifice his life for Xiao Wu. Tang Hao nodded inwardly, and was a little annoyed to confirm that Su Mo had passed the test, so he prepared to leave.

  "Boy, you are lucky this time, I will let you off this time!"

  After knocking Su Mo into the air for the last time, Tang Hao released his soul power to push away Xiao Wu who rushed up. He snorted coldly.

  After that, without waiting for Su Mo's answer, Tang Hao soared into the sky in an instant, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

  Su Mo and Xiao Wu looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why Tang Hao left so suddenly.

  "Brother Su Mo, did he just leave like this?"

  Seeing Tang Hao's disappearing back, Xiao Wu couldn't believe it.

  The human Titled Douluo in front of him has discovered her true identity, and with her and Su Mo's strength, they can't resist this Titled Douluo at all.

  Originally, she had already made up her mind that even if she died with Su Mo, she would never let the Title Douluo in front of her succeed, but she didn't expect him to leave just like that.

  "It should have really left. Although I don't know why, he should have let us go."

  "After all, with our strength gap, he can kill me and capture you casually, but before, he It seems that we haven't hit us hard, and I haven't suffered any injuries..."

  Su Mo said with a puzzled look on his brows.

  "Maybe it's because you acted too resolutely. He was afraid that he would die in the end. Even if you killed me, you would choose to commit suicide, and you wouldn't take advantage of him."

  "Although even if you commit suicide, you should leave a hundred thousand years Soul bone."

  "But anyway, he knows our existence and has enough strength, so he must still want to get your 100,000-year spirit ring and spirit bone as much as possible, so he let us go this time."

  "But now In fact, we are not really safe yet, if we don't think about it, if he comes again in the future, we will be in danger again."

  Looking at Xiao Wu, Su Mo couldn't help adding, expressing his inner "guess".

  "I'm not afraid of danger, as long as I can be with Brother Su Mo, I can do whatever I want. Anyway, just listen to Brother Su Mo."

  "If this nasty guy comes again, I will still be the same as this time." , if brother Su Mo is in danger, Xiao Wu will definitely not live alone!"

  Hearing Su Mo's "guess", Xiao Wu shook her head and smiled sweetly at Su Mo's bliss.

  However, although the smile on Xiao Wu's face is full of happiness and sweetness, it is full of determination and courage.

  "Xiao Wu..."

  Su Mo felt warm in his heart.

  After experiencing Tang Hao's test this time, it seems that Xiao Wu has completely turned her heart to him!